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TOPIC: How many years until there is a perfect treatment?

How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303063389

Hi been lurking for a while and lots of great info and great people.
I was looking into getting HA injections but it seems to me that the treatment is a little too flawed for me to justify the cost.

I have read a few comments here saying that the future will be some improved form of HA injections which last much longer and look and feel the same as a natural in both the soft and Erect state.

Whether you think this is the future or not, how many years do you think I\'ll have to wait until there is a perfect treatment for penis enlargement so its like getting a wish from a magic genie haha? (100% safe, natural looking and permanent)

I don\'t think this is a flippant question to ask because a lot of you guys have been involved in this for a long time and have seen and tried the evolution of treatments and procedures, so should have an idea of how the space is progressing. 3 years? 5 years? 10? 100? thanks!

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303175041

With artificial intelligence getting more popular & it will be used a lot in the near future in the medical field, I think Dr Atala will have the perfect grown penis able to be attached by 2030 to 2033.

Technology is moving very fast, & don\'t compare fat transfer 30 years ago to PMMA.

It takes a special doctor/scientist to work on a mans penis that is also honest & wants to help.

Dr Atala is working very close with our military & the soldiers will get first dibsdibs at everything new coming out in the next 2 to 10 years.

Dr Atala wants to perfect the workings of the lab grown penis, its a bit complicated, but its not as complicated as the heart.

Between 2020 & 2030 we will see some awesome breakthroughs in the medical field & Dr Atala will perfect his lab grown organs in this time frame with & I\'m assuming with some help from artificial intelligence.

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303167957

I think they do the same procedure in Florida

Check the below link

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303167242

Mustang2020 wrote: Chester, Dude...25 years!!! We may all be dead and gone... We need it NOW!!!!!

There is a FFT/Stem injection in the UK, NOW, I think, it claims 3\" of EL increase is possible............... I am flying out tomorrow....LOL..

I\'m agree with you. We need it now, not in 25 or 50 years later, when part of us probably would be dead or very old So is there any reasonable options in near future (5 to 10 years) for PE? Especially for Erect length increasement, since EL is almost impossible to change. Any thoughts exept of DNA editing and tissue engineering?

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303157100

Johnson wrote: I would be careful about Ellanse. I dont think the fact that its a biostimulator is a good thing. How do the new \'material\' thats created feel? Will most likely make the feel of the penis more soft...

It is a good thing because the bio-filler is your own natural collagen. As a result, the feeling should be natural. There\'s a phalloboard member who has had the procedure, subtle 77. He\'s a patient of Dr. Oates.

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303124008

I would be careful about Ellanse. I dont think the fact that its a biostimulator is a good thing. How do the new \'material\' thats created feel? Will most likely make the feel of the penis more soft...

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303108884

Thanks for all the replies. Does anyone else ever feel a little regret that they weren\'t born about 30 years later. Science is starting to get crazy.

Anyway, is there anywhere in Europe to get Ellanse?

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303106937

Oh yeah ok. It's just used as a tightening agent to make the scrotum look better. I'm looking for testicle enlargement safely by somehow stimulating the leydig cells. Those are the cells that work during puberty to develop genitals. But I guess that's a tall order. I have read possibly that taking supplement Damiana in high doses could help but seems like more pie in the sky. It's good for arousel like horny goat weed or Maca. Thanks man.

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303106884

wannabhung45 wrote: That guy Loria I think injects that silicone 1000 junk into the testes as well. It's one thing to inject artificial filler into the Dick but the family jewels. C'mon man! That's dangerous as fuck.

It is injected into the scrotum, not the testicles themselves.

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303106841

I'm confused by these claims about stem cell injections. Aren't they just FFT injections? Maybe the fat is treated in a special way to extract these growth cells. I believe they are called metachimal or mesachimal cells.

I think I butchered the name but it was mentioned in the video of that sports medicine specialist guy on the Joe Rogan show. I watched most of it and he said he thinks that is the growth agent and that he still enjoys the growth but said it wasn't substantial. But who knows that's just one treatment maybe you keep gaining visit after visit.

I was a little confused because he mentioned he got cells extracted at US Stem Cell clinic in Fl but then I think they were sent to his local doc in Spokane. I may have that wrong but bottom line he seemed to think it worked.

They appear to be ahead of the curve in England with pe. There is a street over there that I guess has numerous enlargement clinics. They might be onto something. We may have the best healthcare in the world in US but Europe cannot be discounted by a long shot. They do a lot more cutting edge and experimental things in medicine which I grant can be detrimental even deadly but to a patient who is dying and needs experimental care I think they do it better over there.

Having said that I don't think having a small Dick is life or death but I do think it can breathe new life into you by giving you new found confidence and make you more outgoing. Qualities I used to have but are now sadly lacking. All roads l lead to my pitiful endowment.

Ok guys who's up for a road trip to the UK. We could invite Oprah as our guide: 'You get a big Dick, you get a big Dick!!!' Thanks Oprah I'll take the Johnny Waad and my friend here will have the Ron Jeremy lol!!!!

One other thing guys is there a safe way to enlarge the testicles? I mean if I'm gonna plump up my frank what about the damn beans?! Stem cells? That guy Loria I think injects that silicone 1000 junk into the testes as well. It's one thing to inject artificial filler into the Dick but the family jewels. C'mon man! That's dangerous as fuck.

Idk these guys are supposed to do no harm. My gut feeling says they got into medicine and thought they would be richer than Cresis. Then they realized they couldn't keep up with the Jones' got pissed off and created other revenue streams to compensate for their short comings. Safety be damned!

Some of these guys are probably all right but others are just plain charlatans. I'm thinking of that Elist guy who apparently has ruined some poor guys lives. Good guys decent people that are on this site who just wanted to be bigger and feel more confident. Things we all want. Makes me sick. I sincerely feel for all you guys. You shouldn't be blamed at all. I wish you the best and hope you all can recover fully or get some semblance of normalcy back to your lives.

Take care guys. Wish everyone the best. Glad site is back up. Peace til next time.

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303103140

Chester, Dude...25 years!!! We may all be dead and gone... We need it NOW!!!!!

There is a FFT/Stem injection in the UK, NOW, I think, it claims 3\" of EL increase is possible............... I am flying out tomorrow....LOL..

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303093864

Near future: The better quality hybrid HA product you mention is already here. It\'s called Ellanse. It\'s much more firm than HA and lasts much, much longer. The optimal version lasts up to 4 years. Since it\'s a stimulatory bio-filler, it also has the potential for permanent enhancement.

Farther future: Cellular and DNA manipulation is already in progress. The Chinese are moving ahead at blazing speeds, due to less stringent ethics. This will force deliberate countries to accelerate their efforts. My guess is much closer to 25 years.

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303063778


When did they start fat transfers, 30 years ago?
30 years from fat to pmma?

Perhaps 30 years if they are fast?

It seems like growing an organ outside of the body - which they are working on right now.
They already made a mouse-kidney out of the body and inserted it, it worked 10% for 2 weeks.
So i was thinking 20 years till they do stuff like that in the hospital and 10 years more for penis (heart seems more important than penis, which is just for \'narcissism\' and some soldiers who get their junk shot away)

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How many years until there is a perfect treatment? 7 years 1 month ago #1303175723

You could have got the Dr Atlanta name in there a bit more surely. Try harder.

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