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TOPIC: My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls.

My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 12 years 6 days ago #1277116612

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Hi All:

I\'ve had both the penile implant and testicle implants put in, and subsequently taken out. I\'ll detail it here. I\'ll try and be as direct and objective as I can be here given the circumstances.

I\'ve been on this site and others for about 3 1/2 years (I originally was a member of MNS where I was doing my first research). Although I have never posted my whole experience, I have talked to many members privately via phone, in person, and email/messages. Many members can corroborate my story (I won\'t say who but you can chime in anytime).

I\'ve always had small nutz and for some reason was really into having big balls. Not sure why, but you always want what you don\'t have! From a penis perspective, I had a good one, about 8 inches in length and pretty thick. In fact, I received comments from partners about how it was the perfect looking penis. But I got a nickname from partners about being \'All meat and no potatoes\'. I never took it that seriously and never took it too heart for more than what it was (my nutz were small but not freakishly small or anything). As for the penis, I was grower so you wouldn\'t know what you were getting until I got hard.

I didn\'t think you could do anything about making your balls larger until I saw an internet post from Dr. Elist about his ball implants. They sounded EXACTLY for what I was looking for. I am a bit anal retentive and did a lot of research about him. Called medical boards, check lawsuits etc and didn\'t find anything. Finally I gave his office a call and he described somewhat in detail about the procedure Although later I found out what he told me was not exactly true, and his procedure details changed over time as he perfected his technique. This I DID NOT know until much later after I decided to go ahead with the implants.

I also talked to three patients who had the implants put in. It took a lot of work to get these names from Elist. My biggest concern was about how they would feel. I was told by Elist that they would feel firm like a real testicle. The patients who supposedly got them said they were firm also (although their testimony lacked a bit in details also).

I\'ve never had any type of surgery done before so I was a bit naive when I look back now. Also, little bells in my head were ignored when I couldn\'t get a straight answer about how they would feel.

So I decided to schedule an appointment with Dr. Elist and booked a trip to Los Angeles, CA. From there I would decide.

When I arrived in DR. Elist\'s office, it was a typical upscale medical office. A friend also accompanied me to give me his opinion. I met Dr. Elist who was very sociable, brought in the implants (3 sizes). They felt pretty squishy and I thought these would feel great in my sack (especially the largest size). Unfortunately, he had no-one who had them installed where you could actually feel them inside.

I decided to go along with the surgery and paid around $7,000.

For the next couple of weeks my sack was swollen like a grapefruit and the skin was so stretched I thought that it might burst. I had no infection or anything, and finally the swelling went down.

My original fear was recognized, these implants felt like rocks! They also sat very strangely in my sack. When I went to see Dr. Elist again, he took a look and said, these look great! Best work I have done! (You will hear from others he says the same thing which disarms even the most objective person). I\'ve put a picture of them on here..

\"Would they get softer over time?\" I asked. Yes they will, I was told.

After three months nothing changed. The balls remained as they were.. Very tight under the penis and very hard.. Partners would comment about how hard they were, or why where they so hard.

My further conversation with Dr. Elist was that they looked great so what is the problem? He also mentioned that he was having a price special for his patients that might want the penile implant if I was interested. Now, I had never given any thought to doing anything to my penis. The only thing I would have liked is for it to be more of a shower than a grower. He also told me the penile implant felt very natural and added thickness and add more length while the penis was not erect.

The dichotomy of having a soft penis next to hard balls bothered me. I gave it some thought that it might be nice to even things out with the penile implant.

Again, I decided to do some research. I found this gentleman in MNS (his name was \"JOE\"). who had gotten the penile implant and wrote his experience day by day. It was very positive and detailed. I spoke with him on the phone. I was convinced this would be my next move.

After more conversations with a couple patients, I was told by Elist that these implants could be removed and everything would go back to normal. He had put the implants in thousands of patients and it was FDA approved.

After feeling comfortable, I booked another trip and spent thousands more dollars.

As I had mentioned before, I had been in contact with a couple of patients from MNS (phone and email) that had the implant. The night before I was to have surgery, I was never able to get \"JOE\" on the phone again or via email. The night after the surgery, another one of Elist\'s patients had sent an email that came oh so late.. \"Don\'t do it.\" As it turns out he had his out due to infection. My heart sank.

I found out later that \"JOE\" was getting paid by Elist to help attract patients. I also heard later that he had complications, and removal, with all of the typical issues that come with this surgery.

Good for him.

The implant was very hard and unnatural to the touch. There was a huge scar in the pubic region. the penis just looked strange. I was not happy.

Partners who touched the penis when soft sometimes pulled away (it felt normal when hard though).

Within 6 months, the huge scar in the groin area was still large, and the implant became undone where the head was attached.. My penis started shrinking under the implant. It looked freakish. I had had enough.

I made another appointment with Elist (flew to LA). He inspects me and says, hmmm. \"I\'ve never seen this before. We will have to reattach it. For another $2000 I will put the extra large in.\"

At that point I exploded and said \"Take the F-ING thing out of me now.\" I also told him I wanted the ball implants out at a later date (I knew that I would have alot of trauma from just one removal).

This is where Dr. Elist\'s lies and not-so-lies start to become apparent.

He told me that I had to pay for the facility. I told him no, I paid close to $15000 and HE would pay for everything. I was told we could do it right here in the office, the removal would be easy.

I agreed, still thinking he was somewhat a professional, urologist, on the board of UCLA etc.... Yeah, I\'m a f-ing idiot!

He asked if I wanted some medication other than an anesthetic. I asked if I would feel anything, which I was told no. I opted not to take anything but the anesthetic, so I was completely sober and could see what he was doing. Which I did.

I watched him cut and remove everything (I\'m not very squeamish, although there were times I did look away).

When I saw the implant out of me, I was shocked. It looked like two pieces of white silicone sewed with plastic wire. The two \"halves\" looked roughly cut (the seam between the two were not uniform, in fact, jagged looking). I couldn\'t believe that this \"expensive implant\" was what was inside of me.

The weeks following were what others have described. My penis shrunk to about 3 inches. I had a huge scar now about an inch and a half above my penis. I was extremely upset to say the least.

The months following I stretched and finally got my penis about to about/under 7 inches when erect. However, it was hanging strangely due to all the scar tissue. Three years later I am having issues with erections without using cialis/viagra. The scar I have is very noticeable and have had several injections of cortisone to keep it from growing. Dr. Elist is NOT a plastic surgeon and it shows. These details are in line with about 98% of all the men going through what I went through.

Your penis will NOT be the same after this procedure and removal. That is a bold faced LIE.

After the horror stories of others, I was happy to have a functioning penis at 7 inches. It was a bit thicker when erect, but when soft, it was actually smaller.

Also at this point I was unemployed and was having problems with money.

I emailed Dr. Elist concerning removal of the testicle implants. I was not happy with the guy but honestly, I didn\'t know who else could understand the removal. And because I did not have income, I was against a wall. I didn\'t want to have another year of my life taken away by not feeling good about myself.

Elist said he would take the implants out and all I would have to pay is the facility and anesthesiologist. I told him that was not an option. I went to him to make things BETTER. These surgeries (expensive ones at that) were for looks only and he did not deliver.

He then asked if I had insurance, which I did. He told me he would get approval from the insurance company and take care of it. I was told I wouldn\'t have to pay anything.

The implants were removed. I couldn\'t have been happier.

One and a half years later my nutz look even smaller. The scrotal skin is constantly acting like it is cold outside by retracting, even when it is 100 degrees out. One of my testicles is connected much shorter than the other. It doesn\'t hang at all and is mostly pulled \"inside\" behind the penis making me look like I have only one nut. It is VERY uncomfortable. Basically, it looks like I don\'t have nutz now unless you look closelyl

To make matters worse, the facility Dr. Elist used for the removal was not paid. I am getting bills from them. Dr. Elist and his assistant do nothing about this and have since stopped responding to email about it.

I\'ve left out a few details here for reasons I don\'t want to discuss right now, but basically everything is here. Alot of the details include the pain and psychological issues that come along with this experience.

This is my opinion only. However, I have spoken to MANY of his patients and the stories are all simlar.

Dr. Elist is a charmer. I find it amazing that a DR who is supposed to enhance what you want does just the opposite in the end. When you walk into that office he is able to disarm you even when you know something is amiss. Don\'t make the same mistake I made. These implants do not delivermwhat he promises. And for sure, You CANNOT remove these without issues.

It was a hard journey. Mind was much better than others on here.

I\'ll find pictures of the penile stuff if I can find it and post later.

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 12 years 6 days ago #1277116884

Thank you for posting your story, although it breaks my heart like many other reports written by Elist\'s patients on this forum.

There is basically one question which we need to answer: can dr. Elist be stopped? A class action is the only possible response, in my opinion.

This state of affairs is unbearable.

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 12 years 6 days ago #1277121823

I am sorry to hear you story. This man needs to be stopped I can\'t believe he gets away with his incompetence
. He is lucky to be alive let alone still practising.

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 12 years 6 days ago #1277121835

I was thinking about testicle enlargement... I\'m glad I seen the light.

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 12 years 5 days ago #1277132055

I will trade you my nut sack/Balls that hang half way down my thighs for your 7 inchers Dog........... Im Motion In Ocean, you remember me, we\'ve had extensive talks about this psycho doctor & the procedures hes put us through.............he will be stopped, just a matter of time!

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 12 years 4 days ago #1277148255

Hey Dog
Thanks for the great, informative post.
For the members out there that aren\'t familiar with Dog, though he doesn\'t post frequently, he\'s been around for years...On this board, the old PhalloBoards, and the notorious MyNewSize board. Dog and I and have had several long conversations on the phone, and I can absolutely confirm that that what he has written is true. Together, Dog and I endured the terrifying experience of the implant, and the nutiness that comes part and parcel with Dr. Elist\'s bags of lies and shenanigans...

Dog, you\'ve been through the trenches, and I truly hope the issues with your testicles and lost length of your penis will eventually be (completely) resolved.


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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 11 years 10 months ago #1277678139

I just had surgery done last Friday 04-12-2013, DR. Elist Implant, and I\'m really worried right now. My Balls are huge, and black (I\'m white). My penis looks deformed as shit, and I wish I could I have seen these threads earlier!! I was 6.5inches Erect in length, and 5.5 in Girth, and now I\'m afraid I lose most of it, I know it hasn\'t even been a week yet, but I was wondering if anyone knows anyone near Chicago that can remove the implant for cheap, before anything really serious happens dr elist said he\'ll remove it for $2500 but I don\'t have that much money right now, fuck my life ,

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 11 years 10 months ago #1277685075

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@Dog and @JazzyJ: do you mind contributing your experiences to the following thread that will eventually be sticky/centralized? We\'re trying to consolidate the histories of all Elist implantees in order to more effectively inform potential victims:

@thachosenone2013: please keep posting updates to the thread you had begun under patient updates. Eventually, when you\'ve had some resolution or conclusive opinions about your implant (meaning either it\'s been in for awhile and you\'re happy with it, or else you had it removed) we\'d love to have your contribution there as well.

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 11 years 10 months ago #1277687377

Combining all the Elist disasters somehow to a single thread is a GREAT idea!!!

It needs to come up at the top of Google whenever this man or his procedure is searched.

I can\'t believe people are still having this done!!! The slightest investigation will lead you here.

When I first looked into the possibility of altering my Cock (2 years ago) his website was the first one I found. I was thrilled for a few hours until I dug a little deeper and found this site. I don\'t know if I would have done it, but finding this forum certainly made it a NO GO!!!

My sympathies go out to all who have been duped by this butcher. Lets put a STOP TO HIM!!!

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 11 years 10 months ago #1277687802

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@Rocker: you raised a great point, we\'ll need to compete with Dr. Elist for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

@MM, @SO, Moderators, etc.: I can see that this site doesn\'t appear to be optimized for search engines (I\'m a professional web developer, and was poking around in the code). There are no meta tags with keywords, nor are there any headers (just the topic in bold in the breadcrumb navigation area). For headers, if you were to repeat the topic in a h1 tag at the top (perhaps beneath the navigation), that would add a lot of weight in search engine results. For meta keywords, is there a way to add tagging functionality for each post\'s intake process, which can then dynamically populate meta keywords in its view state?

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 11 years 10 months ago #1277688439

bostonman5555 wrote: @Rocker: you raised a great point, we\'ll need to compete with Dr. Elist for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

@MM, @SO, Moderators, etc.: I can see that this site doesn\'t appear to be optimized for search engines (I\'m a professional web developer, and was poking around in the code). There are no meta tags with keywords, nor are there any headers (just the topic in bold in the breadcrumb navigation area). For headers, if you were to repeat the topic in a h1 tag at the top (perhaps beneath the navigation), that would add a lot of weight in search engine results. For meta keywords, is there a way to add tagging functionality for each post\'s intake process, which can then dynamically populate meta keywords in its view state?

I can work on that, and if you have free time, I could use your assistance. I should note, however, that simply Googling \"Dr. Elist,\" our forum has pretty decent visibility on even the first page.

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 11 years 10 months ago #1277689091

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@SO: True enough that we get on the first page. However, we\'re not outranking him. I would love for PhalloBoards pages to outrank his misinformation in Google searches. If we\'re showing up on the front page, with a little push we could probably achieve that!

I\'d be happy to assist. If you\'d like, PM me with the specifics. I\'m assuming I\'ll need FTP and db access if I\'m going to be making direct changes. BTW, if I\'m entrusted with credentials to assist with site changes does that mean my account can be elevated to \"Moderator\"?

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 11 years 10 months ago #1277692616

bostonman5555 wrote: @SO: True enough that we get on the first page. However, we\'re not outranking him. I would love for phalloboards pages to outrank his misinformation in Google searches. If we\'re showing up on the front page, with a little push we could probably achieve that!

I\'d be happy to assist. If you\'d like, PM me with the specifics. I\'m assuming I\'ll need FTP and db access if I\'m going to be making direct changes. BTW, if I\'m entrusted with credentials to assist with site changes does that mean my account can be elevated to \"Moderator\"?

At this time I\'ll probably need tips via PM/email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) as how best to optimize our search engine results, since it was decided long ago (between myself and a former Moderator Evil Pneivel), access to the site\'s control panel and/or account wont be revealed under normal circumstances. As a matter of fact, no Moderator has access to these things. It\'s not that I don\'t trust any of our Moderators (or else they wouldn\'t be Moderators), but site access is too sensitive to make available to someone I have never met in person. I hope you have my understanding, and I feel that we can make an effective use of PM/email (email preferred) in improving our search engine visibility.

As for new Moderators, we aren\'t seeking any immediate openings, however if you are interested I will certainly keep that in mind.

Thanks again Bostonman!

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My Dr. Elist Experience 3 years out. Penile and Balls. 11 years 10 months ago #1277695132

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Sounds good, SO. I\'ll reach out to you via PM, and I\'m interested in being a moderator if a slot opens up.

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