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TOPIC: RISUG male sperm inhibition

RISUG male sperm inhibition 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272240821

Lately I\'ve been doing research on sterilization and pregnancy prevention options available for men. Due to some scares in the past, and less than honest women I\'ve come to realize it can\'t always be their sole responsibility to ensure the prevention of pregnancy, or the transfer of STI\'s. Granted most options aren\'t approved for human use yet, and the most effective form available other than condoms is a vasectomy, I just don\'t think a vasectomy is the right option for me. I stumbled across this possible future form of sperm inhibition today and thought I\'d share it with you all. It\'s called RISUG (Reversible Inhibition of Sperm Under Guidance.) It\'s an injection into the vas deferens containing polymer styrene maleic anhydride. It seems to be potentially effective for up to 10 years, and is reversible via another injection of dimethyl sulfoxide or sodium bicarbonate. It\'s far from being approved, and is still in research phases, but I think it poses an awesome answer to a serious problem. It does not protect from STI\'s, but when in a committed relationship where both partners are tested it could be an awesome tool. I don\'t know if this breaks the rules or not, but heres a link with some information on it by Bill Gifford, on April 26, 2011. I\'d like to know your guys\' thoughts on male \"birth control\", how you feel about it, would you use it etc.

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RISUG male sperm inhibition 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272244623

There also has been a lot written about a procedure that \'microwaves\' your scrotum for about twenty minutes or so, which results in a significant enough drop in sperm count to function as a birth control for a period of 3-4 months.
I\'m totally game for the idea of male birth control, I\'ve had numerous female partners that have struggled with finding a female option that doesn\'t wreck havoc on their hormones and mood which makes me think it might be a preferable option.

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RISUG male sperm inhibition 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272245980

Jlmb, I think I remember hearing about something along those lines, but cant quite recall. Either way, microwaving my nuts seems a bit scary lol. And I\'d be curious to see long term affects on the body,would there be any mutation or change in the sperm that survive? I concur with the use of a male birth control, I think it\'d be something a majority of the american population would use readily. Logically you\'d think our reproductive system is easier to manage and interfere with than theirs right? I\'d be really interested in reading any other ideas/studies/options people can dig up.

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RISUG male sperm inhibition 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272533157

you want sperm reduction huh?

according to the research of Tim Ferris, author of \"The 4 hour body\" wearing your cellphone close to your genitals will drastically reduce your sperm count. But a side effect could be testicular or prostate cancer also.

I think I\'ll take the babies

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RISUG male sperm inhibition 13 years 3 weeks ago #1272558206

I know that my years of working around radar while in the service made having kids difficult. Upside was that we had to try a lot But seriously, the microwaves do end up effecting you long term. Most of the guys I worked with had similar issues, but we were working with much higher energy levels than what the medical community is doing. If you plan on having kids in the future, I would recommend the good old rain coat.

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RISUG male sperm inhibition 13 years 3 weeks ago #1273220129

The pull out worked great for my wife and for 8 years, first time we tried for baby we achieved baby. I understand this thread is about future forms of birth control but tried & true method without possible side effects seems the safest route.

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RISUG male sperm inhibition 13 years 3 weeks ago #1304777758

Androgen wrote: Lately I\'ve been doing research on sterilization and pregnancy prevention options available for men. Due to some scares in the past, and less than honest women I\'ve come to realize it can\'t always be their sole responsibility to ensure the prevention of pregnancy, or the transfer of STI\'s. Granted most options aren\'t approved for human use yet, and the most effective form available other than condoms is a vasectomy, I just don\'t think a vasectomy is the right option for me. I stumbled across this possible future form of sperm inhibition today and thought I\'d share it with you all. It\'s called RISUG (Reversible Inhibition of Sperm Under Guidance.) It\'s an injection into the vas deferens containing polymer styrene maleic anhydride. It seems to be potentially effective for up to 10 years, and is reversible via another injection of dimethyl sulfoxide or sodium bicarbonate. It\'s far from being approved, and is still in research phases, but I think it poses an awesome answer to a serious problem. It does not protect from STI\'s, but when in a committed relationship where both partners are tested it could be an awesome tool. I don\'t know if this breaks the rules or not, but heres a link with some information on it by Bill Gifford, on April 26, 2011. I\'d like to know your guys\' thoughts on male \"birth control\", how you feel about it, would you use it etc.

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