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TOPIC: Why are we all even doing this?

Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302061097

Reklaw wrote: 25 hours a week! Bloody hell man I work 70 minimum, I should move to Austria.

Lot of refugees thinking the same
Well, i guess i am special. I pay 240 euros for rent (+warmth, electricity, water) for 22 m2, and no car.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302053360

Hunkydory\'s comment is hope without the bullshit.
Dream\'s like a younger version.
Your experience of life shows.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302053266

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Herbert West wrote: I can\'t imagine all this shit in some of radical islamic countries or at 18-19 centuries. In 2017 we have insane hypergamy, as been said, if you\'re not good looking, if you\'re not tall, if you\'re not have a big Dick, you might forget about dating with good looking young womens.Is there some members from Asia here? If yes, can you tell, is there same shit in Asian countries?

'Good looking young women' that's what it all comes down to. I don't want some used up pensioner. I want attractive young women who are still fertile and them kinds of women have high standards in men. That's a fact.

You got to remember, how many white tourists are visiting these countries?

To add to this thread: I don't care about your anecdotal stories about how you know this guy and that guy who is fucking models with zero effort.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302053212

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Dream wrote:
I disagree. 1 Inch Girth is very significant. Going from 3 to 4, or 4 to 5, or 5 to 6 are all very significant.

I think i know a sluthate lookism looksmax incel when i see one

Operations and stuff - it just makes you a bit more attractive.
Eg Girth 4.5 to 5.5.

So what.
I am having sex now. With non-hotties.
When i am a bit more sexy, i will probably get a bit more sexy partners.
I thought i only have this life, so why not try becoming sexy. PMMA is one of many things i do.

I hate to break it to you mate, but Girth on it's own isn't impressive. 5x6 isn't impressive, 6x6 isn't impressive, 7x6 is impressive (non-bone pressed).

I don't know how you're content with fucking ugly women. I'd rather fuck my own hand.

There's only so much you can do with facial surgeries without disrupting your facial harmony. Just look at men who get multiple procedures done, they become a joke to society.

You either have it or you don't.

Men who naturally have 8x6 dicks are probably the luckiest men alive.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302053140

I can\'t imagine all this shit in some of radical islamic countries or at 18-19 centuries. In 2017 we have insane hypergamy, as been said, if you\'re not good looking, if you\'re not tall, if you\'re not have a big Dick, you might forget about dating with good looking young womens.Is there some members from Asia here? If yes, can you tell, is there same shit in Asian countries? @Dream

I disagree. 1 Inch Girth is very significant. Going from 3 to 4, or 4 to 5, or 5 to 6 are all very significant.

Just few days ago you yourself complained about EL and that we don\'t have any vailable options here, don\'t you? Yeah, we have PMMA, cool, but what should do guys who doesn\'t have 7.5 to 8.5 EL? Go get for PMMA and end with 5x7 Dick which looked like a ball?As for PMMA, yes you can go mad and get a shitload of PMMA in your Dick, go from 4 to 8 EG, but what\'s next? Your glans would be looking comically and nobody nor here nor at the all world can\'t said about possible complications in next 10 or 20 years. Is that\'s not true?

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302053109

Koosh wrote: even though we know we can't increase our size by a significant amount.

I disagree. 1 Inch Girth is very significant. Going from 3 to 4, or 4 to 5, or 5 to 6 are all very significant.

Koosh wrote: Not only that, but we have to be good-looking (includes full head of hair), tall and rich to even get a single conversation out of a top-tier woman before she even gets to see our mutilated dicks

I think i know a sluthate lookism looksmax incel when i see one

Operations and stuff - it just makes you a bit more attractive.
Eg Girth 4.5 to 5.5.

So what.
I am having sex now. With non-hotties.
When i am a bit more sexy, i will probably get a bit more sexy partners.
I thought i only have this life, so why not try becoming sexy. PMMA is one of many things i do.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302052967

I can honestly say that I am very glad I did PE. First with the dermal fat grafts even though they died after 12 years or so - and 2nd with PMMA. My sex life is back like it ever was, my Dick looks really good and most importantly it changes the vocabulary I have in bed when I feel like I am where I want to be - and it affects my role as a sex partner. Of the 20 or so guys that I have had sex with since my last PMMA round, only 1 has not called me back for 2nds and 3rds so they like it too.

It is always a roll of the dice to be sure. But either you can spend your energy getting to the point where you are happy with what you have- if you think you can - or do something about it - or just be unaccepting of what you have and be unhappy. Those are your only real choices. You may just be talking through frustration and depression though - I know I have.

Not only that, but we have to be good-looking (includes full head of hair), tall and rich to even get a single conversation out of a top-tier woman before she even gets to see our mutilated dicks that we created in our bedrooms and in a surgeons operating room that we travelled thousands of miles to even get to.

Not sure what this is about but you have to meet people where you are. I had an overweight friend who ate like a pig who bitched about how superficial handsome gay guys were cause they would not go out with him. I suggested he get a crush on an overweight gay guy who also ate like a pig as maybe there would be chemistry. Jmo, but you are better off pursuing people that are interesting and sexy than putting them in tiers if you don\'t think you are going to make the same tier. If you want a date with someone you like leave your resumes out of it.

Anybody\'s best bet is to walk away from PE and enjoy their life. If not that, you have to decide what you want to do about it.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302052635

Just to counter that, I had a shit result but am still glad I did it.

Probably depends on where you start out and how much you have to lose.

I understand that the psychological aspect may be the major reason people stick around......

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302052513

Koosh wrote: We are all spending hours a day Hanging weights from our dicks, pulling our dicks, squeezing our dicks and even injecting foreign materials into our dicks all because we want to gain size to impress women even though we know we can't increase our size by a significant amount. Not only that, but we have to be good-looking (includes full head of hair), tall and rich to even get a single conversation out of a top-tier woman before she even gets to see our mutilated dicks that we created in our bedrooms and in a surgeons operating room that we travelled thousands of miles to even get to.

I'm sure come of you will say you're only doing this for yourself and fair play to you for doing that, but for the rest of us, what's the point?

Another thing, some of you are on here hoping for a breakthrough, and that some doctors/scientists/whatever have figured out how to give every man alive a Mandingo Dick. I don't see that shit ever happening, not for another 50 years or so. Look at the hair loss community, they've been speaking about a cure coming in the next five years for the past I don't know how many years. It's a pipe dream.

Sorry if this post comes across slightly depressing, I just can't keep deluding myself anymore over this shit.

I agree, there is no solution, even the people who've had great PMMA results struggle to ever leave this board and that's got to tell you something. I've seen so many people bragging about their PMMA results on threads but then when you private message them after a few messages they admit they regret having it done because they're worried about future complications.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302052206

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naginati wrote: Because there is so much requried to pull that even if you got the Dick you wanted there wouldn\'t be any point?

I don't get what you're trying to get at.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302052132

Because there is so much requried to pull that even if you got the Dick you wanted there wouldn\'t be any point?

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302052075

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naginati wrote: You\'ve been on this board for years,.

Not going for PMMA or soemthing?

I planned on it. I don't see the point anymore.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302051887

You\'ve been on this board for years,.

Not going for PMMA or soemthing?

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302051808

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naginati wrote: Can anyone really say anything that will change you mind?

I'm not looking for anyone to change my mind. I just want to hear people's opinions.

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Why are we all even doing this? 7 years 3 months ago #1302051740

Can anyone really say anything that will change you mind?

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