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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1295788253

Found this on a fb. All the ladies love him. How big do you think he is?

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292746798

Fm holy shit dude I wanna have your Girth man and your not that much longer then me when Erect.

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292746753

Where did you even get 13cc of PMMA from? Boy all of a sudden everyone is self injecting

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292746567


this is the first time I am posting something so I don\'t know how to start new tread if its not in proper place please move it where it should be. Anyway I have question regarding the strange problem I have. I am 53 years old now and my thing is getting fast smaller and smaller then ever. Length loss was from only 2-3 years ago about 2 - 3 inches ( 35-40 % !!! ) some maybe due to the recent Circumcision at least one Inch I lost that way but it was getting shorter by itself already before I did that. Girth lost was even worse all I had left was empty skin and less then 5 in of a short and tiny \"member\" useless for sex with normal woman. That thing could not make happy anyone so I have no sex for years now. Two wife\'s left me due to that and I figured why bother to even try with anyone else when normal woman can not even notice me in there.

Last week I self inject 13 cc of 30% PMMA and first couple of days it looked awesome but unfortunately only due to the swelling. Today swelling is mostly gone and it looks back to how it was before injection. Shortly after injection all of a sudden I felt for 5-6 seconds horrible dizzy, everything was moving around me and then I have some inflammation that I managed with advil. When I touch my skin now I can fill like 1/4 of the Inch that something is still there but if I pump it looks the same like before injection. I obtain the brazil made PMMA from the internet site and injected it properly. I used cannula and did some massage and starching after injection to evenly distribute the product. It looked very promising but only for one day.

I guess my question is is this normal reaction on PMMA and is it going to become ticker and if so how long is the collagen formation going to take before I notice the difference, and what grow can I expect.

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292746408

Mike whats your EL? Looks like around 5 NPEL is that correct?

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292746396

Why keep pumping if your Girth is already at 9inch without it

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292746378

Your length is to short for that kind of Girth. No wonder that woman you service suspected something. That shit is huge man.

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292746036

I\'m pretty sure I had a pre-PMMA pic in my progress report, which I can no longer access due to forum changes. It was a screen cap from a web cam video, but it shows my former X Inch Girth. My Flaccid size is 5 inches x X.75 Inch. My Erect Girth is X.25, I clamp up to X.5, and I pump up to XX for sex with certain women. The reason I didn\'t update my progress report previously was I suspect my size will bring a lot of criticisms next (after the non-believers stop).

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292745322

Agreed, without any pics i call bs on such a claim..

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292744990

Fatmike... Gonna need before and after pics for such outlandish claims.

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292742635

So you were 7 Inch Girth before and 9.5 now? If thats true it has to be some record of sort.

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292742478

In my experience you limit your potential partners as you increase your size beyond a certain point, with a huge drop in interest around 7 Inch Girth (my pre-PMMA size). But I know from experience there are still women able to accommodate very huge sizes. You should peruse the huge insertion genre of porn for some examples.

Post PMMA Epilogue

After my last session with Doctor C, I ended up returning for silicone micro-drops to attempt further aesthetic improvement, which gave me another .25 Inch Girth. In my post PMMA epilogue, I\'ve continued growing more than an Inch in Girth and half Inch length through pumping and Clamping, though I started using the large sized cable clamps long ago. I somewhat regret getting PMMA, knowing now that I would have kept growing without it. As of now I\'ve gained 2.5 inches from Clamping and pumping, and 1.25 from PMMA and silicone drops.

Just yesterday I was with a woman for the first time who answered my personal ad specifically because of my size. She called me out as having \"silicone injections.\" However, she loved the size and shape, couldn\'t stop staring, and used me like a piece of meat. I lied and said I was naturally large, and had made myself bigger through pumping and Clamping. She\'s extremely kinky and said she wants to watch me pump it up next time. For my ego\'s sake, I wish the lie was the truth.

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292732092

I believe your GF is judging you by your length which has mostly been how women judge men\'s penis as average,small, huge etc in my opinion and experience.

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292731226

HUGE Girth and she calls you average? WTF? Why are women so awful like this? I truly am average and have gotten hurtful comments from both women who hated me and women who supposedly loved me.

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How BIG is TOO BIG ? 8 years 8 months ago #1292726434

Cant you write your precise stats EL/EG? Otherwise I agree with much of what you say and you got some good insights.

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