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TOPIC: Another Elist Implant Removed

Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269785748


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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269786064

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Hi Volcano6509, I am very sorry to hear about all you\'ve had to go through. I hope you find this forum as a source of inspiration and comfort and that you regain your lost length. I see you have been in touch with other members; perhaps those in a similar situation can suggest specific stretching routines. I do not know personally the number of satisfied patients with the Elist implant, except for those who have spoken up on this site. Again, best of luck and we are all here for you. Skatezy

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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269786996

I would like to sit outside dr.elist\'s office and see if he is actually, really and truly doing 10 of these implants a week. I highly doubt it...
im sorry to hear about your ordeal. I am fairly new to this board and learning about pe just as you are. I am knowledgeable in health, fitness, and use of hormones. so if you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269793226

I\'d like to see everyone who has been lied to by this man, come together and do something about it. Nothing can be more embarrassing than having to go to the emergency room with an issue. Save all the future men who have found this guy from having to go through this and continue to give this man money.

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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269800398

I had the penile implant also and had it removed. I did not have infection but the implant came \"unstitched\" after a couple of months and Dr. Elist wanted to sell me a new one when I complained about it!

He removed it in his office while I watched (undrugged I might add, except for local anesthesia so I saw everything. I\'m not very squeamish...).

This man will lie to you. He will tell you what you want to hear. I completely sympathize with you. You feel you do not want to burn bridges because he is the only one who does this type of procedure and you are in a bind. Dr. Elist understands and knows this..

I know of at least 10 people who have had this removed now.

I am considering sue-ing this DR. I would be interested in others who are interested also..

BTW. If you are a shill and are trying to get info about me and other patients who are thinking of sue-ing Dr. Elist by pretending to be one of us who had the implant, I will know.

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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269801972

@Volcano6509 Your ordeal is right up there in the worst case scenarios we\'ve heard in this forum. It is as if you bought a brand new car and before getting it insured totaled it in a terrible accident which injured you and caused you to lose inches. Mangled you were by this procedure and it is scary how subject you were to misinformation and bad treatment. I think we can conclude that the Elist implant is not exactly perfected and that the complications which arise are beyond the scope of potential risks as they seem to occur frequently if not invariably. That some here might want to sue this doctor is of course their own business, but we can only sympathize when hearing such stories knowing that they have no incidence on that doctor\'s continued intensity of surgical activity. In wishing you prompt recovery, touch base with Mustang2020 who has recently gone through a similar ordeal and taken measures to heal and restore his unit. HC

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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269806164

Hi Volcano6509, If you\'ve been familiar with this and the old site, you may know that I consider myself one of the \"lucky one\'s\" in that I didn\'t have any severe complications and my wife and I like the Girth and the look of the implant.... BUT I have decided to have it removed! I now have a corner that has become more and more prominent and bothers my wife if I\'m not super hard so she can\'t feel the edge as much, that and the fact that I just can\'t live wit this doubt about if I may get a spontaneous infection or some othe rproblem arise from this thing. And with PMMA out there now, I just think it\'s the wisest thing to do! My question is: were you satisfied with Dr Alter doing the Removal and was the total cost only 2,500? that sounds pretty good if the service was excellent. Are there any other MD\'s out there that would do this? if anyone knows please let me know, It\'d be nice to do some comparrisons before getting it done. Thanks so much and I can sympathize with what you\'ve been through, hang in there and best of luck!

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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269807930


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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269807993


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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 6 months ago #1269808696


Glad everything went well with Alter. He is an excellent surgeon. If curvature were to occur, it would not be evident immediately post op. It would likely begin within a few months from the Removal of the implant as scar tissue is formed. Any shortening or curvature should be addressed at onset. As far as Dr. Elist goes, \"There are no perfect men in this world, only perfect intentions.\" The advice given hope4more was surprisingly accurate given the prevalence of the condition.

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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 5 months ago #1270375823


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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 5 months ago #1270375847

Question: When you say half your penis is numb... is it completely numb as in \"you can\'t feel a thing?\" or just much less sensitive than before the implant?

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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 5 months ago #1270380395


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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 5 months ago #1270382674

Volcano6509, as you may know I had to have my implant removed. At this point I feel mixed about my result: The Girth is okay but the length is not. When I have an Erection, my penis now points up (I do like this part, especially because this had never happened before (with the implant or before I had it). However, it also points to the right and I can actually feel a string of scar tissue going from the penis into the right side of my pubic area, pulling my penis towards the right. I am not happy about this at all, but I am hoping that the \"right turn\" will disappear with stretching and pumping over time. Even though I am not happy about this, I am okay with it because the fact that my penis now points upwards makes it a lot more exciting for my wife and she can easily reach an orgasm. I did not experience any numbness whatsoever and I can see why you are concerned. Even though \"this may be the first time it happened\" it does not really do you any good now, does it? Was the implant removed the same way it went in or did the Dr remove it through an opening around the glans? I am hoping and praying that the nerves in your penis were not permanently damaged and that the feeling will return very soon.

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Another Elist Implant Removed 13 years 5 months ago #1270383543

And the carnage continues'Dr. Elist is a very bright man and fully aware that every time he puts one of those implants in his unsuspecting patients, that there is a significant risk that it will end badly. I'm sure his technique and various implants are improving with each mistake, but it's too bad Patrick, Casper, myself, and countless others have had the unfortunate experience of being one of his sacrificial guinea pigs before his quest for the ultimate dong comes to fruition.It's one thing if the 'good doctor' were upfront about the possible complications (including the almost guaranteed length loss if removed), but he just lies through his teeth. 'What he doesn't tell these unsuspecting patients is just as bad as the lies he spews'Having been on this board, the previous Phalloboards'and before that Mynewsize (when it was legit) I have had personal contact with at least 15 guys whose lives have been damaged (most irreparably) by this guy. Regarding myself'Although I was able to get my original length back after the removal, I am the only one I know of'Casper, as I have told you in my private messages to you, just be tenacious with your pulling, tugging, ADS, pumping, and weight training. Regarding your 'numbness'After I had the implant put in, my penile shaft was basically numb (the top skin)'Just like yours. I emailed Dr. Elist about this and he told me 'My penis would get sensation back in a few weeks''A few weeks later, when the sensation didn't return, he told me that this was probably due to the fact that I had had multiple surgeries'.and that he had 'never had this issue before'. You see, Dr. Elist always makes his patients feel as if the issues they are dealing with are of their own making and not due to the fact that his surgery is incredibly flawed. He will look at you straight in the eye and lie'Another example is when my implant became infected and had to be removed'I was in correspondence with another Implant victim who had just had his taken out for the same exact reason by Dr. Elist. When I went to the doctor's office to have my implant taken out, he greeted me, looked me 'straight in the eye' and said, 'I've never had anything like this ever happen before'. My heart sank when he said this because I realized (at that exact moment) I had been duped by a conman. I realized all those red flags that I had chosen to ignore, were in fact 'red flags'. Please, if anyone is thinking about getting this surgery, think long and hard about it. Well'the sensation has never come back to my shaft but the glans is perfectly fine'I expect the sensation never will return and have accepted my 'new normal'. Just chalk it up to another causality of Dr. Elist's grand experiment. Messageman Patrick, glad to hear your healing is going well

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