I felt exactly the same way and you can see from my own progress report the initial result was a heck of a lot better than what I came in with. I thought - hoped - it was for keeps as they dialed in just about the perfect unit for my size. However it has since dwindled, not causing much worry as this was understood and to be expected.
Yet I have found that even with intermediate
Girth, well before the collagen kicks in, that even a small gain can make a big difference in confidence and in the resulting responses from women, So don\'t decide quite yet just what you want in the end, for you might wind up very very happy with slightly less which is however still a lot more than you\'ve been used to. I have hence decided to postpone my next session planned for week 6 until a later date for several reasons.
The first is that the size queen I was stuck on is out of the picture. I am grateful for her presence as a strong incentive to get me here, I doubt any of this progress would have happened without that prospect. So whether she knew it or not she did me a great service which will be appreciated by others of the female gender.
The second reason is that this way I will allow the collagen to achieve its full results which apparently can continue during several months, six weeks being the minimum time at which one can safely add more product during the buildup.
The third reason is due to my length, which retracted recently either due to Gonadotropine injections or some other chemical PE effort I undertook simultaneously. This means I need to stretch and regain that length before adding further
Girth. I don\'t want to be distorted and look like I\'m sporting a beer can, so it will be a quest for length next prior to adding further