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TOPIC: Considering Implant Removal

Considering Implant Removal 12 years 4 months ago #1275342222

Hi all,
I am considering having my penile implant removed. I don\'t like the loss of length (1/2\" from 6\" to 5 1/2\") and the fact that a condom will only roll down about 3 &1/2\", but mostly I don\'t like that it is always prominent and I can\'t wear boxer shorts any more. I am just worried that my erecrtions won\'t be as good.
I had the XL placed in spring 2009 after having the fat and dermals removed in fall of 2008.
After it heals sufficiently I may do PMMA. I have some reservations though. The biggest is Erection quality. I am getting older and I know my erections probably won\'t get stronger as I age. I get great erections as you would expect with the implant. It is a breeze making most women cum but then the implant acts like a flexible dong in me. Sort of like robo Dick or the bionic Dick is how I look at it. If I were married I would probably just keep it. Even so I don\'t like the edge on one side though. I have a large glans but the shaft was skinny (under 5\") originally.
So what do the vets think? How are erections with PMMA?

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 4 months ago #1275344669

I haven\'t had the implant or PMMA so can\'t help. Could you tell us a little about your previous surgeries though.

Are you saying you had FFT and a dermal graft?

Who did your surgeries and why did you decide to have the fat and dermal removed?

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 4 months ago #1275346004

Thanks for the reply. I\'ll send you a PM.

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 4 months ago #1275346228

Hi Roguetrader
I had the implant and, like yourself, I lost length.
Dr. Elist promised it would eventually come back, but it didn\'t. As far as EQ goes...
Considering that having the implant was basically like having a hard dildo wrapped
around my penis, it comes as no surprise that my erections were quite firm.
That being said, I find my erections with PMMA very solid. .... And much more natural looking and feeling.
If EQ is an issue, there is always Cialis and Viagra to help things along.

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 4 months ago #1275346856

Before you remove it, make sure you read about the Removal problems and its after effects...Good luck making your decision, we will support you either way..

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 4 months ago #1275357600

Thanks for the nonjudgmental responses guys. I haven\'t always been the same...
Messageman, yea I guess I can accept that my erections may never be as hard as they are with a hard dildo in me. lol. I am trying to get up to speed on \"rehabilitation\" and preparation for PMMA. I know about stretching, and over the years I may have acquired more devices than anyone...a real collection. lol.
Thanks Mustang. I know...I am in for another ordeal. I wonder if it will ever end. I truly hope so.
I had an appointment with Dr Casavantes office Friday. I wanted to know what they thought. Wade said there are no guarantees but says he thinks they can put me in a \"better place\" with PMMA. Plus I think they have done quite a few already with good results. I gave him my whole story. He listened then took a look. He is a good listener for sure. Really seemed to care and was interested. On a Friday afternoon to boot. lol.
So I think I will probably get started soon. Sigh.

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 4 months ago #1275359484

One thing I should clarify...
I lost length \"while\" I had the implant in. But I was able to regain the lost length (and even more) after it was removed (thanks to a regiment of rigorous stretching that lasted a few months).
Getting back your lost length varies person to person though.
Best of luck with your decision.
I personally believe removing it is a step in the right direction.

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 4 months ago #1275359886

You MAY have been told that PMMA will correct a Peyronie\'s problem which most likley will occure after the implant Removal. I was told the same. PMMA, in my case, did NOT correct the severe curvature I had. I was pumping and stretching for months, and still am, and I still have some curvature left. I think only degloving the penis and removing scar tissue and fixing what elist had ruined inside will take care of the length loss and curvature issues. So it is best to assume you will loose some length and have curvature and go from there. I want you prepared for the worst but hope for the best!

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 2 months ago #1276193329

The 25th will make 6 weeks since I had the implant removed. Things are going good. Slight curvature but no more than I had to begin with. I am most relieved that I still have good EQ. In fact the frequency and ease of them has increased as well. I almost feel like it was restricting the blood flow to my penis for erections; liked the implant was \"in the way\" sort of. The strange thing is I am still really thick! Nearly as thick as when I had the implant. Perhaps because I had it nearly 3 1/2 years.

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 1 month ago #1276684285

RogueTrader wrote: The 25th will make 6 weeks since I had the implant removed. Things are going good. Slight curvature but no more than I had to begin with. I am most relieved that I still have good EQ. In fact the frequency and ease of them has increased as well. I almost feel like it was restricting the blood flow to my penis for erections; liked the implant was \"in the way\" sort of. The strange thing is I am still really thick! Nearly as thick as when I had the implant. Perhaps because I had it nearly 3 1/2 years.

Congratulations on the Removal, RogueTrader. The implant was great for me until recently (I never lost any length, and the thickness was a dream come true, as the women loved it until it got out of hand), so I\'m scheduled to have mine removed next week. Did you recover the lost length after Removal? I\'m glad to hear you\'re just as thick, as I\'ve had the implant for 2 years and 11 months. Almost two months since your Removal, is that still the case?

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 1 month ago #1276692682

Hi StaleMango,

No I have not regained the lost length and it is bad, an Inch easy. I had a major complication that is preventing me from stretching though. Otherwise I think I would have regained some, as I was off to a quick and rigorous routine.

When I had the penile implant removed in November I had my other testicular implant replaced with one of the new softer ones as well. At eleven weeks post surgery that testicle is still swollen almost as big as a baseball. Dr Elist said it is a hydrocele. I saw Dr Gelman who said no, it isn\'t. He said the standard of care is Removal of both implants at this time. I have lost confidence in Dr E so I am scheduled to have them both removed with Dr Gelman.

As soon as I am past this I will start stretching again.

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Considering Implant Removal 12 years 1 month ago #1276693921

Thanks for the update, RogueTrader. Best of luck to you with your upcoming surgery and the resumption of your stretching routine. Let us know how things work out.

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