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TOPIC: I just injected 20cc of HA

I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278925866

I injected 20cc of HA into my shaft it hurt like a bitch !!

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278929907


Well, too little, too late. Keep us posted.

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278936291

When you say into the shaft, do you mean under the shaft skin, or into the actual penis?

I was tempted to do this myself to be honest. But I thought better of it. I read bad things about some of the HA sold on line.

Do you have any photos?

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278937499

my wife is visiting family and has the better camera when she gets back I\'ll take some pics.I put it under the skin then massaged/smashed it arnd to even it out.I hope and think this is quality HA its cross linked which is supposed to last longer.I would have went to Dr.C but just cant get the time off from work right now. and this is very affordable $300,although I do think Dr.C seems very resonable with his prices

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278941729

Which brand is it?

Did you use a needle or micro cannula?

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278942609

It was singclean (china) they have a nice website.I used a needle and 3 injection points

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278944549

To be honest I wouldn\'t use stuff from China. You can by actual Macrolane for about twice the price you paid. This is still much cheaper than Dr C or anyone else. I\'d also spend $25 and get a micro cannula. Why take the risk of using a needle?

The way I see it, is the great thing about HA is that if it goes wrong it can be reversed. By using a micro cannula the risk of Necrosis is virtually zero. So really your only worry is buying a contaminated product and that\'s why I wouldn\'t fancy buying something from China.

Still, I\'m fascinated to see how you get on. It seems as if you avoided injecting into an artery, so Necrosis isn\'t a worry now. As long as the product is clean and is what they say it is, then other than not liking the look or appearance, then I don\'t think you have too much to worry about.

Have do bought a derma roller to use as they did in the Korean study? It should help smooth things out.

If you don\'t like the result, just go to a local plastic surgeon and ask him to inject Hyaluronidase. Mikehok had HA and didn\'t like it, so a week later went back and his Dr injected him with Hyaluronidase and it dissolved over the next 48 hrs.

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278944586

Singclean website does look impressive though.

Did you consider just trying 10 ml to start with?

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278945428

yes but most of what I read all the Drs used 20cc.Like u said if I don\'t like it its not permanent,but it looks pretty good so far I just have a bruise at each injection and some tenderness

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278945862

Cool, I\'m really looking forward to seeing photos.

By the way, does it tend to stay where it\'s injected or does it move around? I guess that sounds like a vague question, but say for example, I had a dent in my penis and wanted to try and fill it with HA, do you think I could inject in that specific area and it would stay there?

Sorry for asking so many questions, but as I said before, this was something I strongly considered myself and am still toying with the idea.

It should be noted I most definitely don\'t recommend any of our members try this!

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278956401

yes it would stay there it can be moved arnd a little the first 24hrs +/- it wound take much unless its a very large dent I\'m guessing a cc or 2

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278963601

I think I needed 30cc because the info I read was about drs. in korea using 20cc but I didn\'t think about koreans having smaller junk to start with.No offense to any koreans,but I guess I\'m kind of long 7\" So I started filling at the base but then ran out of HA about 2\" from my head so now it looks kind of weird I think I\'ll order 10cc more

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278980154

Conner, a few questions, pls: does HA stay put along the shaft or is moving around? While your penis is Erect, does part of HA clump at the base or in other places or instead would you say that it is fixed and uniformly distributed? Finally, how does your Erect penis feel like?

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278980301

conner wrote: I think I needed 30cc because the info I read was about drs. in korea using 20cc but I didn\'t think about koreans having smaller junk to start with.No offense to any koreans,but I guess I\'m kind of long 7\" So I started filling at the base but then ran out of HA about 2\" from my head so now it looks kind of weird I think I\'ll order 10cc more

I think you are only meant to inject when the cannula or needle is moving backwards. So you are meant to start at the top and as you slowly pull the cannula down the shaft, you release the product. Seeing as you don\'t have any at the top, it sounds like your technique wasn\'t what it should be.

I think it\'s important you use this technique, especially if you are using a needle. The idea is that by only injecting in a backwards motion, you wont be able to inject into the vascular system, which can cause Necrosis.

I really think you should invest in a long cannula. I think you only need to make one inject whole instead of three. If you had a long, blunt cannula, you can push it right to the top and then slowly release the HA as you pull it out.

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I just injected 20cc of HA 11 years 6 months ago #1278984985

I agree a cannula is key,but the video I watched they made the hole at the top of the shaft and filled from the bottom up ?

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