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TOPIC: bighat round deux

bighat round deux 13 years 3 months ago #1271337305

Just back in san Diego, 2 hours to cross. Got 10cc of 20% and have a fat unit. Piece of cake. Casavantees and crew rock.

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bighat round deux 13 years 3 months ago #1271337326

Good healing! Keep us posted

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bighat round deux 13 years 3 months ago #1271348242

enjoy ! look forward to hearing of your results!

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271454144

Update Day Day 9--- All good in big hat land. Some random thoughts1) Unit still a tiny bit sore under glans...not much of problem. Have had sex 4-5 times since procedure and no problems.2) The pmma is somewhat palpable under circumcision line vs. total cohesion round 1. No bumps or nodules though and I suspect this will all \"smooth out\" in time.3) I have a quite a bit of girth on the metrics now. Mid shaft I am 5\"5+ and at the base it is 6\"5. THis is not odd, as all seems natural. This is what Dr. C called \"pyramid\" shape. It\'s not toally symmetrical as I kind of jut out on the right side. I told Dr. C this at time of round 2 and he tried to compensate. I think this might be \"cool\" during sex for partner though.4) Even though I have small glans, in erect state this is no biggie as glans \"flares\". Issue is flaccid 5) In flaccid state, when I super retract it is a bit odder than before given the fullness. In a less retracted state it hangs better. I wish it would hang great all the time. If I pull on the glans it will hang fine for a while, but eventially bunch up. It\'s like I stuffed a garbage bag with more trash.6) I would be LOVING to have some more length than I do but not gonna sweat it. I don\'t want to hang or stretch my unit and risk hurting it.7) Psychologically I don\'t feel like I have a big unit. That might be because I am such a retractor and/or I have below average lenght. But we know statistically few blokes have the girth I now have thanks to Dr. C and PMMA.8) Wife thought PMMA was \"subtle\" after 10% round 1 now is like \"its quite a bit bigger\" round 2. She is definately liking sex with me more and is kind of shocked I made this happen. I really feel more like \"the man\" when having sex.9) I suspect I will go for a touch up session at some point in future but see no rush. I also feel like I got excellent outcome at this stage and don\'t want to push my luck. There are lots of changes every round and outcomes hard to predict.

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271454153

Update Day Day 9--- All good in big hat land. Some random thoughts1) Unit still a tiny bit sore under glans...not much of problem. Have had sex 4-5 times since procedure and no problems.2) The pmma is somewhat palpable under circumcision line vs. total cohesion round 1. No bumps or nodules though and I suspect this will all \"smooth out\" in time.3) I have a quite a bit of girth on the metrics now. Mid shaft I am 5\"5+ and at the base it is 6\"5. THis is not odd, as all seems natural. This is what Dr. C called \"pyramid\" shape. It\'s not toally symmetrical as I kind of jut out on the right side. I told Dr. C this at time of round 2 and he tried to compensate. I think this might be \"cool\" during sex for partner though.4) Even though I have small glans, in erect state this is no biggie as glans \"flares\". Issue is flaccid 5) In flaccid state, when I super retract it is a bit odder than before given the fullness. In a less retracted state it hangs better. I wish it would hang great all the time. If I pull on the glans it will hang fine for a while, but eventially bunch up. It\'s like I stuffed a garbage bag with more trash.6) I would be LOVING to have some more length than I do but not gonna sweat it. I don\'t want to hang or stretch my unit and risk hurting it.7) Psychologically I don\'t feel like I have a big unit. That might be because I am such a retractor and/or I have below average lenght. But we know statistically few blokes have the girth I now have thanks to Dr. C and PMMA.8) Wife thought PMMA was \"subtle\" after 10% round 1 now is like \"its quite a bit bigger\" round 2. She is definately liking sex with me more and is kind of shocked I made this happen. I really feel more like \"the man\" when having sex.9) I suspect I will go for a touch up session at some point in future but see no rush. I also feel like I got excellent outcome at this stage and don\'t want to push my luck. There are lots of changes every round and outcomes hard to predict.

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271459132

thats great big hat! I would say having sex 4-5 times within 9 days is fairly tough on your healing unit so not surprised you are a bit sore! 7/ you do have a big unit!

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271459514

@ justbitmore: what\'s funny is that my wife has a dildo that is 7 by 5.5\" that we used to use. I used to think that thing was HUGE. Now I am a full one Inch (at the base) bigger than it, if quite a bit shorter. I don\'t think she ever used more than 4\" of it . Wtih sex, last night my wife was on top and when she worked that last Inch in she was like whoa, and I can say her physical reponse was more intense than I can ever remember. Its sad but true: size matters, even though the biggest part of sex is psychological. I can also say I\'m not as as \"ecstatic\" as I thought I would be about having a bigger unit even though I am near 100% satisfied with procedure. Having a Dick never did define me and does not change my life. My life was good, and small unit was just a irksome thing, similar to being overweight or short height but seemingly impossible to change. It never really did hold me back THAT much. The main issue is it focused me when i was younger on \"girlfriends\" vs. promiscuous bent i would have liked to embark on at some stage. I think I\'ll just get a fast car someday to compensate for missed youth lol. I\'m really in to my wife. One thing I\'d warn guys who are married and have had a small unit their whole life is the possible temptation to \"take the new unit for a ride\" with a new partner. Be careful my friends.

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271470976

what were your starting stats prior to PMMA. I\'m scheduled for early January round one. Did you get 10% on your first round as well?

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271471229

@ Big John. My starting stat was EG of 4.5-4.7\" now I am 5\" Flaccid! Boom Boom Boom. I got 10% on round 1. I believe that was very smart. Round 1 was more \"traumatic\" to the unit and round 2 busted out the size. Round 2 gains are DRAMATIC vs round 1 where PMMA was good but not enough to get me to the \"big\" category.@Evil: I am now 12 days round 2. Would you expect me to see more gains from here? I am popping lysine !I am thinking I could go another 1/4 Inch in upper to mid shaft. there is a tiny bit of PMMA lacking under the circumsicion line, only I could probably notice. Otherwise this is an A job by Dr C. I kind of like the jut out on right side as it is not a bump, perhaps just a an exxageration of my natural shape.If I don\'t lose anything from here, I am happy as is.

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271472297

\"reasons unkown\"=having wild monkey sex lol.

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271495811

@ EP Evil Warhol

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271572825

3 week update The good: 1) Have a fat unit. The Girth remains well over 6\" at base. Works same as before. 2) Wife says \"your penis is THREE times bigger than before.\" Almost hurt her last night getting the last Inch even after 15 minutes of foreplay. Penis is dangerous!3) Confidence is higher, but not the life changing this might be for 23 year old. Rember: Big penis does not make you handsome, smart, rich or charming. The concerns: 1) A small but meaningful area between the circumsicion line and the corpus (where glans ends and penis begins on the top side) is defalated vs. the rest of the unit i.e., not enough PMMA in that area. Definately need touch up in that area. THis is not exactly the \"ring\" others have commented on. No nodules or bumps. The tops side of shaft ahead of where I have the deflated area is a tad chunkier or harder than the rest. 2) Still have a short unit!3) Still have a smallish glans!4) As a Grower, in most retracted state get \"pig in blanket\" effect. Here is the thing: If you are in a public place, can simply \"pull\" on glans to pop it out and it will stay out and that Flaccid is pretty decent, I mean I am happy to walk around gym with it as it is fat. You average shower is still way bigger than me in terms of effect but who cares. I am no longer one of the tiny dudes and if you take a good look at it it is fat and looks fairly \"normal.\" One thing I\'ve noticed is that no penis looks the same, so what is normal anyway?

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271573298

bighat- what is your EL and FL (if you don\'t mind my asking)? Perhaps you should consider the lig cut for Flaccid gain in length to minimize the \'Turtling\'- if you believe that surgery is worthwhile. it seems most men think they\'re \'short\', when in fact they\'re average. Length is truly exaggerated by the monsters of porn, and even then it\'s distorted by the camera. Ever \'film\' yourself? You\'d be amazed how much bigger things look when filmed (yeah... tried that a few times... heh heh.) My advice: Focus on the good... and live with the concerns. Regards

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271574521

Bighat- where were your injection sites for each procedure? glans end or base?

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bighat round deux 13 years 2 months ago #1271576458

@ Rondo Living with concerns. Happy. I am short. It\'s 5\" EL perhaps 5 1/8 bone pressed.. That is within the very shortest of average. It will have to be good enough! In terms of injection sites. The first round of 10% had injections from the TOP and the base. The 20% second round only at the base. I wonder if this is why I experience the \"deflated\" area between the head and Circumcision line in round 2. I seemed to get \"fill\" in this area in round 1 with injection in proximity of that area and insufficient fill in round 2. This area irks me because it makes getting a touch up almost essential -- if we had got the PMMA to stick in this area round 2 I would probably not have to come back or come back anytime soon. I also wonder if the \"issues\" of some posters before me with near the neck incisions had Dr C moving away from that. When I come back for round 3 I will ask Dr. C to focus on the flat area and use 5 or 10% anywhere else. This 20% was wicked size for me and I would not risk another dose of it outside the small area!

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