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TOPIC: Advice PMMA vs Implant

Advice PMMA vs Implant 7 years 1 month ago #1303010003

Good day all

I\'m looking at getting some surgical enhancement. I\'m really torn between PMMA and Dr Elist implant. It seems that he implant gives the biggest gains but also comes with so many additional risks. Has anyone had the implant placed in the last year or two? As I see a lot of the complaints against Dr Elist was from more than 3 or 4 years ago, so possibly has his technique or skill improves since then and lesss complications are now occurring? Any good stories of dr Elist implants out there? Also are the gains with PMMA that benificial if you\'ve had it done? And who would you recommend as best to carry out the PMMA procedure? Your advice will assist me in making a big decision, thanks in advance.

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Advice PMMA vs Implant 7 years 1 month ago #1303010071

After so many horror story someone must be crazy to do it.

Manual PE with exercises, water puming etc will give you plenty of gains, try that first if not satisfied with the gains, the next best thing would be PMMA, any other Dick surgery is not worth it the risk imo

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Advice PMMA vs Implant 7 years 1 month ago #1303017233

Bond007 wrote: As I see a lot of the complaints against Dr Elist was from more than 3 or 4 years ago, so possibly has his technique or skill improves since then and lesss complications are now occurring?

Can you expand on \"skill and technique\" to improve a fundamentally, medically, and scientifically a bad procedure that has proven to be a failure for 99.9% of victims who reported on this site alone? Of course he will claim \"improvements\" and I know there are some, but the end results have consistently been the same.

There is one report of no issues with infection and implant breakage, so far since no Removal has occurred, (and I wish them good luck) , Aero64.

Just asking, no judgement made on your assessment.... ?

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