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TOPIC: Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis?

Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295639312

I\'ve read some horrible length reduction stories which were attributed to PMMA at the base of the penis, not letting the ligament stretch or pulling the penis back.

Please answer only if well informed. I\'d like to have it inserted only in the upper part of the penis. Does the entry point have to be at the base?

Thank you

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295639363

You can have it injected only in the upper shaft if you want.
This is the situation I have now. It was not intentional.
I do have concerns regarding length reduction if I have more near the base. I will consult when I see Dr.
Most don\'t seem to suffer though and those that do seem to be able to regain lost length by stretching.

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295639371

My entry point was at the base. It does not matter. They use an antibacterial gel now to finish off so there is no PMMA at the entry point. Simple cure that seems a recent introduction.

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295639570

Putting more in the top half and less near the base is standard routine for Nemeckova

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295639669

Where did you get that from reklaw?

I\'m not being a Dick, I didn\'t know.

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295639757

You can tell by looking at her results
If you think about it she has no aftercare, she doesn\'t even say wearing a stretcher is mandatory, therefore if she put loads near the base it would just go lumpy when the penis retracts.
I\'m not saying she puts none there, just that her results usually look a little top heavy, not that it\'s a bad thing most of her results look great.

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295639799

do you think the wrapping prevents retraction?

It did for me but i unwrapped the first night, rewrapping wasn\'t as good.

Bit of a bugger as it will look a bit odd with a baseball bat shape. Thinking aloud here.

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295640095

Just wear a stretcher, take some alpha blockers and massage modestly and it will turn out fine.
Heimdall followed a similar aftercare routine and his looks excellent.
Arguably it\'s a slightly safer method anyway because putting loads at base is risky

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295640370

May make a post about alpha blockers soon. See what people take. I didn\'t know such a thing existed. Guess you would have to take them for a week or so to be sure it had set before you allow it to retract.

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295643935

Flomax is good and cheap and over the counter in Mexico. I always get a 2 month supply when I am down there.

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Can PMMA be injected only in the upper side of the penis? 7 years 10 months ago #1295644448

I was looking at that drug, not sure how easy it would be to get in the uk though.

Site won\'t let me up vote you for some reason. Or anyone any more actually.

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