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TOPIC: Jacko takes the PMMA plunge

Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 10 months ago #1270048526

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The time has come. Been a lurker forever. Almost went for the Elist implant, but was scared away by his creepy \"patients\" that he would have call you. I have followed the first PMMA thread since the early days, and just knew I was gonna do it. The only question was \"when?!?\"

I live on the east coast so S.D. Is a schlep. After following all of the success stories, I decided last week to finally commit and try and realize a lifelong dream. I may be a perfect candidate for this procedure (I hope so at least!) My pre-op measurements are as follows:

FL: 2.5\"-4\" varies so much
FG: 3\"-3.5\"
EL: 5.75\" (6\" on a good day!)
EG: 4.1\" base
4.25\" mid
4.75\" below glans
5.5\" glans

Basically I have a freaking baseball bat shape going on with the base of my Cock being the skinny end. For all of you guys who are concerned about getting too much Girth that the glans will look dwarfed, that is not my problem! That\'s why I think this procedure could be perfect for me.

I think my Cock is on the short side and definitely too skinny. Condoms are a bitch, snug at the top and loose at the base! I use a Cock ring during sex from time to time and that definitely gives me some extra Girth, but still not as much as I would like to achieve. My goal is to have a more cylindrical Cock as close to 6\" as possible. Also, I\'m hoping for some more mass in the Flaccid state for show purposes.

I\'m scheduled for the end of this month. Would like to hear from some of the PMMA vets about what you think about my shape and whether you think I\'m a good candidate for the procedure and if you think my goal is achievable.

Looking forward to contributing to the site and sharing my experience with you guys! Thanks so much to all of the pioneers of this board and the procedure!

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 10 months ago #1270048764

Your baseball bat shape penis may in fact be a prime candidate given that you will see little to no dwarfing of your glans when the base and mid shaft are enhanced!
Good luck with your procedure, and hope you will encourage other lurkers to speak up if they are going to or already have undergone the procedure!

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 10 months ago #1270048885

Best of luck Jacko! You do indeed sound like an ideal candidate.

For some reason, you had a triple post. I made use of my newfound Mod-Powers and deleted two of them. I will be working on a logo this weekend.

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 10 months ago #1270065208

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Thanks guys. One thing I remember reading about was someone who used a muscle relaxer that resulted in less or no Turtling and more Flaccid size. I have one and I plan to use it the day of the procedure. I\'ll run it by Dr. C to make sure, but I recall a post where he said it was ok.

I have done some light stretching in the past that usually gets me an extra 1/4\". I always seem to hit a wall and have never exceeded 1/4\", so I stop and start all the time. I\'m going to try and stretch in preparation for the procedure. Has Dr. C commented on that?

I recall a few good posts on after care and what to do after the procedure regarding wraps, smoothing the PMMA, stretching, herbal and vitamin supplements, etc for optimal results. Can anyone point me to the thread(s) with that info? Or feel free to repost! Thanks!

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 10 months ago #1270065583

Jacko, I think you\'re referring to alpha blockers. They stop Turtling especially when caused by too much adrenalin or situations where you may become nervous, like having an enlargement ! I asked Wade to check with Dr C, he said no problem.

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 10 months ago #1270070913

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Yeah, your right it\'s tamsulosin and my doc gave it to me when I had a kidney stone. Supposed to relax the bladder to help pass it. Loved the way it affected my Flaccid size!

All set for the 29th this month, gonna make a long weekend out of it. Besides the San Diego Zoo, what other cool things are there to do?

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 10 months ago #1270070979

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Another thing...I didn\'t ask Christian or Wade, but do they want photos of Flaccid and Erect? For me it\'s pretty simple, I want to emphasize the lower half, but still want additional Girth towards the glans. I assume pictures would help them. Do I send them by email, or can I just save them to my phone and show them when I get there? How much time do they spend pre-op discussing the procedure and my goals?

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 10 months ago #1270086147

@ Jacko

Erect would be best so they can see the gradient better. Yes you are an ideal candidate! I was cylindrical now I am tapered as most gains for me occured at base and mid shaft! Good luck.

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 10 months ago #1270308006

Any updates?

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 9 months ago #1270435380

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Taking off for TJ today! Update coming!

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 9 months ago #1270448496

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Ok guys, just left room 5! What an experience! Turns out both Wade and Dr. C agreed that I am the perfect candidate because my glans is large. Not much pain, a little stick here and there but well worth it. Kinda stings right now where the entry points are. Wade said it\'s gonna swell pretty good, but that I\'ll love it. Doc got me 19cc\'s of 10%. He told me flat out the results will not be as dramatic as 20%, but it\'s much safer to have at least 2 procedures with 10%. I\'m all wrapped up and need to massage for the next couple of days. I\'ll get some pics in the near future. It feels pretty damn good from a heft standpoint! I\'ve got some more things to add, but I\'m gonna chill for now.

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 9 months ago #1270448560

Nice, you and me in the same day. Im getting picked up in an hour, but im loosing my nerve

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 9 months ago #1270448589

@Jacko, awesome news! Knew you would be an ideal candidate given the shape of your unit! Get some rest and let us know more when you\'re ready.
@ ZolHopefully Jacko\'s accounts can calm the nerves a bit, as well as my own. Bioplasty is a pretty straight forward procedure and you\'ll be surprised looking back on it how \"oh that wasn\'t so bad\" it was.

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 9 months ago #1270452309

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The whole experience is surreal. Your laying on a table and two guys are tugging, flipping and injecting your Cock with PMMA. But before all that, Mel gives you a gown and some booties. The gown is cloth, clean and nicely folded. As i slipped out of my clothes and into the gown, i wondered how many of the PMMA forefathers from these boards wore the very same gown! Then he takes some before shots against a black backdrop. That was kinda embarrassing, but you just need to keep reminding yourself that they\'re doing 3 of these procedures almost daily. They\'ve seen it all! They\'re very professional just like everyone says. Dr. C and Wade are simply awesome and make you feel as good as you can feel under the circumstances. Let\'s face it, your Balls naked in a doctors office. Many of us considering this procedure hate being naked period!

But let me tell you it\'s well worth whatever discomfort and slight pain you may feel. Couple of other random thoughts:

Wade shared with me that he has done the procedure and that he too is a retractor or Grower. I think he\'s being honest, so that makes me feel a little bit better about the risk.

Dr. C is very much against guys going overboard and coming back for more and more procedures. He thinks there\'s a few patients that have had their penises turned into corn dogs, he said. He is very much about a natural look, but if you insist, I think he\'ll give you what you want even though he may try and dissuade you. He really believes in the 10% which he feels has greatly cut down on the ring effect.

When I asked them at the end, how much he injected, he lit up and said 19% like it was a big deal. He also said that \"there\'s plenty of room\" to do a follow up procedure. He said that the optimum situation is 2 full procedures at 10%, then maybe 1 touch up procedure if necessary. I told him beforehand that my base was too skinny. He took a look and said my glans was large enough so that he could put some extra in the base to even things out. Dr. C started the procedure with Mel assisting. Mel kept calling Wade on he phone and about 20 min in, Wade finally entered. Wade is Dr. C\'s extra set of eyes. Together they flip and rotate your Cock so that they achieve maximum results.

I think we have to be realistic about this procedure. If you intend on having only one procedure, odds are you won\'t be satisfied if you think that\'s all you need. If you are dedicated with PMMA, and you follow doctors orders and you follow up with two or three visits, i\'ll bet you\'ll be extremely happy. Right after the procedure, you are swollen and full of liquid. Wade told me it will be like a balloon tomorrow. But eventually most of the 19cc\'s that were injected will absorb into your body (save for the 1.9cc\'s of PMMA) and the swelling will subside, and you\'ll be back almost where you started! It\'s the growth of the collagen that is key. I suppose that\'s why everyone loses the initial fat Cock and then experience a resurgence of the Girth from the collagen growth. That\'s my theory.

Maybe the guys who received 20% had bigger gains because of that, but Dr. C thinks the bigger quick gains come at the cost of aesthetics.

As for my results, I will send some pics to S.O. And maybe he will post them. I\'m not sure it\'s a good idea to post pics the day of the procedure because it really is misleading. There\'s a lot of trauma down there! I\'m pretty beat up! Plus I still have to massage over the next 40 hrs or so. But I will say that thus far, I am very satisfied. The extra heft is great. It looks like I will need some touch up, but I\'m gonna try and massage and smooth things out the best I can.

I\'ll check back soon.

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Jacko takes the PMMA plunge 12 years 9 months ago #1270452836

There is definitely truth to the day-of photos. My before & after picture doesn\'t appear bruised or heavily swollen (in my own eyes, it appears rather natural) - but that fatness definitely subsided over time. Pictures a week + may be a more accurate representation of the penis post-op, more specifically 6 weeks out.
Feel free to email me the pics if you want, I\'ll put them up on this thread once the photo situation is resolved.
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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