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TOPIC: Feedback from women

Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1273570605

I have been a bit busy but I will soon detail my 3rd round with PMMA.

I have actually had almost 50/50 of success with the new Girth. Since I like physically smaller ladies with no children, I have had a few who could not take it all the way in and we actually had to stop the act. I hope to detail this soon but I thought I would basically agree with SO.

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269318731

Oh of course he Girth is a factor

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269318684

Great sex definitely comes from other factors, stamina, Erection quality, and her just \"being into you,\" can play a huge role. I don\'t doubt your prowess in bed, but I can\'t help but think the new Girth was a factor somewhere in all of this... or maybe that\'s just my wishful thinking since I will end up being more of a Girth guy than a length guy (unless of course, manual PE gives me a few miracles).
Happy humping! haha

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269318264


It might have been a combonation of both. She didn\'t comment on the length other than the odd \"so big\" under her breath as we had sex. It very well could have been a combonation of them both.

Remember guys to put it all into perspective as well. Sure she said it was the best sex she has ever had... but I wouldn\'t credit my size purely for that. Sure its a part of it... but honestly, I believe I was pretty good in bed before all the PMMA and everything as well. Because of the booze I could literally last as long as I wanted and I was dripping in sweat. I worked hard for those numb feet!

On another note... I have now had sex with 10 women this year alone... and I was in a 6 month relationship this year. This girl is close friends with a lot of people in the bar scene (and a lot of the hot bartenders and shooter girls) hopefully this will build some sort of reputation for me

Next year, assuming I don\'t settle down with anyone... hopefully I will have an even better year!

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269318190

my guess is Girth I envy him too, but one day i will be just like him haha

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269318131

I envy you.
But in all seriousness, do you think it was PURELY Girth or a combination of Girth & length that brought her to such heights?

*** Even more excited for Round 2 ***

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269317378

Haha well guys I had my first test drive post-round 2 last night!! (4 days after... early I know :s)

I was at the bar... fairly drunk. Then of course I run into the ex and her new boyfriend. I thought the night was ruined. Then I ran into a girl I went to highschool with and we started chatting. She is fairly pretty, not a babe, but I\'d give her a solid 7.2 out of 10. Nice big boobies

I basically invite her to come see my place which was only a block away and she agrees.

We go upstairs and without even turning on a light we start making out and the clothes come off.

This is it, this is the moment I have been imagining in my head... The moment I have been waiting for!

I am fingering her and making out and she reaches over and grabs my penis.

\"Oh my god! You are huge!\" she says. \"I can\'t even get my hand around it!\" she smiles. \"Do condoms even fit?\" she asks.

\"Yeah... the large ones,\" I reply... smiling from ear to ear

So I grab a condom (durex XXL) and put it on.

I enter her nice and slow, but she was super wet already so it wasn\'t bad at all, nice and tight though. When I get it all the way in she says \"Oh my god! You are so thick!\"... Boy I have fantasized about hearing those comments.

So we are having sex in various positions and she is loving it. Just loving it. After a while she says: \"Oh my god... my feet are numb! Seriously!\"

Haha this is awesome... I made her feet go numb! After a while we just stop as I can\'t climax (too drunk I think).

She goes to the bathroom and comes back laughing. I ask why she is laughing and she says: \"Honestly... I have never had sex this good. Not even with long term boyfriends. I came so many times! Haha and just so you know... I almost fell over a few times walking to your bathroom. I had to keep a hand on the wall at all times because my legs are just so numb I can barely stand haha.\"

I laugh and then pass out.

Story number 1 in the bag. I will be hooking up with that other girl I was talking about on monday, so that will be my next report... assuming I don\'t have sex with someone tonight as I am going out to the club again

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269299809


Hmm well I don\'t know. This chick was my regular hook-up girl. Originally I told her that I figured out a way to do it manually and make it permanent... But I eventually just spilled the beans and told her the actual story.

I have also told one of my guy friends about it... BUT the only reason I did was because he went on my computer when I wasn\'t home and saw my folder full of pictures from round 1... I had to explain to him why it looked like a car ran over my penis in some of the pictures.

Then I told one other chick about it (dumb move) drunkenly... we were having a heart to heart and it just sort of came out. I think its because we fooled around before and she hinted at fooling around again and I (being drunk) thought I should explain why my penis would be different... even though we didn\'t do anything that night...

So I guess somewhat comfortable... but I really would rather not tell all my friends.

From now on, if I hook up with someone I have in the past before I will just try to blow it off as some sort of thing that just happened naturally.

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269299513

@sizemic... so your actually comfortable telling people about the procedure?

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269297991

She could take it all Its NBPEL most of the time. It ranges from 7.25\" NBPEL (on a bad day) to around 7.75\" BPEL (Pressed really hard into the bone) so I just use 7.5\" as my \"length\" its just easiest that way.

She has had a longer boyfriend in the past (for like 3+ years ) who she says measured out at 9\" and showed her... but if I place the ruler right I can easily pull off 8.5\"+ so I am really saying he was likely around 8\"... still rather long if you ask me!

She claims that after my first round I am the thickest she has had (out of 5 partners) and she is actually worried about when we try again knowing I have got it done a second time. I know it will be fine though.

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269297716

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Hey Sizemic, Could she take the entire thing at 7.5 x 5.4? And is that BPEL or NBPEL? Either way, congratulations man, that is a great result.

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269297584

Another subject about the feedback that we should note is whether or not any women have suspected anything. I know some men don\'t like women with implants and i just thought it would be wise to note how they\'re responding not just to the size but to the aesthetics of our enhancements. Some men, if on the edge of whether or not to get PMMA, might think twice if there are women who aren\'t liking the aesthetic look post PMMA.

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269297527

Oh for sure HunkChunk! That\'s a good idea!

I have a question actually for you guys. What exactly should I ask? I happen to have this one girl as a regular hook up who was around since a few months before my round 1. She experenced my penis after round 1 and will again after round 2. So what exactly should I ask her... I am sure she will answer anything.

Pre PMMA: 7.5\" x 4.5\"
- Sex was great BUT to get her off I had to go hard and fast (like a jackhammer).
- We easily could have sex 3 to 8 times in a day (we called them sex marathons).
- She thought I was great in bed at this size and thought I was very big.

PMMA Session 1: 7.5\" x 5.4\" (Mid-shaft), 5.125\" (circ scar)
- She LOVED it. She felt much tighter, got off quicker without going hard and fast.
- She really really liked doggie style more than before.
- She ended up bleeding a little bit (lack of lube I guess) so we stopped after 30 min or so.
- She said it felt like she was having sex with a completely different person / penis. (More filled up, could feel every Inch etc.)

PMMA Session 2: 7.5\" x ??
- comments from her to come soon... what should I ask???!

edit: I was only around 5.4\" mid maybe a little less when I had sex with her after round 1 as it was before my collagen really built up. After round 1 it ranged from day to day from 5.375\" to 5.5\" mid-shaft. If I had waited longer than 6 weeks it might have settled to something. But it really did depend on the day +/- 1/8th of an Inch.

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269266649

We all look forward to your comments, it can only make us dream that there\'s solace for our souls out there somewhere someday...
It would be great if you, and others posting their feedback here can state their procedure as well as initial measurements and the dimension they sported during their described exploits? This way we can better follow what might happen in various circumstances at various circumferences...

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Feedback from women 13 years 8 months ago #1269263352

I\'ll be sure to post some stories once I have recovered from round 2 of PMMA with Dr. C .

I only had sex with two people in between my first and second round. Not enough to give reviews on. Didn\'t quite fit in the one girl... but that was more of a length issue than Girth I believe.

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