Hey Big J-
I\'m still around... \'lurking\' as they say. I didn\'t feel that regular reports without pics were of much benefit with so many others with very similiar circumstances/results (yourself included) doing such a great job of documenting and maintaining a photo log. I\'m busy as hell with work and also decided to take a mental and physical break from PE to focus on the other things in life.
Here\'s where I\'m at though...
I\'m still maintaining a good 6-6.25\" mseg and fluctuate between 5-5.5 msf. length remains the same, which is good. I measure as a comparable in the tube when pumped because I can get a definitive measurement with no variables (pressing pressure, operating and reading the damn ruler, etc.). I am maintaining 7 5/8\" pumped length measured at the extent reached in the tube perpendicularly. I would equate this to 7 1/8\"
BPEL. Usually about 1/2\" different for me. I have hit 7 3/4\" previously, but never eclipsed 8\". I believe the alloderm I had done prevents length gain as it is likely tougher now and atrophied. I can once again palpate, although barely, the base of my allo. I still have some noticeable \'bumps\' when
Erect, and have a slight ridge at the circ scar... although this is much less pronounced. My last round I had asked for more \'fill\' on the right side as it appeared there was more material on the left from the 10% round one. I now of the opposite issue whereby the right side seems slightly fuller than the left. I have no known \'complications\' other these minor cosmetic issues which I think are to be expected.
I am now debating a round 3... very casually. I need to find the time first, but I may consider having it done later this year. If so, I strongly considering using only 10% for cosmetic reasons. I don\'t really think more
Girth is necessary (gf is totally satisfied and aware of procedures), but we all know how that goes (I want more). 6.5 mseg is definitly my ideal as I\'ve been there before... just did not maintain. I\'m also waiting for a viable (and affordable) option for testicular/scrotal enhancement as well as glans enhancement. These two procedures do not appear to have been perfected and are rampant with schills and hacks. I would say less than 30% of the patients I\'ve spoke with regarding the Elist testicular are happy with it... or even still have it for that matter. I\'ve never found any good pics or heard of even reasonable gains from glans enhancement. I would not consider the allo option out there, and the
Hyaluronic Acid gig is too temporary and likely a waste of time and money.
I think
PMMA has/is doing what I had hoped and the results are not stellar.. but satisfactory. I would attribute about 3/8\"-1/2\" mseg gain from two rounds of
PMMA (21cc @10% and I believe it was 23 or 24 of 20% second round...sorry .. I\'d have to reread my own posts). I had my second procedure at the end of Febuary I believe, which puts me at the 6 month mark or so. I do plan to contact the office of dr. C and inquire whether they\'ve devised a method of scrotal or testicular enhancement. I see they\'re now advertising a butt procedure and have done biceps (neither of which I\'m interested in). The doctor mentioned during my last procedure that he was looking into it, whereas he had previously indicated it was not likely possible with
PMMA. Hmm...
I will continue to post occasionally with any new developments and will also follow posts of those I\'m familiar with. I appreciate the value of this board and it\'s members, so I want to continue my feedback as waranted.
Good luck Big J with your goals. I will check back in awhile to see how things are workin out!