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TOPIC: PMMA swelling

PMMA swelling 12 years 1 month ago #1276260649

Any other PMMA patient experience swelling after sex?

Seems to happen to me randomly.... and sometimes it swells pretty large.


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PMMA swelling 12 years 1 month ago #1276260724

Mikehok definitely experiences this.

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PMMA swelling 12 years 1 month ago #1276260731

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PMMA swelling 12 years 1 week ago #1276561362

I have the swelling that is mentioned on the above thread, and I actually like that because it only lasts a day at the most, doesn\'t hurt and actually makes penis bigger and more fun to use.

I think my question was more around a chronic inflammation --- which brings up a good question.

What is it, and is it different than a FBG?

I\'m thinking there are two other major types of inflammation, a chronic inflammatory reaction is where the area has an influx of pro-inflammatory biochemicals and cells causing pain, swelling, and redness. And then the granuloma which is a specific inflammatory reaction that involves macrophages surrounding the foreign body encapsulating it forming a Nodule/granuloma.

I think I might be having the former ... as its been swollen for a month and doesn\'t respond to the usual Ibprofen of the world ... my Urologist will help make that decision over time. To help however, if I could get some stories from others around this, it would help ...

Are any other members having a chronic inflammatory reaction to PMMA?


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PMMA swelling 12 years 1 week ago #1276565014

I usually have swelling the morning after sex. It dissipates usually in a day or two.

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PMMA swelling 12 years 1 week ago #1276567131

Yup ... thats what I have had as well.

Ibprofen usually helps with that.

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PMMA swelling 12 years 1 week ago #1276608217

So whats the update darkstaff?

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PMMA swelling 12 years 3 days ago #1276660175

Well the good news is that I found a Urologist in Austin that I really like... he does alloderm procedures, however is new to the world of PMMA

I print out a lot of materials when I go see him, which he seems to like...

He has diagnosed me with a FBG going on in my penis & I recieved a 1cc Kenalog shot it the butt on the 17th... so ~2 weeks ago.

However the Urologist really doesnt want me to do any more Kenalog shots if possible... he wants me to try and weather the storm for a year while it either goes away, or hardens around the FBG so it can be removed.

Adverse symptoms are really around urethral and base of penis pain.

The swelling inside my penis .. urethral pain is the worst. A achy pain that drives one crazy ...
My Urologist prescribed me Phenazo for it when needed. It take a few hours to kick it, but at least I have something... it also turns my urine like a dark orange, red color...

The swelling doesnt respond to Ibprofen at all...

Also, we are hoping that the swelling is related to the FBG on the right side of my penis, and not a general inflammation issue...

He other big issue is the mental aspects --- I\'ve been dealing with another serious health issue with my stomach at the same time I\'m dealing with this... and I try not to blame myself ... or be hypercritical of myself... having a good support system in place is definitely key... this forum really helps me... and Dr.C & Wade have been trying to help, along with my close family... so good news on that front. Dr C suggests monthly Kenalog to the penis... my Urologist does not... so I guess I\'m going by the advice of my local doctor --- and playing it by ear.

Here are a few pictures... the swelling is definitely down compared to a month ago... but I can tell its starting to get bigger over the last few days... I have my fingers crossed (and im praying nightly) that it goes down.


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PMMA swelling 12 years 3 days ago #1276662012

What does FBG stand for please? I\'m not familiar with the abbreviation.

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PMMA swelling 12 years 3 days ago #1276662709

FBG = Foreign Body Granuloma

DS thank you for sharing your update. I was wondering how you were doing and I am happy you found a doctor you like, and that you chose a Urologist in the USA.

From your pictures I can not see the granuloma. But you indicated it is on the right side, is the tissue harder there or more swollen ? It looks like the whole penis shows some minor inflammation. To be honest, I am not sure if the Kenalog will help the FBG. 1cc of Kenalog 40 is a low dose. You were injected in the buttocks which means it has to act systemically, not locally. In other words it will be diluted as it spreads though your whole body.

The PMMA doctors have advocated injecting the FBG directly. Of course this is more aggressive and can have unintended consequences. And unfortunately their papers are more marketing pieces than sound science which demands double blind independent studies.

It sounds like your doctor is more conservative, a good thing. Please try to be patient and remember that stress can aggravate your symptoms. Also let us know if the Phenazo brings some pain relief.

One last question, have you tried abstaining from sexual activity for a few weeks ?. By arresting the inflammation cycle, this might clear things up naturally, without any intervention.

Best Wishes. BB

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PMMA swelling 12 years 3 days ago #1276662886

Hi BigBen

There was a large mass on the right side --- that had gone down about 80% after the shot... when I saw the Urologist a 2nd time, he told me \"well there is definitely some sort of foreign granuloma going on here\" ... but its not a hard bump -- and its hard to localize.

Yes the PMMA docs want injections directly, but my Urologist does not want to do that immedately.. which I\'m OK with.

Abstaining from sex is the hardess part... I love my new larger penis... so... I\'m trying...

I\'ll continue to keep the board updated... maybe even setting up a drudge report thread like CHL to help other people that might have PMMA issues like I am...

I think your point about stress is SPOT ON ... and so that would be the 1st recommendation ... try not to stress out...


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PMMA swelling 12 years 3 days ago #1276662982

It sounds like you are on top of everything, and glad to hear the FBG is smaller.

Stress, diet and exercise can all have an impact on hormones and inflammation so don\'t be afraid to experiment and see what works best for you.

And yes please keep us up to date with your progress !

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PMMA swelling 12 years 3 days ago #1276663773

Yes they can.

If you look at my history ... November 1st, I went into AFIB after gorging myself on Halloween.

My neurotic brain thought maybe it was PMMA ... I convinced myself that it was... I even had a call with Dr C and Wade about it... my chest was killing me, and I was going into AFIB over and over... my thought pattern --- well it _has_ to be PMMA...

then in December I find out I have a sick stomach (hernia and h.pylori to name a few things wrong with it) ... that brought some relief.

However by this time the mental strain of 2 months had not helped my physical condition... and bam, I get a FBG...

Would it have happened if I wasn\'t so stressed? ... I would put my money on it that it would not have.

There was this saying that my MBA professor always used to use:

\"Thoughts become actions, actions become habits and habits become your fortune\".

In other words ... if you think that something might happen ... changes are greater that it will that if you had not thought that way.


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PMMA swelling 12 years 3 days ago #1276663999


We still have not yet have had a confirmed FBG in a Dr. C penile bioplasty patient to date, unless of course yours is the real deal. I\'m curious to know to what degree of certainty your physician believed it was a FBG? Were any biopsies done? I only ask this because you admitted your physician was pretty new to PMMA, and others similarly mistaken nodules as a FBG.

It would do this forum (and your penis) an important service to get to the bottom of the actuality of this condition. It will also help get a better grasp for treatment options. Is your doctor in contact with Dr. C? This would be wise as well, having Dr. C exchange notes with your Urologist could prove most beneficial.

Whatever it is, Nodule, FBG, etc, I hope it\'s resolved quickly! Thanks for keeping this forum updated on your progress and good luck!

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PMMA swelling 12 years 3 days ago #1276664280

He was not a Dr C patient but Fran from Berlin documented the Removal of FBG\'s in the complications thread in Jan last year resulting from his Metacril injections in Brazil.

The penis is a bad location to have a biopsy since it would be more invasive than the PMMA injections and likely aggravate the swelling short term. Longer term there is a small possibility of provoking scar tissue and and adhesion so most doctors will not excise material for pathology examination unless they feel something serious is going on requiring possible surgical intervention.

FBG really just means a foreign material (the PMMA) is causing the swelling. It is possible the swelling could be from another issue, but likely it would not alter the course of treatment (Kenalog, wait and see). At the end of the day, the doctors duty is to relieve the patients ailment. It is unlikely he will be motivated uncover the exact root cause as it will add more time, cost and stress to the patient.

So really FBG or not, I think the important thing is just to be patient and hope it continues to improve, which I think is likely the case.

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