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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274498413

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Hello, everyone!

After just over a year or so of joining this forum, I\'m finally about to take the PMMA plunge, and will be getting R1 with Dr. C on Friday, August. 3rd. Its been a long time coming as I was pretty well decided that PMMA was for me last summer, but convinced myself to not rush into it, but to wait a year to keep observing, researching, and working on manual PE and see if it was still something I was interested in.

Initially I was wanting to try to squeeze in two potential rounds this summer, one at the beginning and one at the end, but due to appointment conflicts I\'m just now managing to fit in R1. Due to the nature of my job, I\'m going to be out of the country for a likely 9 months starting in September, so a potential R2 is probably going to not happen until then, unless I decide to visit family during the holidays.

My starting stats:

BPEL: ~7.50\"BPFSL: ~8.00\"MSFG: 4.00\"MSEG: ~4.50\"
The ~ indicates the fact that with Hanging I don\'t really get great EQ all the time, but that measurement is basically how it averages out in the long term, same with my stretched Flaccid.

I am %%, 6\'0\", ~200lb. I\'m pretty muscular, so the fact that my \'skinny\' Cock is framed by pretty massive thighs is one of the factors going towards my wish of enhancement. At the moment I\'m really only looking for around 5.5\" EG as well as a more uniform Girth distribution (I have sort of an hourglass shape currently), especially since with my sexual tastes I don\'t want to push it. I\'m aware that I\'m young and don\'t have a small unit and some of you would recommend against it, but I have obviously already made my decision.

I haven\'t consulted with the Doc yet, but it seems as if they don\'t exclusively recommend 10% for the first round anymore, and sometimes go with 20%. I go back and forth whether I have a preference, obviously I want more Girth in the quickest manner possible especially as I\'m probably going to have to wait around another year for R2. If I came out of R1 with little gains I\'d have to say I\'d be pretty disappointed and the wait would be agony.

I obviously care about aesthetics, and am not going to push beyond proportional Girth for my unit as I realize I don\'t have an exceptionally large head, but I\'d be okay with minor aesthetic issues after R1 as long as I got enough Girth. I also have a series of AutoXleeves that will make a good post-op wrapping solution, as others have used these and had excellent aesthetic results. I also have an AutoExtender which I will use appropriately post-op (with my current SFL i max it out, but that shouldn\'t be a problem post-op.)

Any thoughts on the age old question of 10% vrs 20% R1 in this new Metacril age? I have sufficient length for a likely high CC count, but I\'m still not sure on concentration. The additional heft or feel of a higher concentration doesn\'t deter me either.

I\'ll post some before pics as soon as the site\'s attachments are working again, as well as post-op pics. In the mean time you can see some outdated before pics over at my old thread (Probably don\'t bump it).

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274498574


I don\'t think you are a good candidate given your age and size, but since you already decided I will not talk you out of it.

Here is my advice:

Do not get 20% concentration. Metacril only manufactures 10% and 30% PMMA. Which raises the questions about 20% \"Metacril\":
-Is it from another supplier ?
-is it 30% cut with another substance, what, and how ?
-is it 10% mixed with 30% and how is this combined completely at a magnified level rather than just superficially without some very expensive equipment ?

Finally Smartman raised the risk of potential contamination via mixing in another thread.


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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274499274

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Thanks for your post, BB, and for not dragging the topic towards whether I should get it or not.

I\'m pretty sure I saw in other posts that Dr. C\'s office confirmed they mixed 10% and 30% to get a \'20%\' product?

I\'d assume from Dr. C\'s reserved and precautionary approach towards PMMA phallobioplasty that he would be mixing different products or suppliers, but I do understand concern over mixing concentrations, and how exactly they\'d do that (hopefully not just casually mixing, haha). These are good questions that I\'ll try to find out prior, or bring up with the Doc once at my appointment.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274500331

It would be a good idea to ask the Dr and report back to the forum. But since you likely can\'t verify what he tells you I would take his explanation with a grain of salt. Sadly, PE doctors have a reputation for lying and cutting corners.

I\'m not a doctor but personally I think the 30% filler would be safer than the 20%. There may be reasons besides those I listed, or the doctor is aware of, not to mix products. If I recall correctly Olfonsa had 5 treatments of 30% without complaining of nodules, yet many 20% patients develop them.

Obviously 10% would be even less risky. And Ideally the doctor will open the metacril packaging in front of you. I\'m not going to get PMMA, but if I was I would insist on this.

Anyhow not trying to scare you and wish you the best.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274509016

I have to believe that the carrier is the same in all concentrations, just the PMMA quantity beads are different, so I do not know why a mix of say 30% and 10% may cause any problems unless of course there is contamination in the mixing process although I have seen how they can mix two concentrations and it seemed to my non-dr eyes to be safe!

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274513295

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There was a paper or something that someone brought up in the complications thread that brought issue with long term effects of mixing concentrations.

But yeah, in my head it seems that there should be no real \'chemical\' difference after the carrier depletes besides the volume of beads left behind, and then the density of the area with beads as the collagen forms. So the issue would have to be with the body\'s response to areas of different bead density, which after they\'re all surrounded by collagen and the initial risk of any nodules is gone, seems like there should be no difference in response.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274518992

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On my way via shuttle to TJ, nothing like crossing over the border to pay a doctor cash for an unregulated penis enlargement procedure to get the nerves going a bit. everything my crazy grandma tells me about the white slave trade comes to mind too haha.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274519124

jlmb wrote: There was a paper or something that someone brought up in the complications thread that brought issue with long term effects of mixing concentrations.

But yeah, in my head it seems that there should be no real \'chemical\' difference after the carrier depletes besides the volume of beads left behind, and then the density of the area with beads as the collagen forms. So the issue would have to be with the body\'s response to areas of different bead density, which after they\'re all surrounded by collagen and the initial risk of any nodules is gone, seems like there should be no difference in response.

I\'ve posted previously about mixing concentrations and personally I don\'t like the idea. If it was that easy to mix them, then it suggests to me the carriers can\'t be very good. Surely part of the point of the carriers is to keep the beads reasonably evenly distributed. If that is the case, then by mixing, I can\'t see an even distribution being achieved. If you look at the 30% results of Dr N in Prague they look pretty smooth in general. The same can be said of the 10% results from Dr C. But there have been reports of ridges and uneven contours with 20%. You can even see this sometimes. I wonder if its due to contrast between patches of 10% and patches of 30%, rather than an even 20% mix. It\'s just a theory, but it makes sense to me.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274519244

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Do you think therecould be similar issues with havibg different concentrations in different places during same round? i feel like theres nothing to prevent mixing at the borders.

also they talk about breaking existing PMMA tissue in later rounds so that suggests a whole nother method of mixing.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274519361

jlmb wrote: Do you think therecould be similar issues with havibg different concentrations in different places during same round? i feel like theres nothing to prevent mixing at the borders.

also they talk about breaking existing PMMA tissue in later rounds so that suggests a whole nother method of mixing.

I don\'t really know. I haven\'t had PMMA myself. But I\'ve read guys talking about the differences in feel between 10% session and 20% sessions. So there is more to it than volume. Density has to be effected also. Therefore I\'d imagine one could tell the difference if they had 10% in one area and 20% in another, unless only a small volume of one of the concentrations was used (ie 19cc 20% and 2cc 10%). If, as I suspect, the concentrations don\'t really mix well, then it would explain the clumpy appearance of some 20% patients.

As I said before, it\'s just a theory and the only evidence I have are some photos and the fact many have commented on the different feel between the two concentrations Dr C uses. I\'m probably wrong.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274521082

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Well, i just finished ny procedure and will be heading back across the horribly busy border soon.

I got 26cc, 8cc at 10% and 18cc at 20%.

The procedure went awesome and ill share more details later.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274522956

Just curious what the price is nowadays?

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274523386

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$2500 per round, I think that is the maxout for CCs. If you get less that 20 the charge is less, as its $75 a CC or something like that.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274536756

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Closing in on 48 hours post op, I had very bad bruising the first 24 hours or so, but most of it was caused by my initial usage of my AutoXleeve or wrapping. After I stopped doing either all the bruising went away. I\'m still a bit swollen but the natural color has mostly returned.

I think using the xleeve and wrap did help considerably with settling the PMMA initially though as I had no retraction and my PMMA seems to be very well placed and smooth. I\'ve had only a couple points I\'ve had to massage smooth.

Tonight I\'ll do my full write-up and try to get the photos in.

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JLMB's PMMA Thread 12 years 7 months ago #1274536896

jlmb wrote: Closing in on 48 hours post op, I had very bad bruising the first 24 hours or so, but most of it was caused by my initial usage of my AutoXleeve or wrapping. After I stopped doing either all the bruising went away. I\'m still a bit swollen but the natural color has mostly returned.

I think using the xleeve and wrap did help considerably with settling the PMMA initially though as I had no retraction and my PMMA seems to be very well placed and smooth. I\'ve had only a couple points I\'ve had to massage smooth.

Tonight I\'ll do my full write-up and try to get the photos in.

Can you take a photo wearing the xleeve?

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