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TOPIC: Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1

Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270721802

Ok so I went through with it yesterday. To recap I am a professional in my 30's with wife. I've been bummed about the \"isssue\" most of my life but worked around it pretty well with long term girlfriends and keeping low profile in locker room. I'm legitmately on the smaller side, especially flacid. I measured EG of about 4.5-4.7, length is only 5\". I went through with procedure after gaining confidence in Dr. C from this board and gaining confidence with PMMA through individual research. I think the big scary think with PMMA is this idea of Necrosis that we saw from a research article. It's my opinion that the chance of this worst case happening is lower than winning power power, at least with Dr. C. The second is granuloma. That will be a bummer, but seems manageable. It's not your face after all. I've gotten various types of skin problems my whole life and it sucks but what sucks much wore is the 'nderlying issue for which we are all here. Finally given the biocompatability of PMMA I don't see it as likely thaht a any long term big issues come from it at this stage.

On the procedure, I'd just say its low impact. I mean you do get stuck with lidocaine, but I mean the thought of it hurts way more than the actual prick. Once you are numb you are numb and you feel mild and quite tolerable discomfort though the procedure. As all have rerported Dr C and Wade are cool cats and make this as easy as it possibly be for you, with professionalism, compassion and non judgment.

I'm now about 24 hours out and my unit is only somewhat bruised and de minimus swelling, I mean I feel 'good to go'. I gave my unit a break from sex 3-4 days before the procedure, I think that's helped since the guy is used to going EVERY friggn'day with wife and self help. So I would kind of recommned that, although I am a sample of one.

In terms of procedure, I told Dr. C that it his show, that my main goal is Erect Girth, he said I will likely get the appearance of length in Flaccid since I
retract so bad. That seems to be true already. I don't know how many CC I got and don't care. I do know it was the 10%. Dr C and I agreed that round 1 is foundational, that this is a 2\'step process (in my case in particular with smaller 'foundation'), and he can up to 20% next time.

So I don't intend to take pics, but my unit right now is heavier, fatter and wider in all states. What is really quite a difference is the \"strengh\" and fullness of the base which was quite weak before, almost indented at the point where shaft meets fat bad. Now it is a fortess. I think starting from such a small size I am happy. I think true confidence will come after round II when I bulk up to above average Girth. To me I think 5.5 is where I would like to end up, my glans isn't large and I don't want to look stupid. Aesthetics are important to me, and I have excellet personal qualitieso other than penis -- just want to be in the same ball park as fortunate guys and not be a \"Burt Bees'\" Right now my unit looks like it fits ME than my old friend, that's for sure.

I took a three days to chill out at hotel Ticuan. Proabably don't need that much time, but I arranged it. Nice omellete this morning. Anyone here I could meet up.

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270722010

Congrats and welcome to the club. Keep us updated how you get on. I would really recommend massaging regularly and waiting at least 2 weeks before you have sex, even if you feel ready. It will be worth the wait. Gl

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270722455

Sounds like you\'ve done your research
I know meet ups happen from time to time with forum members, and I was supposed to see E.P. but a sort of mix up happened when flying in (which E.P. was able to help me resolve via phone), but because of the mix up I was not able to see him. I\'m sure I\'ll see some of the guys when I go for my 3rd round...
Good luck with the healing phase

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270722558

Thanks guys.

@SO: From your pics, you are most like me in terms of Flaccid size. Did you gain a real sense of confidence after round 1 or did that only happen after round 2? . Unless there are imperfections, I intend to stop at round 2 or at least not rush into round 3 even if not perfect. I am booked for December, it's not easy for me to get out here as I am on East Coast and super busy most of the time. NExt trip, having learned how low impact this is I will come in night before and stay one night after vs. 3 nights this time.

I am really surprised at how little bruising or post procedure discomfort. I really can't imagine waiting to have sex for 2-weeks. I am gonna be lucky to hold out till Sunday. Dudes, my wife is too cute lol. I'm definately an example of overcoming small unit, but who needs to feel insecure when PMMA is sitting right in front of us. I'm a high achiever and I real feel my life's largest disapointment is coming to an end thanks to Dr. C , Wade and team.

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270726535

bighat wrote: Thanks guys.

@SO: From your pics, you are most like me in terms of Flaccid size. Did you gain a real sense of confidence after round 1 or did that only happen after round 2? . Unless there are imperfections, I intend to stop at round 2 or at least not rush into round 3 even if not perfect. I am booked for December, it's not easy for me to get out here as I am on East Coast and super busy most of the time. NExt trip, having learned how low impact this is I will come in night before and stay one night after vs. 3 nights this time.

I am really surprised at how little bruising or post procedure discomfort. I really can't imagine waiting to have sex for 2-weeks. I am gonna be lucky to hold out till Sunday. Dudes, my wife is too cute lol. I'm definately an example of overcoming small unit, but who needs to feel insecure when PMMA is sitting right in front of us. I'm a high achiever and I real feel my life's largest disapointment is coming to an end thanks to Dr. C , Wade and team.

Yes, there is a huge confidence boost given that my Flaccid actually has a normal appearance. In that photo, there was a lot of swelling so it isn\'t as thick, but I suspect after all my rounds are done I\'ll be sitting like that when Flaccid. I am also a Grower, so my pre-op Flaccid made everything from the locker room, swimming pool, and girls a bit more complicated. Now I definitely walk with some added confidence... who wouldn\'t experiencing the kind of change I had??

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270734158

Thanks guys.

One thing that's tricky post procedure , if you are a super shrinker like me, is the whole massaging thing. It's hard to know how much to massage etc. I had plenty of viagra so able to get Erection many times, which is weird since you are kind of blue balling yourself. Everything feels smooth so I guess I am good to go. I am gonna dred this thing shrinking it looks good now.

I'm already signed up for round 2, waiting a full 7 weeks.

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270747027

Congrats and happy healing man

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270754414

How long do you have to wait before you can have sex after having the PMMA?

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270756994

It is recommended to wait at least 7 days.

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270757150

Congrats bighat! Hope everything is going well for you.

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270757248

Ok I am still holding out on sex. We\'ll see how long that last. I had procedure Wednesday afternoon and it\'s Sunday night so I\'ve done better than some I think. I have to say my unit feels in some ways more tender/fagile today than right after the procedure. It\'s healing I guess. Swelling has come down. I\'m pretty happy w/results so far. I\'d say my main issue now (other than not knowig permanent post collagen results) is I\'m just too short at 5\". I am accepting living with that, I am not a natural PE kind of dude, I guess I would consider an extender, but tugging and stuff is not for me and I have no time for it -- better off at gym! I think it looks fine with extra Girth, and my Flaccid is now easily a thickish 2-4\"+ most of the time as PMMA at base has limited retraction. You have to consider that I could in the past almost totally retract to zilcho. Really uncool. Kind of funny since my EG was 4.5-4.7 which felt light but is supposed to be on the \"normal\" side. It \"felt\" thin before now it feels like \"something\". Dr. C kind of downplayed this round and said that it is foundation, but honestly unless this just disappears I don\'t imagine I could go *that* much thicker. I am going to focus on round 2 on aesthetics first Girth second with final Girth goal at 5.5\"+. I\'m well over 5\" EG now. The honest truth is I just don\'t have a big Dick or big glans and I don\'t get the sense it\'s wise to go too far in fabricating one. That said the Girth looks very natural to my mind and my brain has already adjusted. I just want all the PMMA to prove the test of time and be healthy with this great result. Obviously if problems arise it\'s gonna be a hassle. That\'s what makes this board so important, all stay around and problem solve any unexpected issues.

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Ok BIg Hat Done with Round 1 13 years 4 months ago #1270785356

Update Day 7:Had sex on day 6 and again on day 7, no problem whatsoever, totally chill. Unit tender on the base modestly. Probably wise to have waited, don\'t think waiting anymore would have mattered. Using some generic neosporin and taking the cipro still. Wife kind of in a bit of shock/disbelief. She is in a bit of a funk sexually since we had baby this year. She said \"it hurt\". Dooods. You gotta realize I am usually the smallest guy around. Even at 10% PMMA round 1 and only 5\" EL I don\'t think I will ever feel *that* small again, I mean it\'s a proper unit when Erect EG 5\"+. Sex was not \"better\" for me, but different, filling her up --- so odd. HAve round 2 booked, wonder if that will be like going from moped to car to SUV?

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