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TOPIC: Viagra doesnt make me hard

Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1293274689

No Viagra is the best medication to cure ed and pe and it is also gives you a lots of energy during to intimating if you are satisfy with my answer so great, otherwise for more information you can visit our webpage that contains Super P Force Online

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1292810683

Trimix work all the time

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1292722059

I can feel for your plight. I was finding the same problem using injections for the same purpose *remember me Mustang? and also taking up to 400mg (not a typo) of Viagra to get an effect.

My doctor then warned me of serious heat attack risks by taking so much. So I tapered down to 200mg. Now I take 50mg successfully. What is the reason?

Viagra only HELPS you get an Erection. It won\'t give you one. If 50 or 100mg doesn\'t work, look elsewhere for the problem. Who is it you\'re trying to get aroused to? Maybe she\'s the wrong person. Yeah, it doesn\'t mean you don\'t love her, it merely means she doesn\'t turn you on that way.

Now I can even perform fine without any Viagra because my GF is Viagra in human form, smoking hot and wild as a tigress. I do take it to endure, just 50mg just in case and especially to be ready for round 2 quickly.

So all I can advise is to keep your dosage reasonable and to figure out why it isn\'t working rather than taking more.



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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291835826

astrix1981 wrote: agreed. I grew up just at the break of dawn jerking off on early porn and prints. thats been my intro to sex. although in those days the size wasnt so huge (vintage). Plus many movies were kinda real life normal too. But this psyc aspect of how everything works the chem the phsysical... all of it requires blackout on porn. honestly i dont know how destroyed i am bec of it... but its some deep deep destruction. Im a programmed porn addict. Well at least since yesterday I didnt watch. I got myself aroused on visuals in head or looking at non-sexual photos when Im pumping. Also I think its f\'d up my ability to last... cause when jerking i dont want to spend hours so I just get the job done asap so ive been struggling to go beyond 10 mins whereas earlier i was easily doing the 30+ min mark like few years ago.

I might be a womanizer but i wont devolve into a pornizer. hope this is the end of my porncum.

Yes, if you watch vintage porn it\'s amazing how average sized most of the guys in the movies are. These days most guys in porn are freakishly large. It must really mess up the heads of both young men and young women.

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291835093

agreed. I grew up just at the break of dawn jerking off on early porn and prints. thats been my intro to sex. although in those days the size wasnt so huge (vintage). Plus many movies were kinda real life normal too. But this psyc aspect of how everything works the chem the phsysical... all of it requires blackout on porn. honestly i dont know how destroyed i am bec of it... but its some deep deep destruction. Im a programmed porn addict. Well at least since yesterday I didnt watch. I got myself aroused on visuals in head or looking at non-sexual photos when Im pumping. Also I think its f\'d up my ability to last... cause when jerking i dont want to spend hours so I just get the job done asap so ive been struggling to go beyond 10 mins whereas earlier i was easily doing the 30+ min mark like few years ago.

I might be a womanizer but i wont devolve into a pornizer. hope this is the end of my porncum.

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291834823

I have younger cousins I consider nephews...and I\'ve been dreading the \"convo\" that I\'ll inevitably have. They are growing up in an era that is so saturated with sex, so accessible, and so hardcore that I\'m almost depressed knowing how tough their battles MIGHT one day be...their confusion with women\'s sexuality, with size, with etc.

It\'s fucked up. It really is.

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291828562

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I know I\'m echoing what everbody else said. But one of my friends in the marine corps watched so much porn on deployment that when he came home, he could barely fuck his wife. He was in the best shape of his life. He hadn\'t seen a good looking woman in months. His wife is a hot redhead with D titties. So yeah, porn can mess you up big time.

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291828116

Miracle8x7 wrote: Proof positive that porn is no good for you. I cut it out years ago. Now I get hard simply viewing my wife in an attractive outfit that accentuates her curves. Even the scent of her perfume or casually admiring her figure in a compromised position sets me off. Reserve your libido for something REAL! When you find it, pursue it; hunt it down like prey. Pornography strips a man of his God given instincts and renders him weak. Abstaining from porn will alleviate your ED and aid in restoring your hormones and psychological wellbeing. Men were meant to fuck, not masturbate to pixels!

AMEN! Ok boys today onwards, I will go cold turkey on porn. I will absolutely cut it out. And Im hoping this is it and I can get my arousal back to real world.

Honestly it takes a few seconds to get myself hard on porn, or even viewing the photos of the same girl I had in front of me on fb... the technique of self arousal through viewing has become so close circuit that I feel desentitized when it happens in real. Plus my womanizing and need to for changing partners has hurt a lot and Im married so its destorying that too - like I have no arousal absolutely for my wife who is in a great shape etc. I like to hunt for the next prey and then when I get it... sometimes no prob get hard and like this instance fuckin stage fright or porn paralysis.

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291827753

Proof positive that porn is no good for you. I cut it out years ago. Now I get hard simply viewing my wife in an attractive outfit that accentuates her curves. Even the scent of her perfume or casually admiring her figure in a compromised position sets me off. Reserve your libido for something REAL! When you find it, pursue it; hunt it down like prey. Pornography strips a man of his God given instincts and renders him weak. Abstaining from porn will alleviate your ED and aid in restoring your hormones and psychological wellbeing. Men were meant to fuck, not masturbate to pixels!

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291827354

The neuroscience behind it is here, its a ton of material, links to just about every study on porn and the effects in the brain, porn induced ED and everything in between,

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291824745

I find it difficult to maintain an Erection when with a lady, and even when I get one, I can\'t climax. I\'ve started to turn back to porn so I can get hard enough to jerk off a good one.
I don\'t like it that I\'ve resorted back to porn, and I\'m going to try to stay away from it as long as possible.
I\'ve been cheating somewhat too. I take a 20mg Cialis every 3 or 4 days, so that if sex occurs, I\'ll at least be able to get a perpetual. I walk around work with a sort of semi and it feels good.
Without it, I\'m a wet noodle.

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291823015

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Porn will definitely fuck you up. If I watch too much porn having sex with a person seems less real than jerking off to porn and fantasizing about having sex. It is as if someone else is in the room when I should be whacking off to porn. Ps. I took Viagra once and it gave me a massive headache an no Erection - probably because I had a massive headache, and never took it again.

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291822934

Porn can definitely desensitize and for some men cause issues with arousal, and maybe even erectile function. There is a lot out there on the web regarding porn consumption and its effect psychologically, on libido, arousal, etc. I\'ve personally cut back significantly on porn and have already seen some benefits. Even porn subscribes to the common saying \"everything in moderation.\" Although I\'d recommend even less.

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291821920

Well I dont have ED, I get good woodies... but I have some sort of problem. Today I was hooking up with a hot girl... and when time came I couldnt get myself up. I normally need BJ or when my Dick feels the wet pus it arouses. I think it has something to do with habbit of watching porn cause I can get rock hard on porn... so Ive fucked up my system. Once she left, she was confused and I was pissed... well she if shed stayed longer I woulda made it work I got myself HARD like in no time. Anyway for viagra I tried it for fun like 2-3 times i life... never gave me a hard on harder than I can get myself normally.

So I need to fix my arousal mechanism. There is something thats gone wrong. that may include just completly stopping porn. I do have an addiction. I really enjoy the variety and thats also kind of fucked me up in normal sexual life, I get bored with women fast and need new to stimulate.

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Viagra doesnt make me hard 8 years 11 months ago #1291820481

Hell no! Viagra is not an aphrodisiac and requires sexual stimulation to induce an Erection. None of the PDE5 inhibitors solely cause erections. What they do is permit some men with blood flow issues the ability to achieve and maintain an Erection suitable for intercouse. Viagra should be a last resort. If you have erectile difficulty, you need to see a doctor. Eat right, exercise and sleep well. I\'m in my 40\'s and wake to morning wood every single day. I can fuck as good or better than when I was a teenager. I still get Erect from sexual thoughts with or without physical stimulation.

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