Haha well guys I had my first test drive post-round 2 last night!! (4 days after... early I know

I was at the bar... fairly drunk. Then of course I run into the ex and her new boyfriend. I thought the night was ruined. Then I ran into a girl I went to highschool with and we started chatting. She is fairly pretty, not a babe, but I\'d give her a solid 7.2 out of 10. Nice big boobies
I basically invite her to come see my place which was only a block away and she agrees.
We go upstairs and without even turning on a light we start making out and the clothes come off.
This is it, this is the moment I have been imagining in my head... The moment I have been waiting for!
I am fingering her and making out and she reaches over and grabs my penis.
\"Oh my god! You are huge!\" she says. \"I can\'t even get my hand around it!\" she smiles. \"Do condoms even fit?\" she asks.
\"Yeah... the large ones,\" I reply... smiling from ear to ear
So I grab a condom (durex XXL) and put it on.
I enter her nice and slow, but she was super wet already so it wasn\'t bad at all, nice and tight though. When I get it all the way in she says \"Oh my god! You are so thick!\"... Boy I have fantasized about hearing those comments.
So we are having sex in various positions and she is loving it. Just loving it. After a while she says: \"Oh my god... my feet are numb! Seriously!\"
Haha this is awesome... I made her feet go numb! After a while we just stop as I can\'t climax (too drunk I think).
She goes to the bathroom and comes back laughing. I ask why she is laughing and she says: \"Honestly... I have never had sex this good. Not even with long term boyfriends. I came so many times! Haha and just so you know... I almost fell over a few times walking to your bathroom. I had to keep a hand on the wall at all times because my legs are just so numb I can barely stand haha.\"
I laugh and then pass out.
Story number 1 in the bag. I will be hooking up with that other girl I was talking about on monday, so that will be my next report... assuming I don\'t have sex with someone tonight as I am going out to the club again