i just left a message to my boss telling i quit, why should i have the luxury of money (even if it was only 10$ an hour) if i don\'t have a huge
Cock. I should live like a homeless person who only has to think about his next meal than a poor person who thinks about his
i need to find another job quike one that pays more money so i can save up (about 100k) so i can go to toronto to live for a while so i can do dr adams chemical pe protocol, and i swear if that doesnt work i will either
myself or maybe just do
PMMA until i hit a hideous 8\'\'
Girth penis
i might be able to get one i was offered a while ago working with sewerage, yes sewerage, where i can earn around 25 an hour so i will only have to stay alive for 2 or 3 years so i will have 100k and go to dr adams where my life will be in his hands. if i am working in the seweage i will be able to count how many used XXL condoms float past