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TOPIC: If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure

If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300172618

That\'s what happens when you start talking about prosthetic penises.

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300100878

chester wrote: So to Dickwitman\'s good guidance, were you aware that you can gain upwards of 0.5 - 0.75 inches in Girth within just 15-20 minutes of pumping, and that said increase can last for hours, allowing you to test a considerably larger size on your partner? By doing the aforementioned, you will be able to gauge her reaction, and more accurately and safely assess whether an increase is merited. Total cost of a pump is $80 to $300, depending on brand. That\'s going to be quite a bit cheaper than a filler procedure.

TBH guys I\'m confused at your responses regarding getting the procedure. Your responses about the procedure itself seems very discouraging. I have lurked this site for about a month reading those threads that interest me. The ones who have gotten the procedure seem very pleased with the results. I know you are trying to make sure I know all other options and trust me I definitely appreciate that and please feel free to keep giving me some. But I do know one thing for sure, I want more Girth and I want it forever regardless. As far as money is concerned, not to sound like a douche because I definitely worked my ass off for it, I am very well off when it comes to that. More than prepared.

chester your reply is very helpful and possibly one I will try before going through with stuff but I dont want to hide a pump in my place as if its found I will be incredibly embarrassed but I know thats small. Not big enough for me to not try your method.

Dickwitman why do you encourage exhausting all other options before doing this? Isn\'t this just an option? One thing I am looking for is permanence. I don\'t want to have to do a routine before sex to get what where I want. I read about Clamping and pumping and heard they are dangerous if done incorrectly which is a possibility and such. Sounds a lot like the risk of the procedure. What is HA? This i am unfamiliar with it. Thank you for this information as well.

thehulk I am confused by your response lol. You didn\'t answer my question. But I think I get the gist and I agree. This is something that is going to be on my mind a lot if it isn\'t permanent or at least a pill I can take as often as I have sex (which isn\'t available right now).

I know there are risks and these risks could be life/sex altering. I think as a guy, you guys should understand how much I care about my package. For me to be here seeking information is a sign that I am serious enough to cover my bases. I have talked to Dr. C (last week) about the risks and issues and such and he informed me all irregularities can be fixed with touch ups and such. I am only looking for Girth enhancement. Is there something scary that happened to someone that I should know about from going to through with this treatment?

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300100526

So to Dickwitman\'s good guidance, were you aware that you can gain upwards of 0.5 - 0.75 inches in Girth within just 15-20 minutes of pumping, and that said increase can last for hours, allowing you to test a considerably larger size on your partner? By doing the aforementioned, you will be able to gauge her reaction, and more accurately and safely assess whether an increase is merited. Total cost of a pump is $80 to $300, depending on brand. That\'s going to be quite a bit cheaper than a filler procedure.

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300099990

Have you exhausted all other options i.e. manual PE, pumping , Clamping, p shot etc? Maybe do that before going this route - which is irreversible.

Or you could try HA - if you have success with it and her reaction is positive you could then go a more permanent route like PMMA. If - for whatever reason - you don\'t like it you can reverse it. Plus you don\'t have to leave the country etc

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300098977

jaquez wrote: Also, how often do irregularities come up? Even with proper after care?

Let me very carefully state something.

\"This above all, to thine own self be true\"

If this is something you HAVE to do. Do it, you\'ll never be able to stop thinking about what if\'s..if you don\'t.

This isn\'t for anyone else but you.

HOWEVER, know this road isn\'t easy and there will be obsticals and possible problems.

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300098813

Also, how often do irregularities come up? Even with proper after care?

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300098807

chester wrote: Prosthetic penises, \"bigger\" men fucking your fianc'? You do realize this has absolutely nothing to do with her, and everything to do with you, right? It\'s clear that she\'s happy, otherwise she wouldn\'t be with you. Trust me, if a woman doesn\'t want to be with you, she\'d be LONG gone by now, especially in today\'s age. H

Yes I know this is my issue. My own insecurity. However I am still sure I want to do this not only so I can be more fulfilling for her but also for myself as well. So not telling her is not the way to go is what I am getting. So would you guys still not recommend me going through with it if I tell her?By the way I am 24. Does that matter as far as the procedure is concerned?

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300096287

Listen to Briceb and Chester. It is YOUR issue. we have seen this here many times. We\'re trying to help you before you make a mistake. If she finds out you did PMMA and she does not\'re Fu**d. If you develop any irregularities, she will SURE find out, you\'re Fu**d again..think man.

Your size is great....dude, don\'t mess it up. Yes, I messed up and I paid for it dearly. I have been single so I only answer to myself, you are in a marriage soon....

good luck!

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300092361

Prosthetic penises, \"bigger\" men fucking your fianc'?

You do realize this has absolutely nothing to do with her, and everything to do with you, right? It\'s clear that she\'s happy, otherwise she wouldn\'t be with you. Trust me, if a woman doesn\'t want to be with you, she\'d be LONG gone by now, especially in today\'s age.


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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300092158

jaquez, if you want to skirt the issue, you probably could get away with saying that you got the P-shot while in San Diego. You can have info ready about how it is supposed to increase size, etc. I can see that working as long as there are no big aesthetic issues. But make sure you have your story locked down. I\'m sure you know how well women can shoot holes in stories.

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300091954

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I would loves to secretly get PMMA and not tell my girlfriend but I have a suspicion that she will notice my new thickness and firmness. I am trying to figure out how to broach the subject like friend face has with his girlfriend. I think PMMA could be an exciting journey for a couple where you are becoming the only and perfect man for her by making her vagina crave your perfect customized penis.

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300091904

briceb wrote: I would think it is safe to say that after being with her for 4 years, 3 weeks apart is not going to erase her memory of your Dick. 1\" in Girth gain is huge. For you, that is 18.9% increase in Girth. To have an immediate jump in size like that would (or should) be noticed.

I personally have never been questioned or suspected by anyone I had sex with both before and after but I have had multiple rounds, starting with 6\" Girth and ending at 7\" midshaft Girth. I think that it is because my growth was more gradual. And I was not in a relationship.

Plus, you have to factor in the \"what ifs.\" Aesthetics, nodules, etc.

Trust me, I understand the stealth factor. I don\'t plan on telling anyone, other than you fine gentlemen.

So you\'re saying that there is pretty much slim to no chance that it can go unnoticed? Understood. I expect her to notice the size increase. I guess I want to know if she will suspect something other than \"natural\" things. I know you say its slim she would forget in 3 weeks what I feel like inside her. But trying to put myself in her shoes, if she came back to me really tight, I would not suspect she had surgery or anything done. I probably would thing that some natural bodily change happened at some point that is making her feel tighter or birth control or if she gave the kegals excuse then I would believe all of that and I would deem myself far from naive and unexperienced.

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300091867

Dickwitman wrote: I would just have a good story ready to tell in case things don\'t go as planned (i.e. Infection, etc). Is there a plausible reason your work would take you to Tijuana ? I\'d be more concerned about her finding out you\'re lying while you\'re gone than after the fact.

Yeah I think that is the safest route as should anything be awry then I can blame it on the story. Yes there is reason, as I type this I am away on business so its actually really normal for me to have to leave on business for some time. As far as Tijuana, no but San Diego? yes. I\'m going to tell her where I am but am not intending to tell what I am doing. Of course I guess if something goes really bad I will come clean but I doubt that will happen. Probably best to go with an injury excuse.

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300090771

I would just have a good story ready to tell in case things don\'t go as planned (i.e. Infection, etc). Is there a plausible reason your work would take you to Tijuana ? I\'d be more concerned about her finding out you\'re lying while you\'re gone than after the fact.

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If you did not tell your gf/wife about your enhancement procedure. What was your wife/gf reaction after your GE procedure 7 years 6 months ago #1300088608

I would think it is safe to say that after being with her for 4 years, 3 weeks apart is not going to erase her memory of your Dick. 1\" in Girth gain is huge. For you, that is 18.9% increase in Girth. To have an immediate jump in size like that would (or should) be noticed.

I personally have never been questioned or suspected by anyone I had sex with both before and after but I have had multiple rounds, starting with 6\" Girth and ending at 7\" midshaft Girth. I think that it is because my growth was more gradual. And I was not in a relationship.

Plus, you have to factor in the \"what ifs.\" Aesthetics, nodules, etc.

Trust me, I understand the stealth factor. I don\'t plan on telling anyone, other than you fine gentlemen.

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