Hey guys, I dropped in today to update a little on my current situation. It has now been well over a year since I went for the procedure and things are good!
I have no pains or problems to speak of, my penis feels natural and I do not really think about the fact that it has had stuff injected into it.
I have great feeling in my penis when
Erect and during intercourse.
I lost a little bit of length. About 1/2
Erect? I feel confident that I could regain this if I worked on it or stretched, but honestly I don\'t really care!
In short. I am very satisfied with my procedure and the results.
My personal life has been getting better and better. This is not only attributed to the procedure, but it has certainly played an important role.
The sexual power shift that has occurred as a result of being able to give my wife vaginal orgasms on a whim, have resulted in us expanding our sexualities together by leaps and bounds. Without being too graphic, my wife is having mostly orgasms from anal penetration these days, and I keep the vaginal penetration for special situations etc. The submissive streak in her is now a mile wide and we both love it.
We got a live in maid/nanny who we are also both sexually active with. Awesome. Awesome. Awesome.
Finally, The gym. I mentioned in an earlier update how I get quite a few looks at the gym now with this thing
Hanging low after lifting heavy. I had a very cool experience out of the blue a few months ago when a guy approached me and after a bunch of fishing around and leading questions he finally felt comfortable enough to offer me a bj from him and his girlfriend.....
...So I got my
Dick sucked in the back of their Tahoe in the gym parking garage. I am not gay, or even bi (although some might argue this experience messed up my stats) but the euphoric big
Dick power feeling I got from that whole experience was amazing. Going from being beat down and feeling pretty low about my size, to being offered gratuitous sex from strangers because they see my
Cock is amazing. I went home to my wife and after telling her all about it (and her getting past the whole \"but what about AIDS?! thing) she about creamed her pants. Major turn on for her too. Score!
oh and of course some pictures. My
Cock measures 7 legit inches on the dot when fully
Erect (loss of about 1/2).
Flaccid I am between 5 and 5-5 ish.
Girth hasn\'t really been measured since after the procedure (I lost my tailors tape in a move) but I am about as wide as an iphone 5
Flaccid/slightly engorged. If I just got out of a cold pool, my shit is like 3 inches and looks like a fat wad of bubblegum (still looks natural-ish)
Erect my
Girth is obnoxious and very filling
The pictures are of my unit while it is engorged and plump after the gym. Disregard The creepy michael jackson glove thing, I was working on something unrelated to this when I took the photo. Iphone 5 width device courtesy of the nanny!
I don\'t have a \"pg\" rated
Erect photo, so that part you guys will just have to imagine
I hope my post gives you guys some good info and doesn\'t come off as bragging too much (Make no mistake, I am bragging)