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TOPIC: My Long Painful Journey

My Long Painful Journey 12 years 1 month ago #1276725161

Since I have been asked to re tell my history in a couple of posts that I posted I decided to start it here.

In 2003 I had dermal graphs in which I gained about 1/4 of an Inch in Girth, but also developed 2 noticable nodules.

In 2010 I had Belladerm in which the surgery was successful for a little over one day, unti the stitching broke and I developed 2-3 bumps of tissue underneath the glans area. I also developed an infection near the glans where the stitching had popped open a little bit and left an unclosed incision.

About 3-6 months later I went back under to have the incision stitched up and some of the infectious part removed. The surgeon went through the pubic area to remove some of the infection. That night the Belladerm either relocated to the the pubic area or absorbed and I developed a lot of scar tissue in the pubic area. At first I thought it was scar tissue, but now I believe it actually might be the Belladerm that just reloacted from the shaft to the pubic area leaving a 3 Inch thick wall of tissue making it impossible to wear a stretcher of to have sex.

I have looked into quite a few reconstruction surgeons as you can see on my previous posts and I had a surgeon picked out and it turns out that he does not take my insurance, so I am currently looking into plastic surgeons that operate at universities, which are also teaching hospitals where a lot of surgeons continue to learn new techniques and stay up to date on technology.

One aspect of my reconstruction surgery is that I need to find a plastic surgeon who is capable of going through my previous incision which is right around the head area where there is a lot of feeling and nerves. The one thing about plastic surgeons at universities is that they are harder to get a hold of and they usually don\'t have previous before and after pictures to show you their results, so my journey has been rough as hell.

Also after having two unsuccesful surgeries and losing a whole lot of money, it makes you want to double check and make sure that the surgeon you go with is confident that they can do the surgery and you want to at least have seen some before and after pictures since it is your penis they are operating on and not your teeth.

I\'m hoping that my story has helped some other brothers understand where I am coming from and by providing my past information it is easier for others to give ideas.

I don\'t know if anyone who has needed reconstruction work has tried looking into plastic surgeons at Universities as a possiblity of finding one who might have the knowlege and the skill to do a successful reconstructive surgery? If you have please comment on this topic and share your experience and thoughts. Even if you haven\'t needed reconstruction surgery, but if you could imagine you were in my situation and needed the surgery performed by someone who accepts most insurances, please comment on this with your thoughts or ideas and if you think this is a good approach.

Also, if anyone on the boards knows of a good University that is especially good when it comes to plastic surgery and reconstruction, please feel free to mention the University.

Thanks Brothers, I still believe with your help I will be able to find the right surgeon and finally have the surgery.

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My Long Painful Journey 12 years 1 month ago #1276774638

I don\'t know what to say other than it is good to get this off your chest and share with others.

In my experience when you have a serious problem like yourself it is best to find the most experienced surgeon available. So maybe you should not have a younger doctor in a university do this.

Also this website does not seem to be geared toward helping people with bad results. Most guys just want to talk about how big they are. Really it does not help small guys like me, or injured guys either.

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My Long Painful Journey 12 years 1 month ago #1276775491

Snoopy wrote: Also this website does not seem to be geared toward helping people with bad results. Most guys just want to talk about how big they are. Really it does not help small guys like me, or injured guys either.

With all respect I disagree somewhat. I think this board is full of people who want to help in any way they can. Many on the board will try to convince people to not have the procedure in the first place. I think the reason there is less focus on helping people with a bad result is because people aren\'t really sure what to suggest.

Of course there will be some bragging or excitement about how big someone is...they\'ve felt inadequate their whole life and now that feeling is replaced by a feeling of confidence and security. It would be hard not to have some of that here. But overall I think just about everyone here would do anything they could to help another member.

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My Long Painful Journey 12 years 1 month ago #1276775680

Snoopy wrote: I don\'t know what to say other than it is good to get this off your chest and share with others. In my experience when you have a serious problem like yourself it is best to find the most experienced surgeon available. So maybe you should not have a younger doctor in a university do this. Also this website does not seem to be geared toward helping people with bad results. Most guys just want to talk about how big they are. Really it does not help small guys like me, or injured guys either.

That\'s not at all true. The only reason this board exists is to try and help people. I\'m not exaggerating when I say in the last 24 hrs I\'ve sent at least 20 PMs or emails trying to advise guys who have problems. On top of that I\'ve made several posts on the board in the last day or two trying to advise people with problems. I know the other Mods deal with a similar amount PM requests asking for advice following PE surgery related problems.

The thing is people often feel reluctant to post about their problems on the board. I\'ve mentioned my surgical issues many times, but I\'ve never told my story in full. I always intend to when i reach a point of resolution, but that hasn\'t happened yet. I think most guys with problems feel like that. It\'s bad enough dealing with these things, but writing about them, when they are still unresolved can be seriously depressing. I want to write a triumphant story, or at least one that ends with my penis being somewhere close to back to normal.

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My Long Painful Journey 12 years 1 month ago #1276778642


I felt LFA really stuck his neck out to plea for help, and nobody even took the time to reply.

But like you said it may be more of a case of guys not knowing how to help as opposed to not wanting to help.

I know this is hard to believe but I have read every post on this website over the past year. I thought finally I found a solution to my life long problem. Even though I was laid off in 2009 and have been on foodstamps for the past 3 yrs, I was able to save enough money for my first round in March by selling used clothing at the swap meet for my younger brother who also can not work due to permanent disability.

But now I feel like I wasted all this time for nothing. I guess what I am saying is Hoddle you are one of the most helpful guys here but you don\'t even have PMMA. I decided it was for me after reading about sizemic, gmxr, and miracle 7. However I have come to realize that although there is a tremendous amount of info here about how to get bigger, there is practically nothing that covers what to do if it all goes wrong.

I hope others recognize this alarming situation as well before they take the plunge.

I know you have not recovered Hoddle, but it might be just as helpful to share what went wrong, instead of waiting for what saved you. Without a doubt there are others who do not want to share until they are better, but this does not help us realize the real risk new guys are taking.

LFA, I really hope you find the help you need. You sound like a good guy who deserves the best medical treatment available. Please do everything in your power to get the help you need. I will be praying for you successful recovery.


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My Long Painful Journey 12 years 1 month ago #1276781874

Snoopy wrote: Carljohnson, I felt LFA really stuck his neck out to plea for help, and nobody even took the time to reply. But like you said it may be more of a case of guys not knowing how to help as opposed to not wanting to help. I know this is hard to believe but I have read every post on this website over the past year. I thought finally I found a solution to my life long problem. Even though I was laid off in 2009 and have been on foodstamps for the past 3 yrs, I was able to save enough money for my first round in March by selling used clothing at the swap meet for my younger brother who also can not work due to permanent disability. But now I feel like I wasted all this time for nothing. I guess what I am saying is Hoddle you are one of the most helpful guys here but you don\'t even have PMMA. I decided it was for me after reading about sizemic, gmxr, and miracle 7. However I have come to realize that although there is a tremendous amount of info here about how to get bigger, there is practically nothing that covers what to do if it all goes wrong. I hope others recognize this alarming situation as well before they take the plunge. I know you have not recovered Hoddle, but it might be just as helpful to share what went wrong, instead of waiting for what saved you. Without a doubt there are others who do not want to share until they are better, but this does not help us realize the real risk new guys are taking. LFA, I really hope you find the help you need. You sound like a good guy who deserves the best medical treatment available. Please do everything in your power to get the help you need. I will be praying for you successful recovery. Snoopy

LFA has been in contact with forum members for about 2 years. He\'s posted previously and at the old forum where we did our best to advise him. I\'ve also exchanged emails with him offering what ever I could over the last couple of years. There is only so much forum members can do. We can\'t literally fix anyone\'s problems.

I\'ve shared what went wrong with my surgeries on countless occasions. I just haven\'t put it all in one thread from the beginning to the end yet. That is because I hope I haven\'t reached the end of my journey. But I\'ve never kept anything back and frequently talk about my experiences, which I think is why i tend to get so many PMs asking for advise.

As for guys not realizing the risk they are taking, if you read the forum more carefully, you\'d see I and others post on a virtually daily basis about the high risks involved in Phalloplasty. This is the first surgical PE forum that has had such a high amount of success stories (to date). I firmly believe (in fact it\'s blatantly true) that this is because of the almost militant opposal to surgical methods.

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My Long Painful Journey 12 years 1 month ago #1276782719

Snoopy wrote: Carljohnson,

I felt LFA really stuck his neck out to plea for help, and nobody even took the time to reply.

But like you said it may be more of a case of guys not knowing how to help as opposed to not wanting to help.

I know this is hard to believe but I have read every post on this website over the past year. I thought finally I found a solution to my life long problem. Even though I was laid off in 2009 and have been on foodstamps for the past 3 yrs, I was able to save enough money for my first round in March by selling used clothing at the swap meet for my younger brother who also can not work due to permanent disability.

But now I feel like I wasted all this time for nothing. I guess what I am saying is Hoddle you are one of the most helpful guys here but you don\'t even have PMMA. I decided it was for me after reading about sizemic, gmxr, and miracle 7. However I have come to realize that although there is a tremendous amount of info here about how to get bigger, there is practically nothing that covers what to do if it all goes wrong.

I hope others recognize this alarming situation as well before they take the plunge.

I know you have not recovered Hoddle, but it might be just as helpful to share what went wrong, instead of waiting for what saved you. Without a doubt there are others who do not want to share until they are better, but this does not help us realize the real risk new guys are taking.

LFA, I really hope you find the help you need. You sound like a good guy who deserves the best medical treatment available. Please do everything in your power to get the help you need. I will be praying for you successful recovery.


This is ridiculous
The amount of work and effort the moderators and many regular members put into helping out their fellow board members is enormous.
If indeed you have read all the posts on this board, and don\'t have reading comprehension issues, you would know this. Hoddle, Skeptical One, Miracle (all moderators) have posted over 1000 posts each (Skeptical One has over 2000) designed to educate and help other members. Very rarely do they solicit advice for their own situation or benefit. This does not include the countless regular members who put in time and effort to help their fellow board members. You, on the other hand, scornfully write \"nobody even took the time to reply\" , admit having read all the posts on this over the past year, have managed a whopping total of 10 posts on this board. What a prolific contribution!
Your accusation that this board is only concerned with \'getting bigger\" is absurd. There are countless threads dealing with various dangers and risks of PE...And every time a new member suggests the idea of undergoing a PE procedure, it is usually met with moderator suggesting to wait and warning about the risks of such procedures.
Please get your facts straight before posting such silliness.

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My Long Painful Journey 12 years 1 month ago #1276784519

I venture to say that over 90% of my PersonalMessages are either related to or directly concerning complications, advice on Phalloplasty and hormone optimization. I recently had to clear out my PM\'s because my inbox had exceeded the 400 message limit. As an individual that has undergone corrective surgery for Peyronie\'s Disease and augmentation via PMMA, I am constantly bombarded with questions. I don\'t believe that members and guests have any clue as to how much work actually goes into answering the questions and enforcing forum rules. It is a part time job to say the least. I know that I\'ve helped hundreds of men through their struggles with size inadequacy, curvature, depression, relationship issues, etc. I feel great knowing that I\'m making a difference. I recently was sent a PM by a veteran wanting to know my opinion on Ligamentolysis. I told him not to get the procedure. He\'s still going through with it and all I can do is wish him the best. It is extremely rare that I advise someone to take the plunge. I possess a comprehensive knowledge of penile anatomy/physiology and do not agree with many that opt to undergo penile augmentation. I recall several accounts where I\'ve attempted to offer advice to LFA in the past. I have to agree with carljohnson. This board is a meeting place, a refuge, a sanctuary where all can aid in troubleshooting an issue, praising good results or simply offering moral support to a \"procedure gone wrong\". We don\'t have an appropriate/accurate answer for everything especially considering the realm of PE is vast and complications can be complex. We are not doctors. We don\'t have your medical records. If you have a problem that we cannot assist you with and is persistent, see a damn Urologist/psychologist/endocrinologist! It is one thing to call on others whom underwent the identical procedure and make queries. Alas, we cannot help everyone but from experience, I believe that SkepticalOne and all the Moderators do an exemplary job in educating and supporting members and guests. The only reward we get is the personal gratification of serving our fellow man. Think about it.

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