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TOPIC: When is it safe to drink again

When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297927110

When did everyone here resume going out and having some beers with the lad post op? I\'ve been debating this. Don\'t want to gains, but would love to go have a few drinks tonight.

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297935199

Oh agree, alcohol is pretty shit. Life has been much better cutting it out. I have started running, and getting in the gym more. Eating healthier etc. Now I\'m down to the point of only here or there with friends. Anyone find taking this many supplements exhausting? Only continuing to take them in hopes that I will get a little bit more growth. Don\'t feel like it is likely though as I\'m day 21 now.

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297934825

Yeah, I agree with everyone\'s sentiment. Drinking is a terrible habit and deteriorates your body. Unbelievable how it\'s all completely legal, yet weed is a schedule 1 drug.. ahead of meth and cocaine (Schedule 2) ... feels like I\'m living in the twilight zone. Hypocritical gov\'t controlling our lives for their own gains and benefits.

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297934798

\'you should really aim to give it up completely\'

I\'m trying...went 2 years without a drink. Then fell off.

You\'re never in the clear completely.

I was using diazepam when using a steroid that causes insomnia. They work well but you built tolerenace quickly.

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297934703

naginati wrote: Giving up drinking is just a better life all round. It\'s a poison.

I wish weed was legal. Far easier on the body for everything and no violence with it.

I completely agree, alcohol is really bad for you it\'s actually a barbiturate which is the same class of drug as propofol (general anaesthetic), you should really aim to give it up completely, I\'ve not really had a drink in 2 years.
If your slightly anxious have you thought about getting some Diazepam? This would be a much better option.

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297934533

Giving up drinking is just a better life all round. It\'s a poison.

I wish weed was legal. Far easier on the body for everything and no violence with it.

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297934368

3 weeks out exactly today so doubtful I\'ll ggrow much, if any, from this point based on previous rounds. Always amazes me how ugly the PMMA Dick looks after a night of drinking. I basically cut drinking out of my life other than going and getting a few once every other month or so now. I\'ve been pretty supplemented up this round, to the point I may be over doing it. Collagen + Vit C sup combos, multi vitamin, and drinking whey protein mixes. Additionally eating chicken, salads, veg like a body builder.

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297927636

Drink too much and you\'ll have nutrient depletion too. Just make sure you\'re not hungover the next day and to not let it effect your diet.

Bit like bodybuilding.

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297927543

One beer or a glass of wine a night is not a big deal. It\'s if one drinks a lot every few days or worse yet, every day then your body will not respond well to produce collagen...AND alcohol effects libido and EQ especially if older!

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297927391

I was at Dr N today and had a beer and some food right after. She said it was no problem. It is probably not ideal, but will 1 beer really gains?

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When is it safe to drink again 7 years 6 months ago #1297936150

Personally I think it will make a negligible difference to your results. just like taking collegen supplements etc. If you are of good general health you will pretty much react the same whether you have been drinking or not.

I know Dr N had no problem with me drinking as I told her I had a few pints the night before when having small talk. it is hard to visit Prague for a night without czecking out some of the local beers anyway as it is a beer capital of Europe also had a few pints when I got home as I ended up out and needed to unwind and relax which I find drinking helps with.

Everything in moderation including moderation

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