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TOPIC: Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon

Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277344624

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I am happy to say that this past Friday I had my Elist implant removed by Dr. Solomon. For those of you unfamiliar with my history, I had an Elist implant inserted in 2011, and then foolishly had it replaced with a larger one when there were edges present in 2012. Almost immediately, I found the southwest region of the implant (close to the base of my shaft on the left-hand side) to be somewhat loose and protrude from my shaft. I\'m fortunate that it didn\'t break through the skin, and intercourse was not a lot of fun for my poor wife due to the implant bump.

I knew it was inevitable that this unnatural contraption needed to be removed, and Marknmau\'s Removal inspired me to spring into action. Being on the East Coast, I opted to give Dr. Mark Solomon (from the Philly area) a try. The cost came to around $7,500. He was very professional and frank during his consultation, and advised me that my weakened sensation on the shaft could well be permanent (not simply due to the presence of the implant). He said that these nerves along the shaft are too small for plastic surgeons to be aware of, and when inserting a foreign object (in my case, not once but twice) into the penis the nerves will variably retain the same degree of sensitivity. When discussing the inevitable occurrence of scar tissue, I was told that the steroid shots that Elist gives patients are disastrous in the long-term (as they can result in holes in the penile skin). As he explained, the scar tissue would be necessary for filling in the vacuum left from the absence of the implant, and it would be through a Hanging device that I could expect to regain the expected loss of length.

The procedure itself went off without a hitch. I awoke to find my penis bruised and returned to its less than glorious Flaccid self (without the Elist implant to stretch it out). I was placed on a regime of percosets, an antibiotic and valium (to stifle night-time erections). I had a drainage tube that resembled a noodle protruding from my testicles, with bloodied gauze beneath. The pain was minor, and manageable as long as I lay elevated in bed. The next day, I had a follow up with the doctor who changed the dressing and instructed me to keep the penis wrapped in order to reduce the swelling. He told me that he removed a part of the capsule that had formed around the penis which would have retained liquid and been problematic. He left another part of the capsule that had formed around a nerve that he didn\'t want to disturb. I was told that this would not work out to my benefit for permanent Girth (to my disappointment, of course). Several days later, I returned to have my testicular drain removed and was instructed to pull on the penis for 2 5-minute intervals each day for up to 4 weeks. At approximately 4 weeks, I could expect to begin using a Hanging device.

Without measuring, my erections are noticeably shorter than normal. My EL has always been around 5.7 inches, and I\'m wagering I\'ve lost a full Inch. For some reason, I feel calm about the situation knowing that Hanging will likely get me back to where I was length-wise. I\'m optimistic that my Hanging regime will take me beyond, hopefully over the six-Inch mark. As my wife tells me first thing is first, but I have my sights set on PMMA once I\'m satisfied that my length is what it should be. I know that it\'s thanks to this community that I am not freaking out as much as I would without having read up on other people\'s experiences.Mark, I\'ll be PM\'ing you of course to catch up. If any other former Elist victims have any feedback to share, I\'d sure love to hear it!

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277447552

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2 weeks update:

Things are progressing nicely, and I\'m thrilled to no longer be walking around with an exploding dildo stuffed into my penis. My twice daily regimen of stretching for 5 minutes with 30-second intervals seems to be paying dividends. My initial retracted EL was about 4 inches, and at this point it appears to be about 4.5 inches. I don\'t begin Hanging for another 2 weeks, and am excited to think I might be able to get close to my original length back just by stretching, and then possibly go beyond my original length (5.7 inches EL) by Hanging. I\'ll be using the AutoExtender. My Erection quality seems to be super hard. The angle of my erections seems severely vertical (maybe 150 degrees from my testicles).

Does anybody have experience or knowledge about what that is, and how I can manage to normalize my Erection angles? I\'m assuming it\'s the scar tissue giving the Erect penis a very taut angle, and have begun bending my penis in various positions in order to make it more flexible when Erect. I\'m supposed to contact the doctor at 3 weeks out for a progress update, so I suppose he can tell me how to deal with that if my thread persists with crickets.

Also, it seems apparent that I\'ve maintained some capsule Girth (looks to be about 4.5 inches Flaccid and 5 inches Erect. It seems to be about as wide as my first implant (which my wife said made her feel filled), so I couldn\'t be happier about that!

So far, so good!

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277467178

Hi bro, best wishes for fast recovery.
was your last implant the one with the edges ? or the new implant with the mesh ?
I have the new implant for 4 months now. Why did you chose to remove the capsule ? I hear from other Guys WHO had it for years after Removal and still kept thier gains.

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277476443

Hi BostonMan,
I noted in my thread that my Erection angle post implant Removal is now almost vertical too. In addition the shaft has an upward curvature. All at the expense of pre surgery length. Erections are very hard though and I have retained a lot of thickness at the base. I really want the length back as I am still well under 6\" EL.
I spoke to Dr Alter in California about cutting the ligament. He said it wouldn\'t do any good.. that it was already cut. He said I have to stretch as much as possible to regain length. It will take months if not years to regain. At some point down the road he said it might be worth going in surgically and loosening up or removing scar tissue. now it is too soon and wouldn\'t do any good.

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277479942

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@TheDane: best of luck with your implant, and thanks for the kind regards! My first implant presented edges, and the second one had more mesh (but a section came loose and began poking up from the base of my shaft). Dr. Solomon left some capsule that surrounded a major nerve, and remove some capsule that he said would present a problem with fluid build-up. I\'ve retained enough capsule that I\'m at about the same Girth as I was with the first implant (which was the perfect Girth for me and my wife). If the Girth remains, I might be able to skip PMMA.

@RogueTrader: we are having very similar effects, and I\'m going to look for your thread after finishing up my reply. Are you Hanging as well as stretching? What has your stretching routine been like, and are you making any gains? I\'m supposed to be able to start Hanging a week from Friday. I\'ll let you know what Solomon had to say about the angle when I call him on Friday.

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277480109

I am Hanging. I use the autoextender VacADS 4.1 with a 10 lb weight. I don\'t think it is designed for that much weight though. Monkeybar is working on one that is. I asked him if he can make a cap that is broader and shallower to fit my glans better. He says he is working on it.
I am doing it as much as I can. On days off and weekends probably four plus hours per day. Evenings maybe one-two hours. I take it off to pee obviously and if any pain develops. I don\'t want to risk a blister. If that happens I can\'t hang for a week or more while it heals.
I bought a BIB too. I haven\'t used it though.
I read so many different things on Hanging and other ways to gain length. I don\'t know what to do. I wish there was a \'tried and true \" method. Basically I am going to go up to 15 lbs next week and try to stay there until it feels easy. Maybe I should increase the weight and decrease the time. I don\'t know. When at work or away from home I use the ESL40 stretcher. Gains aren\'t consistently measurable yet. It does feel kind of good though. I try not to get discouraged. I have only been at at nonstop now for a few months.
I actually had Dr Elist remove mine. Not sure if that was a good idea or not. Glad Dr Solomon is working out for you. Sounds like a valuable resource. Like to know what he says about the angle too.

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277532718

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@RogueTradeer, I just got off the phone with Dr. Solomon, and wanted to share what he told me as it may help to give you more direction. I\'m curious, as to what Dr. Elist told you. Does he have you in touch with one of his proxies? If so, have they been helpful at all? Did you say you still have capsule left? If so, is your Girth more or less the same with the capsule relative to when you had the implant in? I was given the go-ahead to begin Hanging for 30 minutes/day twice a day until my discomfort normalizes, and then increase by 15 minute increments. Ultimately, he wants me to get to a point where I can tolerate Hanging for 6 hours/day. When I asked him about a pump, he said he said that he\'s not recommending them because they\'re not the right tool to achieve the goal. When I asked him about applying more weight after a period of time, he explained that it\'s extended duration and not additional force that will achieve the goal. As he put it, \"1 pound over 6 hours is better than 6 pounds over 1 hour\". He said attempting to apply more weight over a short period of time is no different than briefly pulling on a rubber band. He explained to me that the bonding process for the collagen will take a year to fully mature, and to not expect anything currently out of whack (such as the angle and the retraction) to be normalized prior to 1 year\'s time. He said that even if the angle was not normal for me, it\'s still relatively normal to have the penis pointing at that angle. The goal (as he explained it) is to keep continuous weight on the penis over the course of that year in order to mold the collagen prior to the completion of its maturation process. I had purchased the AutoExtender (I think with a 6lb weight), and will begin Hanging as of Monday. When I asked him if this was any worse or better than The Grip System (the other one he recommends), he said they both work equally well. I\'m to contact him in 2 month\'s time with a longshot photo.

I believe the doctor has thus far been wrong about my Girth gains with the capsule he left in. He attributed my Girth at the time to swelling, but I\'ve since stopped wrapping for swelling (it didn\'t seem swollen at that point) and it\'s the same. My flacid Girth measures around 4.75 inches and Erect Girth measures at about 5.75 inches. These Girth measurements seem to be consistent with my first implant. He tells me that the capsule left there is permanent, so I\'m hoping this Girth is completely due to the capsule and not swelling. Does anyone (Messageman, Marknmau, etc.) have any information regarding that from their experience (i.e. does the Girth reduce as swelling goes down, or is it the same)?

My wife and I have had easy-going oral sex and intercourse a few times, and have thus far found my sensation to be reduced from where it was to begin with (but also increased from when I had the implant in, now that there\'s not a piece of plastic surrounding my organ). Some feedback from my wife that may potentially help guide people away from this implant even more: aside from hurting her with the edges, she said that it felt unnatural in terms of the temperature it emitted. She said it felt cold, and that one of the nice qualities about having a penis inside her was its warmth. This also extended to her enjoyment of my penis from an oral perspective. It seems to be as emotionally gratifying as it is physically gratifying for us both that my penis is now a more natural penis. Basically, everything I\'ve read from the experts here jives with what Dr. Solomon was saying: it\'s a marathon and not a sprint. I\'m feeling a little more at ease as my expectations are now more long-term.

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277536512

Hi guys
If you read my threads , you\'ll find that after removing my implant, I was actually able to gain length (more than pre implant length) after a few months of serious and regimented stretching.
Pre implant, I was about 7..25 inches...After the removal, my length retracted to barely 5 inches (erect). After I manually stretched and wore an all-day-stretcher for a few months, I was actually able to get up to 7.5 inches in length. . I then bought a bib hanger that gave me about 1/4 of an inch increase after a few months of use.
This brought me up to 7.75 inches.
I then had PMMA and only used an ADS for about 18 months,. I then started jelqing and manually stretching more regularly, and now I have an 8 inch erect penis. Last week was one of the first times in a long while I actually saw my cock erect against a ruler (not just stretched) and it was amazing to see \"8 inches\"
Regarding girth...I retained about .75 inches of girth from the leftover capsule. It appears to be permanent (knock on wood).
So guys...I am living proof that it is possible to get your length back...You just have to be very dedicated and consistent. I found my biggest gains came from using an all-day-stretcher. Also, try to manually stretch whenever you have the time...For example, watching TV (alone), driving (yes I do it on long drives)...whenever possible. Make it an obsession. Like anything, when you put your heart into it, great things can come about.
Best of luck!

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277537121

Messageman, thanks as always for your informative posts...Best to you.

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277541917

I Wonder why Elist dosnt make an implant build to make as much capsule as possible, put it in without stiching it to the penis head, leave it for 3-5 months and then to be removed Again and capsule gains remain.
Its an option that might be good solution for Girth.

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277545977

It is scar tissue which is unpredictable and not easily manipulated. Plus the lose
of length is a huge negative for most. I would never consider it after seeing the
Crime he is doing to men. I would try Loria magic cocktail before Elist implant.
If I was a gambling man.

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277546920

Hi BostonMan,
That info is very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to post it. Funny I never had a woman I screwed with the implant say it felt cold, but the woman I am with now says I make her Pussy hot lol.

Thanks for the encouraging post messageman. It helps. Personally I would be thrilled to be near 7\" EL... I think that is the critical Inch lengthwise, 6\"-7\", generally speaking. Curious what others think... as far as effectiveness for sex anyway. I find 5\" is too short. It come out too easy during intercourse and since I am still very thick unless I am real hard it is difficult to reinsert in her pussy.

Dane you got to be kidding. And don\'t give Elist any ideas.

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277566218

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@Messageman: Thank you for your very helpful response. Your success is encouraging, and feeling positive/encouraged is absolutely needed in no small amount of quantity! Do you have any knowledge about the Grip System? It is the main one recommended by Dr. Solomon, but I opted for the alternative he had suggested (AutoXleeve ADS/ANS System Bronze kit) due to the $200 difference in price. I tried it for the first time today, and found the silicon difficult to manipulate. If I use the weight, do I have to use a leg harness when seated in order to achieve sufficient force? Or if I\'m seated forward so the weight can dangle without resting on the chair, will the weight apply enough force on its own (I think it\'s a 5-pound weight)? I got a good 30-minutes in before feeling the discomfort, and then removed it. I intend to do this twice a day (in addition to my morning and evening session of manual stretching). IMO, it seems as though the Grip System may be a higher quality product. Here is the Grip System URL: : I agree with kcchief and roughtrader. The loss of length is not worth it, and the width (rather than the capsule) could be provided without this side effect by PMMA. Dr. Elist\'s implant needs to go away. I absolutely have buyer\'s remorse, and consider myself lucky for not emerging even worse for the wear. @Kcchief: is it a medical fact that the capsule is merely scar tissue? Dr. Solomon has also referred to it as a \"capsule\" (as though it were something different from scar tissue). While Dr. Elist\'s usage of the word would seem an attempt to elevate it from that of normal scar tissue, Dr. Solomon would have no reason to do so (quite the opposite). From various conversations I\'ve had with him, he has made it clear how potentially harmful and useless the Elist implant is (referring to it as a temporary splint). I would think if he could further denigrate the Elist implant by downgrading the word \"capsule\" to \"scar tissue\" (as a competitor with Dr. Elist) he would do so, no? The next time I\'m in contact with him, I\'ll check with him for the difference between capsule and scar tissue.@RogueTrader: no problem, glad I can help! I didn\'t find out about the implant\'s colder temperature and unnatural feel from my wife until having had it removed. Knowing her, she wanted to minimize the emotional damage resulting from the implant\'s painful and unpleasant effect on sex (so she withheld her full opinion until I had it out). Regardless, it gives me some hindsight and I\'m hoping it gives other guys some insight when considering the implant from the end-user (female) perspective. Of course, my wife\'s perspective is only one woman\'s perspective. As a community, we might do well to gather more data from the female perspective in order to solidify the case against the implant. There\'s already plenty of data from the male perspective.As far as your findings with length, I know it\'s all relative but take comfort you\'re a little better of than me: I\'m reduced to 4.5\" (down from 5.7\") length, and adding to the challenge is the higher-than-normal angle as well as my wife being prenant. Plus, reduced sensation makes it somewhat difficult to ascertain my entrance to her pussy. For the time being, it\'s all about the combination of giving her spectacular manual/oral as an appetizer before tried/true positions that best complement my reduced organ. These work for us:1. Spooning: with my body strategically positioned at a 35 degree angle from her body in order to maximize what I can give her.
2. Doggy style: in order to compensate for the higher-than-normal penile angle, I have to sit down and adjust the angle of my upright body.
3. Missionary with me standing up and supporting her butt/legs (which are dangling slightly from the side of the bed): again, I compensate for the penile angle with my upright body\'s angle.Does anybody else have some position suggestions for a higher-than-normal angle and reduced length?

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277568786

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I did my second Hanging session of the day, and didn\'t seem to feel the discomfort this time after 30 minutes...I hope I\'m doing it right. I found the silicone sleeve to be torn at the tip (probably as a result of my Removal of the silicone), requiring an adjustment with scissors. I\'m feeling like this product may not be a sustainable one, and am not loving the lack of control that I have over the silicon when rolling it up/down the shaft (for administering/Removal). It feels too forceful and it seems like I need to over-compensate with forceful manipulation of the silicone. I\'m definitely considering replacing this Hanger with something better.Any feedback as to whether or not I should consider getting the BibHanger, the Grip System or something else? Messageman, if you could do it all over again would you have started with the BibHanger right away after getting Elist\'s implant removed (as opposed to the other all-day Hanger)? Which all-day Hanger did you use? Can the BibHanger be an all-day Hanger, or is it meant for shorter-term sessions?

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Elist implant removal by Dr. Solomon 11 years 11 months ago #1277575841

Hi Boston
Unfortunately I don\'t have any experience with the grip system. I have been using just a silicon tube (bought off EBay), an elastic (bungee cord), and a velcro leg strap and it\'s done me very well. My ADS is a hybrid of things I bought off the Internet.
I can\'t overstate that I believe the All-day-stretcher is responsible for most of my reclaimed length gains. I have used the ADS continually since the Removal of my implant...even when I was using the Bib Hanger. The Bib Hanger is indeed a beautifully crafted device, and I would have used it longer (than 6 months) if it weren\'t for me undergoing a PMMA procedure.
I don\'t believe the Bib Hanger could be used as an all-day-Hanger. There are much alternatives out there anyway, so why would you want to use it as that.
There\'s a great support forum for the Bib Hanger you should check out if you are really interested in it.
Remember tenacity is the key ingredient to gaining length. You have to fully commit and make it an obsession (like anything else in life).
Best of luck, Messageman

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