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TOPIC: what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes?

what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1300182960

Bolkonsky wrote: I\'m sure 6\" would be fine for anal. a booty hole just needs to be warmed up, in the mood, and hopefully pre-stretched. then all is well.

6 inches in the booty hole is on the large side, but reasonable. Pre-op I was able to get a decent amount of anal but not a lot in terms of pussy vs anal. Now it\'s non existent.

So 6inches isn\'t fine per say, but very doable for a woman or man who enjoys things in there butt.

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1300036941

I\'ll try to get some new pics and video while having sex later this week. If it works out I\'ll send them to Bolkonsky or Hulk if either wants to see.

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1300034208

fatmike. Im truly having a hard time visuallizing your proportions. I\'m a little bit longer than you, at least my BPEL is .5\" longer and i cant imagine having a 8\" Girth.

It seems like it must be a tree stub. Like can you even get anything into these womens vaginas? like how much do you think is actually going in them? For some reason i\'m only imagining 2\"...

And what about your glans? are your glans still the original size? Are your glans filled with silicone also?

do you think you could post any pics? you seriously have me intrigued.

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1300034204

FatMike wrote: The only time it\'s been a problem was when I failed to communicate my size up front, or if for some reason she didn\'t believe (e.g. thought I was exaggerating). A couple excited by my size thought I had silicone (before I actually did). Another had experience with silicone monsters much bigger than me, and were even critical of me for messing around with the expense of PMMA, when I could get bigger like an ex of hers with a monster silicone Cock.

What drives me to such sizes? Obviously it\'s all in my mind--ego, vanity, pride, excitement from a size fetish, and the fantasy of porn.

So you do actually get penetration sex with 9+ Inch Girth?

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1300034161

The only time it\'s been a problem was when I failed to communicate my size up front, or if for some reason she didn\'t believe (e.g. thought I was exaggerating). A couple excited by my size thought I had silicone (before I actually did). Another had experience with silicone monsters much bigger than me, and were even critical of me for messing around with the expense of PMMA, when I could get bigger like an ex of hers with a monster silicone Cock.

What drives me to such sizes? Obviously it\'s all in my mind--ego, vanity, pride, excitement from a size fetish, and the fantasy of porn.

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1300027753

FatMike wrote: I just got back from visiting family over Labor Day weekend and I was not taking PGE1 at all, except on the travel day there. As I often do, I stopped at a strip club on the way to my family\'s house. Instead of my usual, I tried out a new club and had fun. The stripper I spent the most time with was nice enough to comment that I was the largest she\'d ever encountered, calling it a potato, and saying I should make adult movies. It\'s always fun with strippers--being called their largest, having them call it a porn Dick, etc.

Separately (off-topic):

I updated my signature this morning with more accurate measurements (shaving off the \"internet inches\"). Though, if I use PGE1 and pump, it can temporarily attain 11+ Girth. I measured this morning and had shrunk (as expected) due to not being under the influence of the medicine, and I was 9 Inch Flaccid base Girth.

Also, last month I got pubic liposuction at Cl'nica de Cirug'a Cosmetica, located in the same building as Avanti Derma. The lipo significantly reduced my fat pad, and was something I\'d wanted to do for a long time. The price was surprisingly affordable compared to American prices ($750). The clinic is very nice and well organized, and they provide a shuttle service from San Diego as well.

I visited Avanti Derma for 50cc silicone in my scrotum and for another touch-up with microdrops. My scrotum looks most noticeable when I\'m Flaccid, because when Erect it still pulls tight to my body . I plan to go back for more in the scrotum.

I have been into swinging & bdsm lifestyle for 5 plus years and never have encountered anyone who could take your Girth. I\'m curious about your partners that have the vagina that would accommodate your Girth.

I fear even on the internet, I\'ve only witnessed a handful of fisting videos that would allow someone of your Girth to achieve penetration.

What drives you to such extremes?

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1300027267

I just got back from visiting family over Labor Day weekend and I was not taking PGE1 at all, except on the travel day there. As I often do, I stopped at a strip club on the way to my family\'s house. Instead of my usual, I tried out a new club and had fun. The stripper I spent the most time with was nice enough to comment that I was the largest she\'d ever encountered, calling it a potato, and saying I should make adult movies. It\'s always fun with strippers--being called their largest, having them call it a porn Dick, etc.

Separately (off-topic):

I updated my signature this morning with more accurate measurements (shaving off the \"internet inches\"). Though, if I use PGE1 and pump, it can temporarily attain 11+ Girth. I measured this morning and had shrunk (as expected) due to not being under the influence of the medicine, and I was 9 Inch Flaccid base Girth.

Also, last month I got pubic liposuction at Cl'nica de Cirug'a Cosmetica, located in the same building as Avanti Derma. The lipo significantly reduced my fat pad, and was something I\'d wanted to do for a long time. The price was surprisingly affordable compared to American prices ($750). The clinic is very nice and well organized, and they provide a shuttle service from San Diego as well.

I visited Avanti Derma for 50cc silicone in my scrotum and for another touch-up with microdrops. My scrotum looks most noticeable when I\'m Flaccid, because when Erect it still pulls tight to my body . I plan to go back for more in the scrotum.

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1299964192

See-- i wouldnt go for the girl looking for it. I would like the ones who are afraid of it and never had it that big before. To me, that\'s the turn on.
I said it in another thread-- if a girl said to me \"oh my god, I don\'t think that will fit\" -- that\'s the goal and would be incredibly hot.

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1299962498

wonderingyoungguy. Dont you have the same starting stats as me?

naganati. Much love brother. Its all going to be okay. I typically date girls who have had bigger penises then me and they can all take me just fine.

I think most women have a size fetish. FatMike might be onto something. lol

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1299961688

Here are some stories:

Including 2 women i fucked with 6.8inch extension and they both still didn\'t come (they both never came vaginally). They reacted good, but they did not react drastically different than to my superthin cock fucking fast (before any rounds) - both of them reacted very very good. I guess cause they saw me as attractive as a whole (they were older than me, i guess i fall in boytoy category somehow). One went crosseyed biting into pillow because screaming, the other said \'i guess i have never really been fucked before\' and \'i think you are the best fucker ever\' (just went fast and long). Believe me, even me writing this it seems a bit unbelievable, it does not make sense regarding my stats. I guess it\'s a bit emotional, eg the idea \'a hot guy is fucking me hard, omg this is hot\'.
I believe bigger is better. Statistics i guess say bigger is surely pretty better till 5.5.

There is a lot of stuff here.
FatMike is also totally valid - if you got a dick that is in 1% or something, you get the super-sizequeens for free. Eg one million people city, 25% are fuckable woman, 1% of these are sizequeens (no idea, just to say something) - that\'s 10 000 women that want to fuck you just for your dick.
I would also wish to be this big. Perhaps try it for a week first
(The supersize is not reachable for me; also over 5.5 or something there was one big post how women after first sex called him back *less*; so 5.5 would be my dream size i guess. On the other hand i love asians, i guess 5.0 is a asian\'s woman 5.5)

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1299961607

I have numerous experiences revealing myself to a woman in the bedroom for the first time, and it never gets--it\'s priceless

One I often get is \"WOW, you weren\'t kidding!\" or \"HOLY SHIT, I thought you were exaggerating!\"

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1299961583

I was 7 Inch Girth (6.5 at the tip) when I started too.

Here\'s an example of a response from my personal ad I received a few days ago. I e-mailed her back and we\'ve exchanged phone #\'s and e-mail addresses and some other basic status about ourselves. The reason I haven\'t called her or gone on a first date is because I was out on a date with another woman, but I plan to call her tonight.

Hi there,

My name is X, 30 yo African lady and I live in X. I found your ad on X so I decided to write to you. I\'m looking for a guy to date and luckily, you claim to have the kind of package am looking for. I need a man with a monster Cock. If you\'re still looking and interested please write back. Have a good day.
A couple pictures of a gorgeous woman were attached.

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1299961214

The risks of PMMA are real.

We underestimate them.

You should only do it if you have nothing to lose.

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1299961153

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Just because I would die to have bolkonsky\'s starting stats doesn\'t mean that he is an idiot for wanting to be even bigger. We all have different reasons for wanting to get PMMA. There is nothing wrong with wanting to get blown up to a size like Astrix1981 or Briceb for the experience of completely filling a vagina and making a woman orgasm hard and quick and seeing their reactions.

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what have the ladies said or their sexual responses? you massive grith dudes? 7 years 6 months ago #1299960831

Given what you\'ve already got, if you get PMMA, then you\'re a fucking idiot.


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