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TOPIC: Mustang2020 Continued Saga, PMMA Part Two!

Mustang2020 Continued Saga, PMMA Part Two! 13 years 2 months ago #1271475232

Hello Gents;

As some of you know, I had my first PMMA session with Dr. C about 4 months ago or so. Here is an update;

A Brief History

The first session yielded about .4\" or less all around, I was very disappointed since I was assured I would get a minimum of .75\". 10% PMMA Solution was used and about 21 CC were injected at the base of the penis. This session was fairly pain free and went without infection or bumps.

If you want to read about my journey, please check this thread:

2ND Session with Dr. C and Nurse Wade, TJ, Mexico, Nov 2011

I scheduled my 2nd session for the beginning of Nov 2011. I booked my flight and I was all excited about getting the 2nd treatment. I had discussed my goals with Wade and was assured I would get these goals in this session.

At that time, a lot of guys were getting PMMA thru entry points near the glans and there was not a lot of concern about these enrty points locations, hence I was not worried about it.

I did how ever make it very clear that I wanted 20% concentration this time to gain more girth, and I was assured I would get it this time.

I arrived at the clinic via the shuttle service, something I highly recommend since it is very convenient and easy to use.

I was greeted by Christian and then went in to see the Dr. After a few photo shots and other minor things, Dr C and Wade came in. We talked for a while and laughed a bit, I always feel they are great people to joke with, and then we got to work...

They injected me with a lot of anti inflammatory stuff and numbing stuff then they started to inject PMMA near the glans. It started OK but then it got painful and more painful. They kept numbing the area more and more and kept on injecting the 20% PMMA...I was in a lot of pain and discomfort. We kept at it for what seems to be a very long time. At the end they injected me with about 20 CC\'s of 20%, no 10% was used...I was told.

Dr. C was very tired, he actually had to stop for a while and take a breather. He also sat down on a chair next to me. Wade was still standing on my other side and helping...I can sense that every one was tired and needed a break. I told them let\'s take a few minutes to relax and regroup and we did.

Dr. C told me that one of the entry points near the glans was not closing up and he decided to stop injecting PMMA thru it and moved to another area, also near the glans. A total of about seven entry point were used near the glans. There also were a very few entry points near the base.

After they were done with me, I felt a bit relieved and I wanted to stand up but I felt a bit nauseated and sick. I went in the bathroom and put my cloths on. I saw my penis and it looked huge. That made me feel a bit better.

They gave me some triple ointment in a clear liquid form in a tube. I put some of it on and I asked it Wade should wrap it, the answer was that there is no need for wrapping this time.

Christian at the front desk told me the Hotel Taxi will be waiting for me in front of the building.

I greeted Dr c, Wade and asked Christian for copies of my session. I then went down stairs to get my Taxi.

It was starting to get dark now. I waited for about 20 mins, no one showed up! I went back upstairs and knocked on the door, no one answered!

I went back down stairs and looked for the Hotel taxi, nothing. My cell phone does not work in Mexico...I felt a bit nervous. There were many local Taxis and hundred of people walking by and hundreds of cars driving by. I thought of walking to the Marriott hotel, but I did no feel safe doing so.

I decided to take and chance and grab a local Taxi. I did not have to even ask for one, once I made eye contact with an approaching Taxi driver, he stopped! I hope he spoke English!

Well, he did not, I kept saying: Marriott Hotel, yes? The driver shook his head yes, but I knew he did not understand neither did the four passengers in the same Taxi.

I jumped in, and the Taxi took off...The hotel is like 3/4 of a mile or less, so I was hoping the driver will not speed up too much, he did not.

I sat in the back between a woman and a man...both on their cell phones talking away. The driver was approaching my hotel with no sign of slowing down, I told him to stop, but he did not even look at me...I then turned to the guy next to me and ask him to ask the driver ti stop, some how he knew what I wanted and he paused from talking on his cell and asked the driver to stop. I gave the driver $1 and I walked a few tens of feet towards my hotel.

I asked the front desk to give a room facing the back with ONE bed, they gave me a room with TWO beds facing the front ...I was too tired so I said to my self what the fuck, I just want to eat and go to sleep with my big swollen dick.

I went into my room, it was nice with two beds! I freshened up a bit, checked my penis and put some more triple ointment on it and then went down stairs to eat.

I ordered a beer and some good Mexican food, I am a good cook and I love and appreciate all types of foods and I love spicy food.

I started my beer and my food came in but I was feeling like throwing up! so I asked the waiter to bring my food up to my room. I went up to my room and waited for my food. It arrived in a few minutes. I was still feeling sick, so I finished my beer and cleaned up my dick some more and relaxed in my bed..

I looked at my dick and it looked great, a bit swollen and black and blue near the glans but it looked full.

As most of you know, one is given a Calais pill to relax the penis. I wanted to see what it looks like erect and it looked great.

I got some pictures, but as you guys know, it is not easy getting an erection after PMMA, keeping an erection for the picture taking, especially when one knows that a few hundred GUYS will be looking at these pictures

It did look and feel fantastic, like when I had the silicone implant but much better of course.

I watched some TV and went to sleep. a few hours later, I woke up and I felt much better and now I was able to eat my food.

The enrty points near the glans were all oozing blood and PMMA. The one point where the opening did not close kept on bleeding quite a bit. It is shown in the picture below.

I finished the food, brushed teeth, cleaned dick, squeezed PMMA out and wrapped dick and went to sleep.

I woke up next day and checked out, entry points still oozing out PMMA. The Shuttle came on time and took me to San Diego airport. This time, the boarder took over an hour to go thru.

The trip home was uneventful and I arrived home a bit early.

Collagen is slowly kicking in!

I kept the entry points clean and I kept squeezing them as Wade had instructed. About three days later, that stubborn entry point stopped bleeding and started to close up, no more PMMA coming out.

Now I can see the entry point are changing to very small bumps. I was not happy about this thinking they will stay like that.

I massaged the penis for a couple of days after this session. I stopped after three days as instructed by Wade thru emails.

I had been taking Vitamin C for days and still am.

Now it has been over 6 weeks and the Collagen is still forming. I definitely like the 20% solution, I do not know why I had 10% before (was told 10% would give same girth as 20%!). I wish I asked for 20% the first time. This is my own situation and it may differ from yours.

I have so far gained about .4\" in erect girth. At this point I have not really had a good erection to measure accurately, but I will in a few days .

There is a 3RD session for sure for me. I went into this PMMA thing planning on one or two sessions maximum, but it looks like it was designed for more like three minimum and may be four sessions.

The girth is getting close to my goals. The best thing about it is the lack of major complications so far.

Dr Casavantes, Nurse Wade and Staff

As usual, they are great. They treated me well and with respect. They have a good operation.

However, I did sense that they are getting overworked and a bit frustrated. if that is the case, then this may mean more cost/complications to patients. The situation with stoppage of production of New Plastic may also add to the Dr\'s headache!

I do hope that nothing will happen to their operation, it has provided great services to many men and has changed people\'s sexual as well as psychological lives for the better.

2ND Session Outcome!

The girth is good, about .4\" increase in erect state. I was hoping for about .75\". May be in the next weeks it will come. the shape is OK, there is a big gap near the base. There are a few bumps and irregularities here and there but the Dr assured me that the 3rd session will fix it all, I surely hope so...

There is some very minor pain near the glans where the entry point are. I think that area is so sensitive that it takes a lot longer to heal and feel back to normal.

I will update this thread once I take it out for a test run in the next few weeks ...

(updated Dec 22 for some minor spelling/grammar errors)

To be continued

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Mustang2020 Continued Saga, PMMA Part Two! 13 years 2 months ago #1271488753

1st thanks for posting & glad you are happy how \"long\" are you? what was your Girth before....and now? I want to follow this and see the results as I am considering this as well

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Mustang2020 Continued Saga, PMMA Part Two! 13 years 2 months ago #1271520056

I am about 5.75 to 5.9\" Erect length, and about 6.6\" Erect Girth at base tapering down to about 5\" near glans.

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Mustang2020 Continued Saga, PMMA Part Two! 13 years 2 months ago #1271565185

wow mustang.... we have about the same length!! I always thought a big Girth on 5 Inch length would look bad. But it looks amazing!! Whats was your starting Erect Girth? and do you think you will keep the new Girth you have now? Im amazed!!

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Mustang2020 Continued Saga, PMMA Part Two! 13 years 1 month ago #1271761518

My starting EG was about 4.85\" along the shaft. Now, it tapers from about 6.65\" base to about 5.2\" near the glans.

I do hope the new Girth will stabilize to near what it is now. It is actually very good now and I may consider to stop increasing the Girth but may go for another session to correct a large and painful lump/Nodule near the glans and some irregularities on the shaft.

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