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TOPIC: Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG

Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270050853

After a tiring debate with myself, and e-mail dialogs with Dr.Casavantes I decided to have Girth enlargement. My personal decision was based upon fact gathering, personal interest, and that touch of inner maddness that i continue to try to accept. I still maintain an open-mind concerning this cosmetic option & its future, but between you and me, I really wanted the prospect of Girth enlargement.

So here\'s some Pre-PMMA stats:

Erect Length: 6 1/8-1/4\"
Mid Shaft Circumference: 5 1/8\"
Base Circumference: 5 5/8\"

My Ideal goal Post-PMMA (After possible 2nd Round)

Mid Shaft Circumference: 6 - 6 1/4\"
Base Circumference: 6 1/4 - 6 1/2\"

The image labeled; share2 reflects Pre-PMMA Girth & Length. Respectfully, taken about 5 years ago. Before my appointment with Dr. Casavantes, i stopped off and purchased a inexpensive digital camera to document my Post-PMMA progress. The piercings were taken out a few years ago FYI. The first post-PMMA photos reflect a Flaccid penis about 30min after the proceedure. Upon Wade\'s recommendation i purchase 1 20mg tablet of Cialis for $17. The proceedure was $1500, inflammatory injection & antibiotics was another $40, parking was $4. Hotel was $52 and some change.Starting from photo 012.JPG you have a 70-80% Erect penis. Photos 020-022.JPG were taken the following morning.

The Concentration of 1st Round was 10% (19cc\'s), injection site included the area behind the glands.

As of Today, 3 days post-op, minimal swelling, minimal bruising, and noticable reduction in post-op Girth.

For all members who\'ve completed their 1st Round with 10% NewPlastic or 20%, please feel free to contact me I\'d greatly appreciate the PM dialog. Ideally i aim to share personal thoughts about the 10% conc., expectations/outcomes, ideas for improvement etc.

Thanks for everyone\'s continued support


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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270053473

Thanks for the update CHL! Looks like you\'re going to have a huge increase Girth! My procedure date is drawing closer and I\'m really excited. Best of luck friend!

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270054470

Duke- glad to see Dr. C\'s answers were comforting enough for you to go threw with the procedure; I remember from another post you had some pretty technical questions to go over with him!

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270054976

so do they reccomend Cialis post injection?

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270059048

Wade was an advocate for good blood flow, and a strong Erection is a good indication of good blood flow. Cialis provides a 36hr buffer so you can maintain that blood flow while you are resting on your back. Talk to him about it, i took his advice, I thought it was a good recommendation. I\'m taking 1000mg daily of L-Arginine from Now Foods, and my Erection quality is pretty good, but i\'m still in my 20s. I\'m in good health, so if you have any cardiac or renal issues talk to Dr.Casavantes or your GP before taking Cialis.


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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270060786

Why did to take out the piercings?How long did it take to close
Up?I have a one and am just wondering,when mine is out I pee from 3 different

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270084807

some women won\'t even try sex with a man that has penile piercings, & every women whose taken the plundge with me loved it! I took them out a few yrs back b/c of girl i wanted to *plundge* one night wouldn\'t do it unless they came out.
It took me, an avg 1.5months to close.
Sex was really fun with the piercings, I can\'t explain it, but somehow i could last longer and the volume of the loads was ridiculous. I would consider a smaller frenum ladder again maybe 4 instead of 6, after the first few weeks you don\'t even notice their there!


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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270111862

I remember you talking about the technical issues you wanted to go over with the doctor re: some of your concerns about PMMA. Can you tell us how those questions were addressed?

Again, congratulations!

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270114034

You may just obtain what my all-time \"Ideal-Realistic\" goal is of a 6x6! I suspect you\'ll get that (or for certain after a Round 2 if you go that route), and I\'ll be eager to hear of your sexcapades with your new toy!
Happy Healing!

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 6 months ago #1270114126

I didn\'t find my loads increase but found them to shoot a bit longer,my wife has to hold a hand up to block it from going to wish I could paint her face with it but she not that kind of girl.Any way congratulating you on the PMMA hope to take the plunge next year but the wife not so sure. I think she go along with it beilotslot cheeper then me spending 10000 on elist implant. Thanks again bud keep us updated.

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 5 months ago #1270423390

Update: Round 2 (Full treatment), set for the 2nd week of October.

Hello Friends, Your buddy Coolhand misses you.

I\'ve been terribly busy with school work, research, lab journals, studying, sleeping and the occasional bi-weekly lady friend. I will elect for the 20% conc. along the base & shaft, and the 10% behind the tender glands. I haven\'t been able to measure recently due to my current time restraint, but after 2 weeks post treatment i had a reported 3/8ths of an Inch gain, on week 6 I\'ll report if there was any collagen growth.

I thought i would share with everyone my daily supplements:
1 capsule of 500mg of L-Lysine from Now Foods
2-3 capsules of 500mg of Proline from Now Foods
2 capsules of 500mg of Vitamin C (AlphaSorb-C) from Now Foods
1 capsule of 50mg of Zinc Picolinate from Now Foods
1 Multi for Him Liquid Softgel from Nature Made

I get on avg. 3.5-6hrs of sleep daily, (everyone needs that growth hormone regulation & i\'m 1 to preach!) and i have 1-2 Bacon burgers with grilled onions every week. Thats my fried food limit. I\'ll drop a pretty looker b4 i denounce my bacon burgers! School work has been getting tougher, it sucks being an upper-classmen, it sucks getting older period. I\'ve been picking up the \'good ole book\' lately, its nice to read it every once in awhile. Anywho, take care friends. And a BIG USA shout out to my aussie friend PASO, good luck amigo!

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 4 months ago #1270651219

What were you gains after round one with the 10%?

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 4 months ago #1270655260

mmmm, if only it could improve collagen production...

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 4 months ago #1270668237

@ Skeptic one, that photo made me feel good! thanks man
2nd Round:10.14.201117cc\'s @ 20%Post-op day 1 & day 2 When the blood came out, it lacked that iron smell we\'re all use too, and the leaking bodily fluid had a slimy touch to it. Every patient needs to listen to their inner voice and make objective decisions about their massaging routine. Dr. Casavantes and Wade agreed that i am not a retractor, I wasn\'t even going to get wrapped, but upon my request Wade helped me with that because i was taking a long drive back home.
An amazing product, that i\'ll continue to use up until day 4, is Walgreens Liquid Bandage, this stuff works to help stop bleeding, and its flexible. Christian asked Wade for me if he thought it was ok while i waited on the phone and Wade said it wouldn\'t be any problem to use this product. If i had thought of this sooner i would have used it on round 1 and right upon completion of round 2. I ultimately don\'t want to loose product i paid for, plus taking a trip to Tj isn\'t something that goes unplanned.Total Cost:My primary care provider prescribed me Doxycycline Monohydrate 100 mg (daily), and that was $10 here in sunny California.
Treatment cost $1500, plus $25 for the anti-inflammatory injectionplus $2 for parking fee, plus $10 worth of advice (i had one of those street venders show me a smaller line driving back into the states, all i had was a $10 bill, his lucky day!), then a 20 mg Cialis tablet from Ley market for $13.75, but i purchased that several weeks back.
Total cost for this trip technically was just $1537 USD, all other fees where things i elected to do. The cost of Walgreen\'s Liquid bandage (aka New skin), was about $6 bucks. I\'d almost put this Liquid Bandage product as a NEW* must for every patient, because after you apply 2 thin layers of this product you can do some light massaging without the fear of the PMMA coming out. Please follow product instructions.
~CHL out

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Coolhandluke's NewPlastic LOG 13 years 4 months ago #1270674719

Thanks for the update CHL. Never mentioned it before, but I am actually quite fond of your avatar. Appears you received a significant volume at 20% this round so I anticipate you\'ll have some massive gains. Thanks again for the honorable mention of Walgreen\'s Liquid Bandage. It\'s added to my checklist. My heart goes out to you brother regarding the loss of your friend. The passing of time will help heal your broken heart. Know that you are cared for and have support if you need any.


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