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TOPIC: About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys

About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293478443

  • Dr Oates
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camphallo wrote: For a first time you did brilliantly!

Thanks mate, I just went with it tbh.

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293422467

Dr Oates wrote:
Remember a womans main sexual organ is between her ears. Be confident, tell her how hot she is and how she is making you feel. She wants to know you are totally into her - guess what? She is worried about all kinds of things about her body too. Dont say - \"No worries love, I dont mind a bit of flab\" more like how you want to touch her, how excited you are etc.

If I only knew 30 yrs ago what I know now....

She\'s going to be so grateful for your advise when he tries to shove his Cock in her eyes!

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293419455

brock wrote: Tomorrow is the day! We want full details! Haha.. Remember, practice makes perfect- if at first you don\'t succeed try try again!

Remember a womans main sexual organ is between her ears. Be confident, tell her how hot she is and how she is making you feel. She wants to know you are totally into her - guess what? She is worried about all kinds of things about her body too. Dont say - \"No worries love, I dont mind a bit of flab\" more like how you want to touch her, how excited you are etc.

If I only knew 30 yrs ago what I know now....

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293417327

Lol buddy i use to try out my moves on the bed, to see how rough and fast i can go.

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293417237

Tomorrow is the day! We want full details! Haha.. Remember, practice makes perfect- if at first you don\'t succeed try try again!

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293417076

Atlas Drugged wrote: Thanks everyone!

Should I try to lick her even though I have zero experience?

Like others have said... feel her out. I feel like there are 3 categories of women and cunnilingus:
Those who love a man who isn\'t selfish and will eagerly go down on them.Those who enjoy having a man go down, but prefer it to be someone they are intimately exclusive with.Those who are self-conscious and prefer to avoid it.If she\'s #1, try it out. Cue in on her bodily responses... if she seems to be enjoying herself, stick to what you\'re doing. Only move to other techniques if the one you\'re currently using isn\'t getting optimal responses (increased moisture, temperature, spasm-ing, moans, etc). If you\'re knocking it out of the park, keep at it until she gets her O... if it isn\'t going your way, don\'t be discouraged since she will likely be pleased with your effort & enthusiasm... you had to start somewhere, right?

Again, good luck

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293417035

I just saw this now, I hope I\'m not too late. Much of the opinions given here are spot-on & insightful, very little I can add other than: your penis is normal and you shouldn\'t dwell on it. I know, easier said than done, but what I\'ve learned from going from a genuinely \"small\" to \"above average,\" is that if a girl is truly into you, she\'s going to dig the sex regardless. I\'ve hooked up with ladies at different stages of my penis-project, and it remains true... if she genuinely likes you and things get hot, it\'ll likely stay hot.

If men should focus on anything penis-related... it should be penis & erectile/circulatory health, libido and drive. Size, while arguably important to some (mostly to ourselves), should be secondary to penis health. Good luck!

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293393993

Make sure your nails are cut down, filed and clean.
Wear a killer pair of undies.
I\'m big on the vag eating too. Go down slow.. she may push your head down there, she may pull your face up if she\'s not comfortable.
Make sure you are not smelly, and you may wanna trim down the bush, ass and taint hair.
If you take a dump after your shower before you see her- take another shower. In the very least, use baby wipes until squeaky clean.
Tell her its your first time and you may finish quick.. I\'d be honest with her- because bro, you\'re going to finish quick. Prep her that there will be a round two.
I\'d be super honest its your first time and have her help you out-- I\'ll bet you she will think its hot.
Don\'t think about your dong size. You could always fold her legs back to her stomach and push them together or hit her doggie if she needs a little more penetration. Don\'t sweat it.

Good luck-

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293391330

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Thanks everyone!

Should I try to lick her even though I have zero experience?

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293388923

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Get blackout drunk and take a cab over there. Have a condom already rolled out on your Dick before you get there. Chicks love when you recognize their sluttiness by fully preparing a rubber in advance.

I tell them their tits \"feel like bags of sand\"....that\'s my big move. Works every time. Guaranteed.

Best of luck!!

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293388272

Atlas Drugged wrote: On friday I\'m seeing a girl alone in her apartment, it\'s going to go down.

Can you guys give me some tips on how to act, what to do and what to expect?

My penis is quite modest: 5.2 inches EL with 4.9 MSEG will it do the job, how can I compensate for my rather weak length?

Is there anything else I should think about, how can I ensure good EQ, should I pop a viagra?

Thanks everyone.

Listen kid, I don\'t know how they do it in Sweden, but at 20 I was a guy from the Bronx with an average sized penis, who thought he was small. Your size is about average. What I\'ve learned after all these years is that it\'s all about being cool and relaxed, and this is because *you* are the temperature gauge for everything that happens. If you are nervous and awkward, there\'s no way you\'re going to set the tone for her to be comfortable. Comfort is the name of the game. If you can make this girl feel comfortable, she\'ll do whatever you want. When a woman is comfortable, you can tell her to roll over and do tricks for your entertainment. Spoken as a 42-yr old Stone-Cold pimp with no limp.

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293386911

Don\'t rush into anything. You need to \'read\' her. I know it\'s a bit hard when you don\'t have much experience.

Possible signs she is into you.

1) Spontaneous laughter and touching of your hand/knee while doing so
2) Playing with her hair.
3) Looking at you right in the eyes. (Try not to look away, but look back for at least a few seconds and smile)

Things to do or not to do.

4) Mirror some of her movements. Maybe not right away, but soon after she\'s made them. Example her sitting up in her chair to get closer to you when you guys are sitting across a dinner table for example. Let her take the lead.
5) If you make a move and her expression changes to show little to discomfort, back off and try to disguise your move as something innocent. Don\'t try again until she has \'recovered\' by displaying 1 to 3 of the above.
6) Rushing things will screw up any future relationships, so it\'s better not to score on Friday because the signs were not right and leave things open to the future than coming across as a perv and ruining any chance for the future.

Compensate by being a good pussy eater. Start slowly and bring her passion up and down. When she\'s about to cum, slow down. Keep her at the edge. Play it right and soon she will be so horny she\'ll fux anything.

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293386815

Nothing that could really apply to your situation.
I lost my virginaty to a low IQ slut from a council estate.
I could go back in time I would tell myself \"stay the hell away from this girl\" because I got in a relationship with her and it caused my psychological harm and gave me insecurities that I still carnt get rid of, she is probably one of the reasons I\'m on this board right now.
I don\'t think you\'ve anything to worry about, Swedish women are probably more civilised than the primitive Neanderthal like women found on British council estates.
Good luck, i think it will go great.

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293386625

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Reklaw wrote: Hi, just try to relax and enjoy yourself. Please remember if it doesn\'t happen or if it doesn\'t happen exactly as you would like it to, its not the end of the world. Just be yourself, I think it will go great.

Thanks, isn\'t there anything you wish you had known when you lost your virginity that you can now tell me?

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About to lose my virginity -give me tips guys 8 years 5 months ago #1293386601

Hi, just try to relax and enjoy yourself. Please remember if it doesn\'t happen or if it doesn\'t happen exactly as you would like it to, its not the end of the world.
Just be yourself, I think it will go great.

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