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TOPIC: What to do with Nodules / hard spots

What to do with Nodules / hard spots 7 years 9 months ago #1295858402

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So i have a hard spot. 5 days after first pmma procedure.
It\'s at the base at the entry point of the needle and just a bit smaller than the size of my small finger.

There is no way to massage this, is there.
Doesn\'t feel like pressing on it does anything.

Ok, read some about Nodules:

- \"Kenalog doesn\'t do anything, there is basically no way to remove nodules,
what you perhaps can do is put more product over it to mask it.
Bad option is to cut through skin and cut it out with a doctor.\"

DMSO has worked better than Kenalog and 5-fu for the hard nodule less than 1 month. However, the hardness did tend to return when I stopped using it. I don\'t know exactly how it works, but I suspect it is hydrating the area and masking the hardness. Saline injections (to break apart the nodules) feel like DMSO. The prescription injectables did nothing.

1. Seed-like injection site nodules - these will go away most of the time with no intervention. These are the most common & it seems like more than 1/2 of patients report these. They can last up to 12 weeks. They can be removed with an 18 gauge needle and toothed forceps (More info in this thread)
2. Softer / slightly mobile nodules - these are usually NOT at injection sites, but rather where the product accumulated slightly more than other areas. These tend to appear between weeks 2 and 9 - and they often go away by 12 weeks as well. They are mostly due to your own immune response, which resolves itself over time as your body shifts from active \"attack\" of the PMMA to surrounding it with more permanent collagen. They may shrink down to a small bead-like size and never go any further. Usually, no intervention is necessary because they can be passed off as normal penile variation (they\'re soft enough).
3. Localized Hard Nodules (generally larger - and not softening or shrinking with time) - often at injection sites
4. Delayed nodules - This has only been reported once here, due to a gonorrhea infection & activation of the immune system potentially (though they happened again without gonorrhea). They were resolved with DMSO.
5. Early Warning Nodules - This is going to be controversial, possibly. If you feel like you have a dense area of PMMA 1-2 days post op, you\'ll likely be told it is swelling (and it likely is). However, in the case of some people (JonThomas and me, for example), this area turns hard after a couple weeks or months.

(great pics in the thread!)

Wade recommended to break up with cannula and inject with kenalog or just surgical excision. I decided to visit Dr N. as I\'m in Ireland and it\'s a lot easier for me. I saw her 2 weeks ago and she broke them up with a cannula and treated them with \'Urbason 40mg\'. I\'m not sure if she injected into the nodules or just around. She recommended to do 10 minute gentle massage of the lumps twice a day for the first 2 days and once per day for the next 5 days.
So far the lumps look very slightly smaller, perhaps a bit softer. They\'re a long way from being un-detectable but she has told me the treatment will continue to work over the coming weeks.
I\'ve now had 2 treatments with Dr N where she has broken up the lumps with a cannula and then injected with kenalog.

My lumps have reduced in size to the point that you wouldn\'t really notice them. In general I\'m pretty happy with the results.
I should note that the treatment is really quite brutal. It sounds like smashing through pieces of hard plastic and grinding them up. My penis was swollen and purple for nearly 2 weeks after this treatment. If this type of breaking up is needed to reduce lumps, I\'m not surprised that regular dermatologists have been unsuccessful when simply injecting kenalog without the \'breaking-up\' part.

Entry Point nodules are temporary and can be partially avoided by lots of pressing on the entry points during the days after injection.

Dr C does this:
make a small hole with an 18 gauge needle, then using sterilized tweezers, pull out the excess tissue, which he said would be white and would poke out a little from the incision site (needle hole). He said be careful not to remove too much or you\'ll leave a pit or hole. He then said to put neosporin and let the wounds heal uncovered.

- Dmso discussion

- Ok, i don\'t do anything but wait 3 months. Perhaps it\'s gone then.
- Research more: what can Dr N do or me to stop having entry-point nodules? Answer: press on it lots of times in the days after injection (with something sterile)

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What to do with Nodules / hard spots 7 years 9 months ago #1295859526

thank you for this. I\'m so glad i\'m reading all this before i get mine done.

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What to do with Nodules / hard spots 7 years 9 months ago #1297891938

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Great thread by Camphallo: (dmso/hydrocortisone mix on nodule + wrap that pushes it down overnight)

Do you think one can \'correct\' nodules in next Rounds by just putting a layer of pmma over it and the nodule hardness being \'buried\' underneath?

I have a small nodule right now at the base, the only thing that bothers me is that the surroundings
of the nodule are \'lower\'. Was thinking about just wating for next round.

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