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TOPIC: Dr Elist

Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1306330002

OhFuck, what does this mean?
'1 - This is true. Catastrophic failure is few and far between. I haven't seen a report of it within 5 years.'?

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1306014641

PM Miracle8 on this site. He has extensive knowledge of Peyronie\'s...
Good luck.

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1306005369

All I can say is thank you, I stumbled onto this site today and had been seriously considering the implant. Sean exhaust every option you can to improve your situation without surgery and keep reading this forum. I think you will change your mind about the implant. I suffer from Peyronies that started with a small incident 20 yrs ago that left me with a 25-30 bend to the left. This was really never a problem during sex with any partners, while I lost a little Girth EL was 7 and the effects were actually reversing slightly until March of 2017 when the risk of the female on top and a slight bend resulted in a bigger incident. Now that the scarring has stabilized I have a 70-80 degree bend to the left and have lost additional Girth. Almost as if one of the 3 soft tissue cavities literally does not receive any blood flow.. With the bend penetration is not nearly as deep and lack of Girth is noticeable during sex. My initial thought were to talk with my Urologist about Xiaflex injections to correct the curve and then the implant to recover the Girth. Well as of today the doctor does not believe I would be a good candidate for Xiaflex but did suggest pumping and thankfully the information I have found here has turned me off completely to the implant, not even a consideration now. This leaves me needing advice/help? I started using the RestoreX a traction device developed and tested in clinical trials by the Mayo Clinic, it's only been a week but stretching has raised my hopes. I will be searching for a pump and trying this technique as well. Any other advice or suggestions are welcome regarding straightening, fillers for Girth, supplements etc.

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1306004287

This is an easy decision my friend - do something but don't do THAT!

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1306003303

Dont do anything. Recommend Hanging for now.

Been through it and you will regret it later

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1306002046

Sean9584 wrote: Wow thanks alot for your fast replies. After further research I think enlargement surgery will have to hold off until a proven successful method is created.
I looked at the penimaster pro & into Hanging. If i hang and pull daily do you guys think I can see a Inch in length gain within a year?

In the near future, you will realize that your decision NOT TO GO FOR THE ELIST IMPLANT may have been the best decision you have made in your life.....

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1305971721

If you're sensitive to the training gains can come fast especially early on.
I read an account of someone gaining 1.5 inches in one year. Personally I gained 1 Inch in about 2 years. Of course some gain less or nothing as well.

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1305971436

Wow thanks alot for your fast replies. After further research I think enlargement surgery will have to hold off until a proven successful method is created.
I looked at the penimaster pro & into Hanging. If i hang and pull daily do you guys think I can see a Inch in length gain within a year?

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1305966419

Thanks Mustang
Yes Sanders, PM me anytime. There is definitely hope...Please don't lose that. Both Mustang and I are survivors of the implant...and although it was a huge bump in the road on our journey, it certainly wasn't the end

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1305960112

@Sanders, I responded to your PM, Thx for your post. It will help people see reality...Again, I am so sorry for your pain. Please stick around here and we will support you in every way possible. PM me or Messageman ANY TIME.....

The end story of ALL ELIST VICTIMS is the same, it has not changed over the last 10 YEARS. Any one thinking there is \"new versions\" that are better, read what Sanders and other have documented here.....

THERE ARE NO SUCCESS stories, the implant is 100% failure for everyone who has it removed, and it will also be a failure when it is removed causing MAJOR trauma and damage to normal penis functionality....

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1305958145

Ok. Sean9584, I BEG you to reconsider getting the Elist implant. I found this forum too late to save me, but you have not. Listen to those here. And if you need more convincing, here is the short version of my experience. I got the implant in May 2017. There was the initial pain and swelling to begin with. All that was to be expected. Over the next few months I had the same pain on each side of the glans where the implant is stitched just like the others have described. The months go on and I lose feeling along the top of my shaft and glans. I am in constant contact with Elist and his staff. I am told to give to give it time and all will return to normal. At the 5 month mark, nothing has returned to normal and my original 6 1/4\" Erect length is now down to 5 1/2. I call to discuss this with the good doctor and he says to just give it time. He said that at about the 6th or 7th month mark the stitches that hold the implant in place at the pubic bone will dissolve and the implant and the penis will be released and move forward not only giving me back my original length but increase it up to a possible 2\". Further more, with that release, the pressure would also be released and the pain would subside and the feeling would return, AND, if I was not happy, the implant could be removed and all would be back to the way it was \"pre implant.\"
At the 8 month mark, the implant had not moved one bit, the pain kept me up at night, my penis was now down to 5\"! I called the good doctor and told him I need the implant removed. At almost 9 months to the day I had the implant removed. Are things back to the way they were in the beginning? I wish!!
I am now 7 months post Removal and this is what I am left with: No sensation AT ALL along the topside of the shaft and head of my penis. Try having sex when you can\'t feel anything. My penis is 5\" long. So the implant that was suppose to add length-actually took 1 1/4\" from me. Erections--can\'t get one. the only way I can get an Erection is a nocturnal one. Again try having sex if you cannot achieve an Erection. Oh, did I mention the curve from peyronies caused the scar tissue along the shaft of my penis.
Sean, you want a larger penis in order to have a fulfilling sex life. This is not the way to get it. There are other ways. Yes, they take time and devotion, but they are safer. You are only 23. Imagine your sex life being ended at 23. My sex life is probably over for the remainder of my life. Yes, my outcome is worse than most, but we have all had some kind of issues resulting from the Elist implant. Are you willing to risk the rest of your life knowing what could happen? The percentages are too great that there will be problems. If I had known about all these other peoples experiences with this implant, I would never have done it. For me it is too late. For you it is not. I would not have thought that what I had done to myself would affect me so much. I am much older than you and feel like my life has ended. I would not want you at your young age end up feeling the same way.

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1305956933

Sean, don\'t be a fool, you\'re thinking with your small head, think with your brain. Eventually Elist will be sued & shut down, I still can\'t figure out how he\'s still in business.

Like others stated, right now the best option is to stretch, & it takes some time & patience.

If you go with the implant, you will put urself thru a lot of pain physically & more so emotionally.

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1305954216

Sean, I was gonna get the implant, this board changed that. Think twice, then think some more, use your head. Look at all the negative reports here vs. A few good ones. You get only 1 Dick in all your life, don\'t fuck it up. There is no Dick replacement parts available like kidneys.

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1305952749

You're 23? Go to and learn about about stretching, Hanging, pumping. You'll be able to gain length..perhaps an Inch or more. Girth is easier gain. This website has literally hundreds of threads devoted to it.
I am baffled that you have the threads pertaining to The Implant and still thinking about it. Every week or so I get a private message form some new recipient that needs to have it removed.
Think about this decision carefully.

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Dr Elist 6 years 4 months ago #1305952610

If I were you I\'d forget the implant. Then I\'d do some serious research on the best extender (and maybe Hanging), then dedicate some serious time over the next year or so to length. In the meantime, I\'d do research on the best filler options for after your lengthening efforts. I think you can get close to, if not reach or exceed your goal. Good luck.

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