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TOPIC: My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated

My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1289469679

Man we have exactly the same stats and im also in deep depression but im also afraid from PMMA because there is a higer chances to developd an easthetic problems ... Do you mind post a pics of your Flaccid and Erect length?

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286665722

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286663488

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Friend face wrote: Don\'t get so worked up about cock size,so many guys lie about their size and they also measure incorrectly. I think with manual stretching you can gain length easy you just have to keep at it you\'re \'pulling out\' inner penis and stretching the ligs not the penis itself <~~~make sense?? Porn also ruins society\'s mind so many tricks are going on when you watch a porno to embellish size!! Camera lenses,camera angles,colour,lighting,small women.slim men check the link

Hi friend face. Thanks for the link, quite an interesting article.

I have hard flaccid, so I have not done any form of PE since.. I am not too sure know whether stretching would be beneficial.

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286663428

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tom kat wrote: glad i could help some. I\'m in Australia too (SA), and it does suck knowing you have to pay more to get the procedure ( more money for travel), but if it is really something you want you will find a way (you already have the money, which is very good). I know most guys don\'t want to be \'just average\', but being average means that you are already bigger than 50% of the population. But once you get PMMA, you will no longer be \'average\', but huge ( Im not sure how far you are willing to go, but if you go to 6\'\' Erect Girth, which will probably be 2 procedures, maybe 3), then you will be bigger than almost all men!!

And chem pe is something you can do even after you get PMMA, so if you want the instant Girth gains now, and come back to chem pe for Erect length later, that can be done. As I said, chem pe will mostly be for the very dedicated guys as it will be a much longer process (months or years), I am currently saving up money so i can move to either canada or mexico (once it is available in mexico, it isn\'t right now) so i can complete the protocol, which i estimate will be 2 or 3 years on my currrent wage.

As for you hard Flaccid. I would stop any PE and let it rest, as hard Flaccid is usually caused by overtraining in volume or overtraining in intensity. As said before, PMMA greatly improves the Flaccid state, it will make it fatter and longer.

As for your social anxiety. I also have it (but not about the penis, mainly because i didn\'t interact with people for about 2 years straight, and now i find it too hard, and the only 2 people I did get along with at work I no longer work with them so i have no one i can be comfortable with). even when people i work with have bbq at work, i just drive somewhere else and sit in my car until i know it is time to get back to work and come back and just say i went to a restaurant or something). So i can\'t really give much solutions as i haven\'t found any myself. right now my whole day is wake up, go to work for 8-12 hours and try to avoid the people i work with and just work, come home and watch tv or go on computer or video games lol.

Nice to see a Australian on here haha. The accommodation costs would also be a pain as I assume even after the PMMA injection, there needs to be some rest time before travelling back home. 6 inches Girth does sound pretty darn good. I wonder if it would look weird given the 5.3 length haha.

That\'s pretty cool that chem PE can be done after PMMA. So you will literally move permanently to either Mexico or Canada for chem pe?

I haven\'t done any pe since getting hard Flaccid. It\'s already been a year and 2 months, I have come to accept that it will probably not go away 100%. Now it is about 50% gone. To be honest it doesn\'t really bother me, except for the fact that it prevented me from doing PE which could have got me some gains.

Sorry to hear that you suffer from social anxiety too. I am not too dissimilar to you. I hate being in public and spend most of my day at home infront of the tv or computer. Respect to you for having a job. I have been some what socially isolated over the past year, but I still do talk over the phone with good friends where they might catch up at my place or at their house. I can talk fine over the phone, but if I am in public and talking, I am so paranoid about my size that I struggle to act normal

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286654303

Don\'t get so worked up about Cock size,so many guys lie about their size and they also measure incorrectly.
I think with manual stretching you can gain length easy you just have to keep at it you\'re \'pulling out\' inner penis and stretching the ligs not the penis itself

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286652770

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glad i could help some. I\'m in Australia too (SA), and it does suck knowing you have to pay more to get the procedure ( more money for travel), but if it is really something you want you will find a way (you already have the money, which is very good). I know most guys don\'t want to be \'just average\', but being average means that you are already bigger than 50% of the population. But once you get PMMA, you will no longer be \'average\', but huge ( Im not sure how far you are willing to go, but if you go to 6\'\' Erect Girth, which will probably be 2 procedures, maybe 3), then you will be bigger than almost all men!!

And chem pe is something you can do even after you get PMMA, so if you want the instant Girth gains now, and come back to chem pe for Erect length later, that can be done. As I said, chem pe will mostly be for the very dedicated guys as it will be a much longer process (months or years), I am currently saving up money so i can move to either canada or mexico (once it is available in mexico, it isn\'t right now) so i can complete the protocol, which i estimate will be 2 or 3 years on my currrent wage.

As for you hard Flaccid. I would stop any PE and let it rest, as hard Flaccid is usually caused by overtraining in volume or overtraining in intensity. As said before, PMMA greatly improves the Flaccid state, it will make it fatter and longer.

As for your social anxiety. I also have it (but not about the penis, mainly because i didn\'t interact with people for about 2 years straight, and now i find it too hard, and the only 2 people I did get along with at work I no longer work with them so i have no one i can be comfortable with). even when people i work with have bbq at work, i just drive somewhere else and sit in my car until i know it is time to get back to work and come back and just say i went to a restaurant or something). So i can\'t really give much solutions as i haven\'t found any myself. right now my whole day is wake up, go to work for 8-12 hours and try to avoid the people i work with and just work, come home and watch tv or go on computer or video games lol.

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286652438

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I don\'t want to clog this thread by quoting each of the replies, so I will just refer to the names below.

Re Mustang2020: Thank you for your kind words mate. I have changed therapist 2 months ago and I do feel that the new one is a lot better to deal with my other issues, but not too sure if my social anxiety and paranoia about my penis can ever be cured. It would be easier if I did not care.

Re Kawkaw: I know I should be happy, but I have been made fun of twice and I do feel small.

Re Shadow45: I don\'t surf forums anymore, I do admit that I was a frequent PE website at the start of my issues. However in the past 6 months I have stopped until I came across PhalloBoards. I don\'t know how to keep myself busy given I can\'t function in society.

Re Iron_Martian: Sorry to hear that you are in a similar position to me. You could be depressed, but it\'s good that you can still get out of the house and do stuff. I will have a look at the anti Turtling device. I can\'t do any manual PE myself due to my hard Flaccid, but if there was a device that would make my Flaccid size bigger, I am more than happy to get it.

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286652434

Hey brother the chem PE does sound amazing! Only probably is, it\'s not a one time thing and BAM big penis. You\'d have to consult with the doctor multiple times. Biweekly or monthly I believe. For about a good year to see some results. As for PMMA from most of the men on here. They had to go back for a second round to even things up, but the results are amazing and more natural looking after everything heals up.

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286652312

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tom kat wrote: hey meeb,
I know how you feel, i have also contemplated many times especially recently, but things will get better ( i might be a hypocrite saying that given how i feel in myself). Your flaccid size is the same as heaps of the guys on here, and your erect size is also very good (a lot of the guys here will tell you the same). As for other peoples buldges (and i also tend to look at other guys pants region as well), you have to remember that flaccid size means nothing for predicting erect sizes, and some guys just have large flaccid penises that don\'t get much bigger when they get erect (they are \'showers\'). And i know personaly 2 guys who actually stuff their pants for a buldge ( they pin a pair of socks to the outside of their underwear) There are people out there that LOVE to put other people down as a way of masking their own insecurities (even if it is a female joining in this particular subject). Ps. look at this thread, your erect size is bigger than the average penis size

As for PMMA, (while i don\'t have it yet) it will greatly improve yor flaccid and erect penis. It will make your flaccid penis very thick and make it longer while flaccid (it prevents retratction and adds weight for a better hang) here is a helpful thread: . Because your flaccid will be much fatter (and longer), you will definately have that buldge you are after.

The other thing that will increase flaccid length is the lig cut, but that is generally not reccomended (but some guys will tell you that if you are willing to spend the money and time, and are happy with only flaccid length gains, then it may be worth it. But don\'t expect girth or erect length gains)

The other thing is Chem Pe, it is only in the early stages at the moment, but it could soon be offered by the same guy who does PMMA (right now it is offered only by 1 guy in canada). It is a protocol consisting of injecting multiple compounds in the penis and combined with some manual PE (very low intensity). A few people have had it done by the doctor in canada and all have reported great success (1 detailed log on this forum, 1 detailed log on another forum, and 2 others who are said to have great resutls). The main goal of it will be erect length gains first (with erect length gains, usually come flaccid gains) and girth gains second. Not sure if this interests you, it would probably only be for the most dedicated guys since it would be an ongoing process, unlike getting a quick procedure done for instant results. Me and a few other members are very interested in this and post everything we know about it in this thread

hopefuly this helps you some. and try to focus on the positives for now, so many men have come here very depressed about their size and feel million times better after they get pmma. Just think about how much things will improve in the future once you get pmma (this is mostly what keeps me going, mainly about chem pe and pmma)

Thanks for the reply mate. I have other issues as well, which is bad enough as is. Throw in the penis issue on top of it, it is all getting too much. I know the statistics may say I am average, but I seriously do not feel it. I guess it because I have been made fun of before, twice to be specific. I cannot live obliviously like before.

I will look more into PMMA and chem pe. It sucks that I am in Australia and all the doctors who do that sort of thing are in North America. I would have done it straight away if I was living there. I do have the amount of money to get it done, so maybe I should do it....

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286646466

Hey brother, I\'m on the same boat as you and understand how you feel. I haven\'t hit the depression state as of yet. Thoughts of have kicked in feeling like I\'m a waste of human with nothing to offer. Perhaps I am depressed, but haven\'t realized it? :/ hmmm...anyway I\'m fairly new to the board and our sizes are about the same. I\'m currently looking into penis devices suggested to me by another member for anti-turtleling. If you go through my content he literally just replied about a week ago. It\'s a start to my PE journey.

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286645018

I\'ve dealt with these issues at times as well. What I can advise you on is that dwelling on internet forums and lamenting in it does nothing but amplify the feelings. It might sound harsh, but it is the truest advice I was offered, and keeping yourself busy and focused to not dwell upon it seems to be the effective solution for most.

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286644983

First ur current Dick falls into the average range so you should be grateful. Second my Flaccid size is 5x5 and I dont have a bulge in my jeans. Third PMMA made my Dick longer and fatter in flacid state.

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286643116

meeb wrote: Hi all, I knew I never had a big size, but I didn\'t know that the lack of a bulge was obvious with my jeans. With an incident that occurred over a year and a bit ago where I overheard people making fun of my lack of penis size, I have been extremely self conscious about my penis and realize the lack of bulge I have.

I haven\'t had any sexual partners previously, just girlfriends. I never used to take it further for the fear of my lack of endowment. But I used to be a fairly confident and cheerful individual before the overhearing incident.

Now I am the opposite. My self esteem is 0 (negative if possible), I hardly leave the house in order to avoid being seen in public. With the few times I have been in public, I am paranoid about people looking at my package and judging it. I also get very socially anxious where my chest starts to tighten and I start to feel sick. Basically, I am unable to function in society anymore. I am in my early 20s with a Flaccid length that fluctuates between FL 3-3.5 inches Flaccid Girth of 3.9 Erect Length 5.3 inches (sometimes 5.5) and Erect Girth 4.7 inches.
So I tried doing PE for a month to try and improve my size, but then I got struck down with hard Flaccid which has lasted all this while, which has prevented me from doing PE. However of late it has gotten a lot better.

Anyway, I came across the old phallobaords forum and game across some great success stories. I am thinking that I should go the surgical option as well since I am already so depressed because of my issue where I contemplate death.

I know some will say the problem is in my head, I have been seeing a psychologist for the past 6 months for this issues and some others which have contributed to the demise of my mental state.

I basically want my Flaccid size to be big enough where my penis would hang down and create a bulge in my pants as I sit down. I have analysed myself and other peoples bulge, this feeds into the fact that I don\'t compare and don\'t feel human some what. Because when I sit down, my penis sits up instead of Hanging down to create a bulge, which makes my lack of size extremely apparent, and I am very ashamed of this. i would like to get my Flaccid size big enough for it to hang down sitting.

I have read a bit about PMAA injections where it improves Girth, but it also seemed to help in Flaccid size. Then there is obviously the surgical option.

Any tips and information would be appreciated. I thought I would share my issues. Sorry if what I have written has not made any sense.

TK gives you good advice. Hang in there and I hope your therapy is helping out, if not change your therapist. But stay positive. Your size is good for any woman....Keep us posted and good luck.

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286641557

*** Moving to the Love, Lust, & Vanity sub-forum***

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My depression and social anxiety: Help appreciated 9 years 11 months ago #1286641520

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hey meeb,
I know how you feel, i have also contemplated many times especially recently, but things will get better ( i might be a hypocrite saying that given how i feel in myself). Your flaccid size is the same as heaps of the guys on here, and your erect size is also very good (a lot of the guys here will tell you the same). As for other peoples buldges (and i also tend to look at other guys pants region as well), you have to remember that flaccid size means nothing for predicting erect sizes, and some guys just have large flaccid penises that don\'t get much bigger when they get erect (they are \'showers\'). And i know personaly 2 guys who actually stuff their pants for a buldge ( they pin a pair of socks to the outside of their underwear) There are people out there that LOVE to put other people down as a way of masking their own insecurities (even if it is a female joining in this particular subject). Ps. look at this thread, your erect size is bigger than the average penis size

As for PMMA, (while i don\'t have it yet) it will greatly improve yor flaccid and erect penis. It will make your flaccid penis very thick and make it longer while flaccid (it prevents retratction and adds weight for a better hang) here is a helpful thread: . Because your flaccid will be much fatter (and longer), you will definately have that buldge you are after.

The other thing that will increase flaccid length is the lig cut, but that is generally not reccomended (but some guys will tell you that if you are willing to spend the money and time, and are happy with only flaccid length gains, then it may be worth it. But don\'t expect girth or erect length gains)

The other thing is Chem Pe, it is only in the early stages at the moment, but it could soon be offered by the same guy who does PMMA (right now it is offered only by 1 guy in canada). It is a protocol consisting of injecting multiple compounds in the penis and combined with some manual PE (very low intensity). A few people have had it done by the doctor in canada and all have reported great success (1 detailed log on this forum, 1 detailed log on another forum, and 2 others who are said to have great resutls). The main goal of it will be erect length gains first (with erect length gains, usually come flaccid gains) and girth gains second. Not sure if this interests you, it would probably only be for the most dedicated guys since it would be an ongoing process, unlike getting a quick procedure done for instant results. Me and a few other members are very interested in this and post everything we know about it in this thread

hopefuly this helps you some. and try to focus on the positives for now, so many men have come here very depressed about their size and feel million times better after they get pmma. Just think about how much things will improve in the future once you get pmma (this is mostly what keeps me going, mainly about chem pe and pmma)

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