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TOPIC: Dr Giunta-consult

Dr Giunta-consult 7 years 9 months ago #1296224728

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Hello, I\'m scheduling a phone consult with Dr Giunta in the next couple of weeks to talk to him about the latest on his fat transfer procedure and lig cut for lengthening. Want to find out his latest results. Has new information on his website. Plan on getting one more procedure next year. He says in general 80percent of the fat survives with his procedure. Also says usually 1 to 1&1/2 gain in Erect length with lengthening procedure. Would do it if I could reasonably expect. a 1inch. gain(I\'m only 5 -5.25 inches). Would use Giunta if I decide to do it. He also says that critics of fat transfer fail to mention that (Dr Giunta) can easily correct problems that might arise(exa lumps) and at no charge. Wish I had used him to begin with..He seems to have had the most experience..would like to know if anyone on this board has used him. RECENTLY...and what gains , if any in Erect length they have seen.

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Dr Giunta-consult 7 years 9 months ago #1296251986

Hey wildcat,

Did you find out anything new about Dr. Giunta? I tried searching but everything I found was pretty underwhelming. I just flew out to TJ for PMMA but Dr. Guinta is an hour drive away from me. I looked heavily into the procedure but most people mentioned that the fat reabsorbed into the body. As for the lig cut, the general consensus is that it requires a lot of post procedure upkeep (stretching, Hanging, etc) for up to 8 months to see any results. Also scarring seems to be an issue but also appears to be up to the technique of the doctor..

Let me know if you find anything new/ anyone PM\'ed you because I\'m interested to see if he\'s improved any methods.


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Dr Giunta-consult 7 years 9 months ago #1296258780

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Hello 93EAST,

I havent called Dr Giunta yet. I may call him tomorrow. Yes, fat reabsorption is a concern. Seems to have been a problem with many who\'ve had the procedure,along with possibility of lumps down the road. I was told that about 75% would not absorb by my doctor. Aesthetics from first procedure not the
best...and small lump appeared 3 months later....and curvature noticable...but nice increase in Girth 4.75 to 5.5...after 6 months didnt seem to lose any
fat...then 2nd procedure by different dr... very pleased with outcome...its been 4 months since 2nd procedure...aesthetics very good...curvature much improved..and increase in Girth from 5.5 to 6.25..but closer to 6 now..think ive lost small amount of fat..will reevalute after first of year...Mainly wanted to talk to Giunta about length...everything ive read says maybe 1/2 Inch gain in Erect if lucky..and just stretching probably just as efefctive..........but saw where
Giunta claimed that most get 1 to 1&1/2 Inch gain in eerct length.. im skeptical,,,but nevertheless got my attention ..wish I could get feedback from members
who\'ve used Giunta for length..think ive found one person who mentioned it...Since Giunta says he \'s done over 6,000 would think there would be more reviews somewhere.,,,,,,How did your procedure go...Casavantes sounds really good..results more predictable with PMMA and more cost effective...Im happy now, but have spent way too much on fat transfer..would do FFT again but in stages...Ibrahim or Giunta

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Dr Giunta-consult 7 years 9 months ago #1296772255

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Had a good phone consult with Dr Giunta a few days ago. Just talked to me about 2 procedures I had from other doctors and concerns I had going forward. I liked the fact that he took the time to talk to me and was very professional. He didn\'t make any unrealistic claims about the success rate of his procedure and was respectful of other doctors who did the same procedure. Discussed lumps and options on how to deal with them and fat reabsorption. Said he was there if I needed him and to stay in touch if he could help. Based on number of procedures done, price and being able to talk to the actual doctor ., I would probably use Giunta. If going FFT route.

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Dr Giunta-consult 7 years 9 months ago #1296804426

I have two friends that went with guinta. One friend of mine went in 05. He was very happy. After a year or so had a noodle not to noticeable. After several years 2013 he went in for another round. Again he was super happy. No joddles no issues. He\'s lost some valume since then but he says he\'s still over an Inch Girth gain. He also did the lig cut first time Around... lost half Inch even with detailed after care.

His healtime before sex was about a month.

I have another friend who is also LoKal in Virginia. He has had FFT done three times. Really happy but then again he\'s gone three times in 5 years. He\'s also noticed Girth loss when loosing weight. Heal time also a month

I\'ve done PMMA with Dr c three times.

Starting at 6el 4.9eg
After two rounds I gained a little over an Inch top to bottom. Both times I was fucking with in a week. I\'ve kept an Inch.

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Dr Giunta-consult 7 years 9 months ago #1296804608

What amount did you have and what percentage ?

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Dr Giunta-consult 7 years 9 months ago #1296808377

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Hello nobrakes. Did they lose as much fat the 2nd or 3rd round? PMMA definitely more predictable and less invasive and less expensive!

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Dr Giunta-consult 7 years 9 months ago #1296810537

Reklaw wrote: @Nobrakes
What amount did you have and what percentage ?

The first time around which I think was early 2013 I had 30% 26 or 27cc

After care at that time was Ibuprofen and an antibiotic before surgery.... I guess that part is \"before the knife\" so to speak. After all said and done, Wade who\'s no longer there would wrap your junk in gauze, but strait and give a Cialis to keep it as hung or hard as possible threw the night to prevent retracting. Massage every two hours or so. And they had a rubber roller to help you even things out. They said roll from top to bottom. Go in the next day make sure all is good. If so continue Cialis for the next few days and start the esl stretcher for a couple hours a few times a day.

This worked out great. I was happy with this round. A couple things to note. I\'m a Grower. Or a shower. My sirc scare was like a mini donut lol. I got use to it but it does look odd when I\'m all retracted. So I always find myself pulling my head out HA. Overall gains like .6-.7 Girth Flaccid was allot better to. Felt great.

2nd time around about 8 months later... 23cc 30%
After care was different. No stretcher no wrap.. they used a silicone sock type thing and prescribed ibuprofen. I took Cialis as well.

Bruises went away quick with ibprofren. Silicone wrap pushed PMMA out the bottom and because of the swelling I didn\'t really notice it. After the swelling went down and the PMMA placed it self and hardened I had a half hard ring of PMMA at the bottom of my base and several harder areas. Fucking terrible.

Luckily my colleges growth is good and it helped to mask some imperfecting when Erect. Over all gain middhaft 1-1.2 and base about .9-1

Massaging correctly is very important! I highly recommend not taking any pills for anti inflammatory. I\'m a true believer that some short term is good for you. Blood to the area and all that is good... seriously please believe me. This also helps with the collegen as well. When you do lasik the doctor will tell you not to take any anti-inflammatory medicine because it disrupts the collagen growth.

Fast forward to a few days ago almost 4 years later.

After all this time I\'ve pretty much kept the gains but my Dick needed some touch up and to look more symmetrical. Other obligation kept me from going a whole lot sooner...

The doc saw me a few days ago. He took a look and was more then happy to correct all he could. I love dr c he\'s a good dude. He mentioned he could take out the base lump or we can try to camafloge it. Or a k shot. I didn\'t want to do a k shot and risk that shot messing with the touch up. I do t have the time right now to have my Dick stitched up so I went with him camaflodging the best he could.

5cc\'s 30% base and some parts of the mid. 3cc\'s 10% up top and I opted for the prp. I took the antibiotic and one inprofren before we started and an adavan lol...

I was wrapped very well, nice and clean. Took a flow max they give now. I brought some Cialis along with me. Took a half, ate some food and passed out. Woke up a few Hours later to massage and passed back out for another few hours. Massaged again and then went to see the doc at 10am he said he wanted me to massage one more time because a little swelling on the right side of my scare and come back in two hours. Did that and he said all looked good and said I could leave.

I got the last session done on the 11th at 4pm still a little black and blue of and some swelling but right now things look good. I like the new young kid they have in there now. He\'s not Wade but he\'s good. the aftercare instructions are good. I\'m a fan of the prp as well. Massage massage massage and use that streatcher to avoid retracting.

Fellas with money and guys that saved up for this.... this isn\'t a purchase! You don\'t just go in here and buy a new Dick. This is hard work and consistent after care. You have to help yourself get the best resists for your decision.

So if you don\'t spend the time to make sure the PMMA settles right and doesn\'t lump up or make sure you massage those entry pints so you don\'t have entry dots then your gonna get what you put into this. This is yo Dick!! Make sure you got the time for this before you let the doc pull that trigger

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Dr Giunta-consult 7 years 9 months ago #1296810541

wildcat44! wrote: Hello nobrakes. Did they lose as much fat the 2nd or 3rd round? PMMA definitely more predictable and less invasive and less expensive!

My one friend didn\'t get a refill like 8-9 years. Fat goes away and fluctuates. I think he\'s had the refill now for about two years. Says it\'s still fat but he had a small lump/cliff at the base. Not to bad but you go into this expecting some irregularities. I believe he got like 55cc or something i dot know

My Other friend had had to go back a couple times
Because he goes threw this weight loss and working out and what not and he says after a few
Years he looses some. Same with him like 50cc or more per round

Sorry for my spelling and grammar.

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