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TOPIC: Introduction

Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1289592744

Tree trunk was the IMHO perfect as my wife has described him. 8 nbpel and thicker than me. She used a regular ruler.
I am 6.25 BPEL due to a big fat pad I\'m not happy with my nbpel. I\'d be so damn happy to be 6.25 eg. I tried manual pe for a year with negligible results. I guess a .25 gain is a gain.
I had issues with red spots, a couple of bulges/bruising on the right side, and there is some discoloration below the glans on the right side. Visible When I Am flacid, See Flacid pic.
There was some loss of sensation so it was just not worth it for me to continue pe manually. That\'s why I started looking into PMMA and pumps.
I see some guys get great results like new, so, mustang and some others here.
Maybe just maybe I\'ll find what works for my physiology and I gain some size...

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288439571

KFH wrote: Has your wife been exercising her pelvic floor muscles since the pregnancies?

Not that I\'m aware of. I realize that should be a priority before more extreme measures are taken. It\'s not an easy subject to bring up though, as I\'m sure you\'re all aware. Certainly easier than \"I\'m going to spend $7500+ to make my Dick bigger and it might get kinda fucked up\" though.

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288393773

@4.9\'\' Girth you should shoot for 5.75\'\', anymore and your risking the natural look/feel.

Take a look at my progress thread if you want to see what a 6.6\'\' NBPEL with 6.5+ Inch Girth looks like.

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288391395

Has your wife been exercising her pelvic floor muscles since the pregnancies?

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288354562

Unfortunately a few guys end up with granulomas and other types of chronic inflammation necessitating surgical Removal of PMMA. This is difficult and the PMMA Dr is NOT able to do this. If you ask him about this he will probably give you some bs story about how none of his patients ever have complications he can not correct with a steroid or needle. You will have the difficult task of finding a competent surgeon willing to help you. More patients end up in the no complications category but there is no way to tell where you stand until after you have the filler injected. Aftercare and other rituals guys have made up to convince themselves they will be safe have proven to be ineffective. It really just comes down to waiting to see how your body responds to the plastic beads after the procedure.

I would recommend sticking with the pumping.

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288352490

hunkydory wrote: Hey Jxh, great first post! Second on bringing the tightening up, and maybe you meet her half way with PE?

That\'s not a bad idea. If I could just get her to do some kegels regularly I think it would probably help a lot. I think I could do some damage with 6\" MSEG, but 6.75 would rock her world, no doubt.

I\'m pretty certain that 6\" MSEG is not attainable with just pumping though. I\'m still hammering away at it, so we\'ll see. I probably have at least a year before I would think of resorting to anything else anyhow (after baby #4).

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288352437

Bigben wrote: I would also suggest the vaginal surgery it is much, much safer. With PMMA you are literally rolling the dice. It could be great, it could be ok, it could be a disaster. I am being a little blunt here but if you think the conversation about her having surgery is awkward, imagine explaining to her you have big issues from a surgery gone wrong in tijuana where your penis is now disfigured and painful..

I dont think the ESL40 will do much of anything, but there is no downside.

I understand where you\'re coming from and appreciate your response, but can\'t all of the issues be corrected with follow-up visits? Sorry I\'m still pretty new to this.

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288352425

New1inch wrote: Hello jhx... I will 4th that comment as the other guys. The problem is her not you. Plus her procedure is proven to work. And it you want to go even further you can make it as if she\'s a virgin again. Hymen and all. But you both must decide if your done having kids first because other wise the tightening surgery would just be a waste.

We are planning on having one more kid, so anything we do will definitely wait until after that. That\'s another thing that\'s been on my mind; how much worse is it going to get after #4?

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288352394

jewdub wrote: Damn I can totally understand why you were conflicted and these experiments prove that for some woman a big penis will make them orgasm fast and easily. If I were you, I would go for the PMMA since you are married and if the aesthetics aren\'t perfect, it won\'t be the end of the world. It mostly likely won\'t be perfect. I was an unlucky one in that department and I\'m not married so I have had woman detect things weren\'t quite right but once I banged them they forget about it and enjoy the size. I\'d be happier if it looked completely real. But we can\'t always have both benefits. I guess what would always be in the back of my mind was thinking my wife was fantasying about large dicks bc now she knows how they make her cum. That would bother my insecure self. I would think she wants to be banged by the real thing and might cheat on me with jamal or tyrone. Hopefully you trust her 100% and are not insecure like me. I can never trust woman 100% I think even if married.

Yeah, part of me wishes I\'d never even heard of extension sleeves, but I am glad I know what she really wants. Women never tell you the truth about that stuff unless they\'re merciless bitches or they hate your guts. Thankfully my wife is a nice girl, and she doesn\'t hate me (yet).

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288352371

hoddle10 wrote: Have you spoken to your wife about the possibility of vaginal tightening surgery? I know its a tricky subject to broach with a woman, but in your situation it\'s probably something worth considering. PMMA isn\'t without risks and you don\'t know what the future holds. It\'s not very often guys reports that sort of gains you are after and you\'d probably need a hell of a lot of PMMA injected over several sessions. So I think you should consider all possible alternatives before thinking about doing something as having a permanent foreign body filler injected.

Good luck, thanks for sharing your story and welcome to the forum.

No I haven\'t considered vaginoplasty for her. I didn\'t know that they actually tightened the entire vaginal canal; I thought they only tightened the opening. Honestly though, the thought of having that conversation (let alone actually going through with it) makes me feel like a total punk; not awkward so much as emasculating. But, you guys may be right that it is the better option.

Actually, you\'re probably 100% right. But thinking about my wife having a tighter pussy isn\'t nearly as fun as daydreaming about having a big thick Dick, so I guess there is a vanity component to my issue also. I\'ll have to do some research and give it some consideration.

Are there any other options I\'m missing? I\'ve looked into Dermal Grafts and lig cutting, but both of those seem to end up with more poor reviews than glowing success stories. PMMA seems like the thing that\'s really been working for a lot of guys. I get that there may be cosmetic issues, but it seems like most of them can be worked out with additional touch-ups.

Also, when I stated my goals of 1.25-1.5\" in Girth gain, that\'s basically the biggest I would want to go. I would be happy with .75-1\" if it ended up looking good. I have an average width head, so I don\'t even know if 6.75\" Girth would look good.

I appreciate the responses guys.

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288349418

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Damn I can totally understand why you were conflicted and these experiments prove that for some woman a big penis will make them orgasm fast and easily. If I were you, I would go for the PMMA since you are married and if the aesthetics aren\'t perfect, it won\'t be the end of the world. It mostly likely won\'t be perfect. I was an unlucky one in that department and I\'m not married so I have had woman detect things weren\'t quite right but once I banged them they forget about it and enjoy the size. I\'d be happier if it looked completely real. But we can\'t always have both benefits. I guess what would always be in the back of my mind was thinking my wife was fantasying about large dicks bc now she knows how they make her cum. That would bother my insecure self. I would think she wants to be banged by the real thing and might cheat on me with jamal or tyrone. Hopefully you trust her 100% and are not insecure like me. I can never trust woman 100% I think even if married.

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288347739

Hello jhx... I will 4th that comment as the other guys. The problem is her not you. Plus her procedure is proven to work. And it you want to go even further you can make it as if she\'s a virgin again. Hymen and all. But you both must decide if your done having kids first because other wise the tightening surgery would just be a waste.

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288346963

I would also suggest the vaginal surgery it is much, much safer. With PMMA you are literally rolling the dice. It could be great, it could be ok, it could be a disaster. I am being a little blunt here but if you think the conversation about her having surgery is awkward, imagine explaining to her you have big issues from a surgery gone wrong in tijuana where your penis is now disfigured and painful..

I dont think the ESL40 will do much of anything, but there is no downside.

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288346091

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Hey Jxh, great first post! Second on bringing the tightening up, and maybe you meet her half way with PE?

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Introduction 9 years 6 months ago #1288344727

Have you spoken to your wife about the possibility of vaginal tightening surgery? I know its a tricky subject to broach with a woman, but in your situation it\'s probably something worth considering. PMMA isn\'t without risks and you don\'t know what the future holds. It\'s not very often guys reports that sort of gains you are after and you\'d probably need a hell of a lot of PMMA injected over several sessions. So I think you should consider all possible alternatives before thinking about doing something as having a permanent foreign body filler injected.

Good luck, thanks for sharing your story and welcome to the forum.

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