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TOPIC: scar tissue removal from implant

scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 8 months ago #1269201062

What up. I will be going to Dr Camacho next week or the first week of July to have some scar tissue removed due to the silicone implant Removal. I have scar tissue on the penis on the left side and in the inside deep pubic. THis has caused a shortening and a curvature. Hopefully Dr Camacho can do a great job and get me back to somewhat normal. After I heal, I will hang and stretch like my life depends on it. Then I will simutaneously do some Clamping and what ever it take to get some Girth naturally. I will wait a year until I achieve some length back or gain, and then I will consider doing some PMMA, I will post some pre op pics soon before I go.

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 8 months ago #1269287616

change of plans. I cancelled my appointment due to some other issues but I am happy I did so. I will try to hang like my life depends on it and see where that takes me. If I can gain a full Inch, I will then go for PMMA. But I think my penis is fine without another surgery. How do we post pics with our post?

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269377048

Lasttime: It is interesting to read your posts....Keep posting.
Good luck.

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269377382

I\'m moving this to the Progress Reports section. The database forums are for articles/resources only, I think the Progress Reports section may give this type of thread more visibility.
I know you said you cancelled your appointment, but do you believe you will ultimately undergo scar tissue Removal or just hold off on it for now?
Good luck!

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269378161

@ lasttime

Good luck brother!

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269528088

Hey now are my most recent pics. a couple are Erect the others are Flaccid. As you see, my Flaccid sticks straight out and not down. The Erection pics are 2 from the right side (good side), and the other is left side (side with scar tissue). For those who need a recap. I had Elist implant a year and a few months ago. I had it remove exactly one year ago. I use kenolog once in a while and hang regularly.

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269528821

Your problems look very similar to mine. I\'ve got some scar tissue as a result of FFT Removal and it\'s restricting the length, prevents the skin from moving properly and causes a slight curve. I\'ve got a similar wrinkle or skin fold to that which you have on the left just under half way up your shaft. I\'m thinking of trying iodine and DMSO as I read on thundersplace that it can help soften scar tissue. Do you think the Kenalog has helped?

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269528974

@lastime- I agree with you no PMMA injection at the moment , it looks like you have a scar tissue involving the dorsal side of tunica (due feel that the scar is deep in the tunica or only superficial i.e. only skin) it will pull your penis up a bit (because in the pic. your Flaccid sticks straight out).
For the surgical treatment of any scar you have to wait for more than 6 months some doctors say a year then if it is not improved ---> surgery , I think Dr. Paulo Egydio in Sao-Paulo is one of the best for treating Pyeronie\'s disease and thats what you have IMO.
Miracle7 can help you and he can give you more information about this.
Unless if the scar is involving the skin shaft only (due to some shaft skin lost i.e. implant extrusion??).

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269530040

@ lastime

firstly penis from the right side looks great.

The scar tissue on the left side is is skin build up what is the texture? its much less noticeable in Flaccid.

I am tempted to say that you could do well getting the curvature sorted first before PMMA so you have a normal Flaccid hang. I think the final result will look great then!

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269530367

thanks so far for your replies. The lump of scar tissue feel like a lump of hard Nodule fat. It is attached to my shaft like a leach would, but it is definetly under my skin. I do have some scar tissue deeper, i guess in the tunica, but it does not seem to affect me that much. The kenolog works minimally, but I think I just have to continue with more for a while, while at the same time keep Hanging and stretching. I was shorter than this before, so I am seeing results. But I want as much length to come back or more as possible and much more straight.

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269531519


Please be patient with me. I can help. Marked curvature, whether dorsal, ventral or lateral is typically only evident in an Erect state. As the cavernous bodies fill with blood, the fibrotic tissue does not expand as a normal tunica albuginea does. There is a loss of elasticity and some retraction in the scarred area(s) of the tunic. Whether due to congenital (born with it) or acquired (peyronie\'s) none of the aforementioned home remedies will work. Before you ask, NO traction devices do not correct peyonie\'s either. Do NOT use dimethyl sulfoxide or iodine/iodide tinctures on your penis. It will not help. Topical treatments including verapamil, DMSO, iodine, etcetera, etcetera... are useless. I\'ve been really busy lately but am eager to help. Please don\'t try ANYTHING without discussing with your PCP or Urologist.

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269531573


Scar tissue in the body due to accidents etc, is not the same unfortunately. Enzyme therapy is also useless. Nattokinase, serrapeptase, bromelain... ALL USELESS.

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269533541

In my case, I got about three small shots of Kenalog after implant Removal and it did help. The curvature was reduced but not gone. Some of the scar tissue also went away. Then I got the PRFM thru Dr. Runels and things improved some what, but I am unable to judge if it is normal healing, Kenolog or PRFM.

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269544592

Lastime: I\'m actually relieved to see your pics...I thought it would look worse from what you said in your first post (here). I think the scar tissue is not too bad and can be dealt with, likewise with a minor curvature. I like that your skin seems nice and loose, is the skin looser post implant? I am actually entertaining the idea of having mine removed. I do like having the implant, Girth IS addictive.... but I\'ve got a somewhat prominent front corner on just one side. I contacted Dr E thinking he could make a very small incision right there and trim it off, but he said absolutley not! NO incision should ever be made right on the penis. so he wants to go in at the old scar, which has dropped way down to the base of the penis, since I didn\'t have any internal stitching done. It seems he is thinking of taking it out... trimming it and putting it back in??? Actually I haven\'t talked to him, just emailed so far, and he says we must talk, I\'m thinking he will suggest putting in his newer softer model, but...... I don\'t know man, with the infection worries lately, maybe I should just do what Mustand did and get it out and then go with PMMA. Are you considering doing that? I haven\'t been on the site much lately, excuse me for not knowing your plans. Any thoughts or opinions on the whole implant Removal thing would be appreciated. Good luck by the way!!

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scar tissue removal from implant 13 years 7 months ago #1269547296

Hey bud, thanks for the compliment about the penis. I do have plans on getting PMMA simply due to the fact that I have experienced having a larger Girth a few different times in my life, and wish to have it again for life this time. It has been a long 11 months since the Removal and I feel pretty good about my penis and the improvements I have made. However, I am going to take my time and get as much length as possible, and heal the scar tissue no matter how long it takes. I am saving money and will make a decision once I have the funds. Dr Alter or Dr Camacho will be the ones to help me out with this. With PMMA, people are getting the same amount of Girth without the edges and fakeness, and infections, or the other complications that come with the implant. Mustang didnt even get the kind of scar tissue I have, and messageman didnt really get any. So you have a good chance at an easy recovery. My skin is flexible and normal exept for the spot with the scarring.

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