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TOPIC: Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma

Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 9 years 9 months ago #1287145526

smalljay wrote: Hi all,

I just wanted to let everyone know that, unfortunately, Dr Casavantes has abandoned his attempt to have the Lipen D filler registered in Mexico. This means that they will likely not be offering glans enhancement at Avanti Derma any time in the near future (since the other filler they tried to use turned out not to work anywhere remotely as well as Lipen D - most guys got no gains from it like they do with Lipen D.

Thw way Dr C recently described it to me was that, basically, its an issue of cost. It straight up would cost Avanti Derma $500,000 to get the product registered w/ the Mexican FDA. Since no other clinics there have interest in Lipen D, Dr C\'s clinic would foot the whole bill. So Casavantes told me that as of now, he has \"stopped trying\".

Just letting everybody know. I know that there are a lot of guys here who were hoping to wait it out and get Lipen D w/ Dr Casavantes since its much closer than Dr Cho in South Korea. But it appears now that those of you wanting the best known method of glans enhancement will have to travel to South Korea to do so.

On that note, I am planning to see Dr Cho for the glans enhancement and will update you guys as to how it turns out. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news! Just want you all to be informed.


Thanks for the update brother.

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 9 years 9 months ago #1287147435

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i also saw on their website today that they are going to offer PRP shots. (unlike all the other places that offer it, they haven\'t made those crazy claims of 1\'\' length and Girth, which is good to see them being realistic)

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 9 years 9 months ago #1287158760

tom kat wrote: i also saw on their website today that they are going to offer PRP shots. (unlike all the other places that offer it, they haven\'t made those crazy claims of 1\'\' length and Girth, which is good to see them being realistic)

the PRP shots are just for greater EQ quality and scar tissue reduction? Those 1 Inch claims are annoying

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 9 years 9 months ago #1287158850

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yes basically just for eq and scar tissue, it may help increase length (from eq improvement). Avanti Derma also says it can help for temporary Girth increase (from the volume injected). I think it said something about it helps prevent retraction after a PMMA round, since PMMA is injected between the tunica and skin, and the prp is in the erectile tissue, it should be fine to get both at the same time (i wonder if the prp will also help with collagen growth to optimize the gains from a PMMA saeession)

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305250281

Update from my visit... Dr. M is doing either HA or Silikon 1000 microdrops for the glans... your choice... mine is so dang small that she had a hard time and i dont think much made it in... but anyway Dr. C isnt doing them at all anymore so Dr. M is the go-to.

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305251150

Which did you choose and how much product was used?

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305259308

i dont think Avanti Derma should be offering fucking silcione anymore after what happened to M8.

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305262493

I think it\'s the exception not the rule, what are the numbers behind it? How many have had issues compared to the ones without? I think all prius drivers are assholes but that\'s my opinion not a fact or something I feel I should suggest to others just becuase the ones I notice stand out more than the ones that exist. You get where I\'m coming from?

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305263759

Rmichael72 wrote: I think it\'s the exception not the rule, what are the numbers behind it? How many have had issues compared to the ones without? I think all prius drivers are assholes but that\'s my opinion not a fact or something I feel I should suggest to others just becuase the ones I notice stand out more than the ones that exist. You get where I\'m coming from?

When it comes to something so serious, then even if it were a one off, you stop doing it. You have to put severity against probability.

Even with 1/1000, it\'s just too severe to risk for the non essential gain

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305273439

Rmichael72 wrote: I think it\'s the exception not the rule, what are the numbers behind it? How many have had issues compared to the ones without? I think all prius drivers are assholes but that\'s my opinion not a fact or something I feel I should suggest to others just becuase the ones I notice stand out more than the ones that exist. You get where I\'m coming from?

no. are you saying silicone in the Dick\'s dangerousness is no more factual than prius drivers being assholes? coz your parallel is difficult to understand and tbh youve made a complete botch job of it. make a decent fucking parallel if youre gonna try.

anyway i spoke to one of the best urologists in the uk and he said he could talk all day about silicone-in-Dick horror stories. i was like \'please don\'t\'.

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305273818

Pretty unbelievable that they're still offering it, and haven't addressed it on the forum.

They have no problem advertising their other results though...

I agree that 1/1000 is a small percentage, but that's exponentially more risk than there needs to be for something that has essentially no reward.

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305273927

Your both are failing to provide any argument against it without numbers to back it up. I get the feeling like there is a hidden agenda here. Every human is different... if someone is allergic to any type of silicon of even feels they maybe allergic then get a test done prior to any enhancement done with it and go from there. Putting unnecessary fear into people is just power tripping or outright ignorance. Instead give an informed comment like 4 out 106 pig heart valve fail in know study based and backed FACTS.

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305276472

We don\'t and never will have the odds. I think it is sufficient to simply make people aware of what happened to Miracle.

This is what he did and this is what happened.

People can make there own choice after that, can\'t hold someone\'s hand forever.

Be interested to know how Dr C intends to support those that do develop problems in the future.

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305283196

Rmichael72 wrote: Your both are failing to provide any argument against it without numbers to back it up. I get the feeling like there is a hidden agenda here. Every human is different... if someone is allergic to any type of silicon of even feels they maybe allergic then get a test done prior to any enhancement done with it and go from there. Putting unnecessary fear into people is just power tripping or outright ignorance. Instead give an informed comment like 4 out 106 pig heart valve fail in know study based and backed FACTS.

wtf are you squawking about pig-heart valves? i wish the top-drawer urologist in the uk who i went to see started talking to me about pig-heart valves and not silicone-in-the-dick horror stories, like he did. he was if you please a sort of walking talking \'study based and backed\', even had the white-coat and fuck-you prices to prove it. and it was enough that he gave me just a small roll-call of all the problems he\'s encountered with silicone in dicks, shaking his head he was, horror stories he said. he\'s been dealing with men who did unusual things to make their dicks bigger for 30 years plus, and he\'s seen a lot of silicone in dicks. i was like \'can we talk about pig-heart valves please\'.

not a bad idea about the test run though. maybe you could get some silicone and wait ten years, see what happens.

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Update on Glans Enhancement w/ Avanti Derma 6 years 6 months ago #1305284569


I think you get what Rmichael is saying. He is not being literal, either regarding a Prius driver or pig hearts. He is using those as examples to make a point.
He could have said, \"For example: X out of 1000 people have an immune response to silicone\".
Let\'s just pretend he said that since I think that would ease your frustrations with his choice of illustration.

If you did not understand that he was not being literal in his examples, now you know.
If you did understand he was not being literal in his examples, take it the way it was presented.

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