There\'s no mobility near the circ scar area on the right... cuz all the skin and
PMMA was cut out. But, the left is normal - so that isn\'t a good situation now that I am back to activity... I realized it kinda hurts.
I just want the skin on the scrotum on the right slid up somehow...which it is doing naturally - but if a surgeon could just fix it in place somehow - then my length might come back to normal and the right side won\'t be so tight. My doc took too much skin off...though I don\'t think he had much choice.
The other option would be to take some skin off the left ... where I have nodules really. It wouldn\'t reduce the length any more. It would just make the tight area go away, I think. It\'s just annoying to have little scabs (rug burn type) right on the tight area now...I wasn\'t even doing anything that aggressive - and this scar is probably 4 months old now. That area is just really tight / weak. I think the estimate was the skin would be somewhat normal in 2 years with constant stretching - but it\'s hard to do constantly - and 2 years is a long ass time (for a \"maybe\")
Anyway... it\'s funny how the lipo topic didn\'t last long! But I don\'t know if I am gonna do anything about the penis... It\'s hard to say. Once it gets this fucked up...there\'s only so much you can do i guess.