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TOPIC: Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural

Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272681269

I had 20% PMMA six days ago. I\'d really like to hear from guys who\'ve also had 20% as I\'m a bit concerned re the results. I\'m concerned that my penis feels quite fluid like. It doesn\'t feel very natural and I don\'t remember this from the first time when I had 10% Has anybody else who had 20% had a similar problem? Did it start to feel normal? And if so how long did it take? Thanks

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272682856

mine still does feel that way as well. Very soft, even when hard...

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272683151

One has to wait for the collagen to form up which can take a few months to complete. For me, the feeling is great with 20% either Flaccid or Erect, but of course that may depend on the individual.

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272683326

Swampman - how long have you had your 20% Could it just be a case that the process is not fully healed yet? Mustang - did yours feel a quite soft then until the collagen kicked in?

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272683863

You are 6 days out, you may still have bruising/swelling that hasn\'t fully dissipated (actually I\'m almost positive that\'s what it is).
When you are 3-4 weeks out, I\'d be surprised if you still had any of that \"squishyness\" - I suspect you\'ll have similar results to most 20%\'ers: palpable but soft in the Flaccid, very stiff and much more natural when having an Erection.

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272694898

Thank you. I realise I need to stay calm but that\'s so difficult to do when making permanent changes to your penis.

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272731520

I had 20% on the 22nd of feb and i still have the squishyness behind the glands. aka turkey neck..dr wade advised me that in maybe a month or so it will be gone away but no need to worry i will be back for round 2 in april.

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272739613

Farmore - so was the rest squishy too and then it fixed itself?

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272771148

OK. I am not a PMMA expert and have not had it so take what I am about to say with a grain of salt. That said, I am an experienced PE patient.
When you start out in this journey you have no basis of comparison. You look down and each time you think whatever you see if what you are stuck with. It can be traumatic, as you are now just beginning to experience. The others mentioned that you are just six days out. They can talk to the PMMA process in daily, weekly or monthly terms. I cannot. But I can talk about multiple surgeries over years. From that experience level in general I will say this...try to imagine that what you dislike will likely improve over time. Six months from now you may even forget what you are going through today. Again I am not a PMMA expert, but all of this stuff is very traumatic on our equipment.
But before you go for another round, reflect on what you are going through. Most people in PMMA just equate another round with more size. But each time there are risks, and you are stacking foreign material on top of foreign material.
I hope it improves and frankly think it will. Will it be normal? No. Never. Why? Because it is not. These are trade-offs. As you get close to being comfortable I suggest you weigh the trade-offs more carefully. Is Girth of 5\" better than 4.75\"? From experience I can say it is. Is 5.4\" better than 5\". Again, by experience it is. I personally think shooting for too much more than 5-5.5\" if you start with less than 4.5\" is asking for issues. Not sure what you have or what you started with...

Good luck bud-

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272802425

Thanks for that response nomad1. Your words are reassuring. Reading through the forums it\'s easy to focus on only the positives, with guys ecstatic about intial gains and others congratulating them, but in reality (at least for me), the whole adventure is much more of a rollercoaster of highs and lows. I started with an Erect Girth of 5 inches. My first round I had 18 CCs of 10%.A couple of weeks after the procedure my Erect size was the same as pre-op, although my Flaccid did look a lot bigger. I had a couple of lumps but aesthetically it was OK. After 6 weeks I was between 0.3 and 0.5 gain and would differ each time I measured. On the whole I was happy but couldn\'t help feeling a little disappointed by how unnoticeable my gains were. You adjust very quickly to the gains and do question whether the travel and process justifies such an unnoticeable gain? But having said all that, I had my second procedure six weeks after my first and opted for 20% as wanted bigger gains in the hope I\'d feel more satisfied this time. The experience of 20% has been completely different to 10% and not necessarily in a good way. I\'m only two weeks post-op but aesthetically it still isn\'t great. Things are changing though so I\'ve managed to calm down quite a bit sompared to how I was. What caused my panic was the big difference in look, feel and recovery between round 1 (10%) and round 2 (20%) When you go for a second round you have expectations based on the first. My recovery the first time around was so quick and everything was very natural, so I expected the same from my second even though I opted for 20%. I\'m now 2 weeks post op (which after my first session my Erection was exactly the same as pre-op and you would never of guessed anything had happened to my Cock). This time around, two weeks out, my Flaccid is still quite fluid like and with collections mid shaft (see pic) that I hope will correct, and my Erect has a few fleshy ridges that don\'t look nice, but again I hope will fix over next few weeks. Being gay makes me much more conscious of look of feel, as it\'s obviously much easier to compare look and feel when another Cock is present. So far I\'ve felt too self conscious to have sex with anybody since starting my PMMA journey, so contrary to what people believe re extra size giving you confidence, it\'s actually done the opposite for me. I had a lot more sex before I got it done! Obviously that will probably change as I get used to my new penis and (hopefully) some of the aesthetic issues resolve themselves. I have no idea what my current gains are as I\'ve stopped measuring. Unfortunately it is too easy to get obsessed with the numbers and feel disheartened when things go down a bit. When I started this journey I wanted to go from 5 inches Erect Girth to 6 inches. Now I\'m not so sure that can be achieved without a lot of comprimise in terms of look and feel. If I go back for a third session, which I think I may need to for aesthetic reasons, then it won\'t be with the intention of any extra size, just to correct some flaws. It\'s very expensive and time consuming to go all the way from the UK so I hope I don\'t have to go back for another session, but if I do I really hope that finishes everything with regards to PMMA and I can just get my life back on track and enjoy my Cock for what it is.

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272802611

I would agree with you that unnoticeable gains after the first round would piss off anyone. Indeed, I am not a big supporter of the 10% concentration option at round1. truth be told however, your unit looks great in the pic. Quite a big Cock you have there. Please be patient, you are still in the process of healing. I hope that your third and may be final round will finally yield your desired outcome.

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272802645

btw, nice post nomad. I like your perspective.

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272811469


I looks natural and fine to me. I can\'t attest to the feel of it, but I had a lot of fluidity behind circ scar for weeks after R1. It seems hard to have a bad outcome with an uncircumcised penis, by the looks of it..

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272821196

@pr2005I agree with your assessment. The first week mine felt like as squishy as a balloon half-filled with water. Week 2 it started to feel more solid and week 3 (collagen replacement phase?) it went squishy again. When Erect it feels very solid but in my case the skin does feel thicker and rubber-like. I suspect that as one increases the amount of PMMA in ones penis it will feel increasingly different from the original.

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Had 20% PMMA - concerned it doesn't feel natural 12 years 11 months ago #1272825031

@eqstudent - how long ago did you have your PMMA? Have you spoken to wade or Dr C about how it feels? Have they said it will change or does it look like the rubber/thick skin feeling is likely to be permenant?
Thanks for the positive comments @supa and @zayne. At this stage there\'s a long way to go before I will feel happy that my gains look and feel natural. Unless PMMA can give decent gains and pass as natural then it\'s not something I would encourage other people to do.

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