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TOPIC: Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction!

Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1276257511


Good luck and keep fighting the good fight. Don\'t give up, take it one day at a time. Happy Holidays!

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275748542

For anyone else reading this please do not think there is Anything easy about this process. Thx Sizemic and stay strong. Ill give your thread back now and follow along.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275730617

It\'s a work in progress for me as well Sizemic, glad you are making healthy and positive decisions!

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275730163

You\'re welcome buddy. You CAN do it! It will also preserve you from sexual exhaustion and \'burn out\' later in life. Trust me, you\'ll still want to be sexually active decades down the road!

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275729763

Thanks Miracle, I agree... it definitely wasn\'t a positive burden on my life.

Step 2: delete all saved porn, bookmarks, cookies and history off my computer. Complete.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275714784

Good for your Sizemic! Cheering for you my man! Deleting the blogs was definitely necessary and will help you out greatly in the long term.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275709154


I know I said I would start on Monday, but I actually started Sunday just because of traveling and what not. I have to say that I already notice a difference. Even though its likely just in my head.

I find I have a TON more free time and mind has been very very clear lately. I\'ve been kicking ass on my assignements and labs in college. Feeling good so far!

@PMMAalltheway, I would totally recommend trying it out for a while... even if its just a breif detox... sometimes its good to get back to reality and focus on things worth focusing on.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275705469

Just saw this! I just posted it on someone\'s thread. I\'m currently doing the same and after a couple weeks I can see a difference.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275693893

Damn described my life almost exactly. I wish you the best in your will power. I truly do. I think I am honestly going to try and match your method and ditch the bookmarks and Try to just be sexual with my wife and not obsess. Again, good luck my friend. Well be right there with ya...

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275674783

Good for you. Just do not fall in the trap of replacing an addiction with another such as video games.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275674177

Both blogs deleted. Online videos on xtube deleted. Going to keep going through purging stuff. I want to lead a much more \'open\' life. Meaning if I were to get a girlfriend or let my buds on my computer, I don\'t want there to be anything that I am worried about people finding. I will leave all my pics up here though. For educational purposes for those interested in PMMA.

I am going to put a dry erase marker 6 month calendar on my wall and \"X\" out the days I am successful at not watching porn.

To fill the time void I am going to actually do homework and study. Work on my other non-sex related sites. Spend more time in the gym... and if there is any time left over maybe a bit more video games in the worst case scenario. Right now I only play maybe 30 min a week so its not at all a problem for me haha.

I am looking forward to having a clearer head and getting rid of this burden on my life.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275673449

Thanks guys, I think I will make my official start date monday. I have to clear off my computer and bookmarks... plus I may even take down my blog.

Its not so much that the porn is my only problem... I think I have a sex addiction as well as porn... that\'s why I\'m saying its an arousal addiction. I never realized that it was such a problem until that tedx talk video... now I realize its actually holding me back from so many things in life. I NEED to stop living like I am.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275662053

Great post Sizemc
I think there are lot of mean and women in the same boat as you.
Best of luck on your recovery.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275661322

Good and honest report Sizemic. I hope you can work your issues as time goes by. I never knew there is such an addiction to porn, Sex yes but not porn. May I suggest some therapy also? It may speed up your progress. Keep us informed, we are here for you.

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Sex, Porn, & Arousal Addiction... are you an addict? Lets break the addiction! 12 years 4 months ago #1275658861

Best wishes to you Sizemic. Porn addiction is a SERIOUS problem. I used to watch porn constantly until I discovered how badly it was affecting me. Sometimes I even did my girlfriend doggy style so she couldn\'t see me watching porn while I gave it to her. I just couldn\'t perform that well without it. I quit watching it years ago and now even seeing my avatar gives me wood. You can recover but it takes dedication and time. Porn can permanently alter your brain function. Humans just aren\'t cut out to be aroused all the time.

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