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TOPIC: I Sometimes Wonder If I Should Keep Trying

I Sometimes Wonder If I Should Keep Trying 12 years 6 months ago #1274553755

I know everyone is different and that some people have been involved with PE surgery for long periods of time and others not so long, but for those of you that have either had surgeries in the past that didn\'t work out or have been doing multiple tries with different fillers such as Scaffolds, Alloderm, Dermal, or Belladerm, do any of you ever think that the idea of a great surgery is not going to happen to you?

I\'ve had two unsucessful surgeries in the past, but I\'ve always believed that someday I would get a successful surgery and things would be better. I have never had a procedure using PMMA, so I can only base my experience on injected fat and dermal graphs. From what I have seen on the boards is that a lot of people are having success with PMMA, so a part of me believes that after removing the lumps and bumps that PMMA will work for me. Sometimes I wonder if it\'s just wishful thinking that things will turn out that way, but I\'m not for sure. I remember one of my procedures was successful for maybe 2 days and I was so happy and I felt so much better about myself. Then after those two days some of the tissue moved around and an incision split.

I used to have a partner who I was with for a long time and she always believed in me and reassured me, but we are no longer together, so I think it\'s been just really tough within the last couple of years to belive that things will work out for me since I am no longer capable of being in a relationship due to how bad my surgery went. Do any of you guys ever feel like the surgery just won\'t work out for you, and if not how do you convince yourself that there is still hope that it will work out?

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I Sometimes Wonder If I Should Keep Trying 12 years 6 months ago #1274556128

In my opinion, the biggest problem we encounter on the board is that most guys can\'t seem to accept that there simply is no good method for enlarging the penis. You haven\'t simply had bad luck, you are just typical of the average guy who has had a PE procedure. The majority of guys who have had a procedure on this board, have had bad experiences. Don\'t make the mistake of thinking that it\'s only those who have had bad outcomes that end up here looking for answers, as so often in the past we\'ve seen guys come along prior to surgery, go through the experience and come out worse off. I\'ve said numerous times before, the reason so few surgeons in the entire US do this, is because the options are so terrible.

The reason guys are now travelling to South and Central America for foreign body injections, for which little of longer term complication rates is really known, is because it actually seems less risky than having one of the more established procedures carried out in the US. And I\'m in no way advocating PMMA, as I certainly don\'t think it\'s anywhere near being deemed \"safe\" and am sure we\'ll see problems sooner or later. It\'s just that I often read newbies suggesting it seems insane to be travelling to Mexico and Brazil for PMMA, but stories like yours, which are the norm, are the reason people are more prepared to take their chances with PMMA.

I\'ve spent my entire adult life in a similar position to you. I had my first procedure at just 18 years old. It went badly and over the last 15 years and have spent pretty much all day every day hoping that there is a way out of this. At the moment, for example, in my mind I\'m always one more corrective surgery and then a PMMA injection away from salvation. But every time I go under the knife, a new problem seems to occur.

Even if I can get my latest problem fixed, I\'m not sure I\'d do PMMA, as I don\'t think I could handle it if it went wrong and for a certain percentage of guys, it\'s inevitable that it will. The question is, how big is that percentage? We could be observing the greatest advancement in PE to date or setting up a penis holocaust. My research suggests complications will be pretty low, but my research has let me down in the past.

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I Sometimes Wonder If I Should Keep Trying 12 years 6 months ago #1274572807

hoddle10 wrote: I\'ve spent my entire adult life in a similar position to you. I had my first procedure at just 18 years old. It went badly and over the last 15 years and have spent pretty much all day every day hoping that there is a way out of this. At the moment, for example, in my mind I\'m always one more corrective surgery and then a PMMA injection away from salvation. But every time I go under the knife, a new problem seems to occur.

Wow that puts things in perspective. When I was 18 I was in college spending every night trying to get some coed to sleep with me.

After all you have been through why would you even consider PMMA or in fact any other enlargement procedure?

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I Sometimes Wonder If I Should Keep Trying 12 years 6 months ago #1274573023

eqstudent wrote:

hoddle10 wrote: I\'ve spent my entire adult life in a similar position to you. I had my first procedure at just 18 years old. It went badly and over the last 15 years and have spent pretty much all day every day hoping that there is a way out of this. At the moment, for example, in my mind I\'m always one more corrective surgery and then a PMMA injection away from salvation. But every time I go under the knife, a new problem seems to occur.

Wow that puts things in perspective. When I was 18 I was in college spending every night trying to get some coed to sleep with me.

After all you have been through why would you even consider PMMA or in fact any other enlargement procedure?

My penis size issues weren\'t originally sexually related. I was teased at school when I was 13 years old and it had a terrible effect on my self esteem. As a result I came to value my self worth according to penis size. So the issue is very deeply ingrained in me. I\'ve improved a lot in that respect, but still have a deep rooted insecurity. So despite all I\'ve been through, I do still find myself considering further enhancement. I\'m constantly changing my mind. Sometime I\'m adamant that I\'ll not ever risk PMMA and then a few days later I\'ll read something that triggers off feeling of inadequacy and start thinking \"maybe I\'ll just get a small amount injected.\"

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I Sometimes Wonder If I Should Keep Trying 12 years 6 months ago #1275079740

I know there is no way I can just leave things as they are and give up because there is no way in hell I could keep going like this. I know that there is some surgeon who can get things in a lot better shape than they are now, it\'s just a matter of finding the right one with the confidence and experience of having done a similar case like mine, which there has to be somebody out there who can do it. I just gotta keep believing and contacting different people.

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I Sometimes Wonder If I Should Keep Trying 12 years 6 months ago #1275081065

lookingforanswers wrote: I know there is no way I can just leave things as they are and give up because there is no way in hell I could keep going like this. I know that there is some surgeon who can get things in a lot better shape than they are now, it\'s just a matter of finding the right one with the confidence and experience of having done a similar case like mine, which there has to be somebody out there who can do it. I just gotta keep believing and contacting different people.

What exactly is your history? What surgeries have you had, who did them and what are your current issues?

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