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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1297994999

Pics get compliments

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1295329986

Agree, I have seen and experienced \"Groupthink\" in many hi tech companies, internet sites and sport clubs and last but not least in religions. The \"severity\" varies of course but it is always there. Can\'t be helped but we have some very level headed modes and good readers here who can provide a good balance.

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1295320857

Hi Eastender, any chance of seeing some pics?
Are you Circumcised?

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1295318920

YO...Original Eastender here.......its been a good while a few lumps and bumps but well worth it

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294786363


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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294786340

@Wishes, I\'m interested to know what has made your anxiety return?
Is it a similar anxiety that you had pre procedure about being concerned purely about your size or has your anxiety evolved slightly post procedure into something different like worrying about future complications or weather the implant is detectable?

sometimes when I\'m anxious about something and someone asks me about it il have a tendency il give a slightly different answer because im unwilling to confront the true cause of what\'s making me anxious/insecure.

We always see and hear about the physical outcome of having a PMMA but people rarely go into how it\'s effected them psychologically.

What strikes me as being strange is that even when people have reached they\'re desired goal, they still hang around regularly posting on this board, from my perspective this isn\'t the natural behaviour of someone who\'s completely eliminated their insecurity and achieved complete inner confidence.

Occasionally when I read PMMA posts it seems like people are less likely to report negative psychological effects out of going against the group mentally of this board and the unwillingness to confront their own unsatisfaction in they\'re own mind.

im in no way dissing the board or anyone on it or claiming what I\'ve said it universal but I\'m sure this is behaviour I\'ve occasionally observed on here.

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294785699

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mike81 wrote: Thanks fellas.

Mike, good thread, I hope a lot this gets a lot of feedback/responses. Any chance you can edit your initial post to include:

1. What percentage did you get on each round?
2. Any change in EQ post PMMA?


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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294785182

It has been about 5 years since my first round. I have had two rounds in total. There is a bit unevenness along my shaft but not really noticeable. No complications other than initial swelling. I went from 4.75 MSEG and I\'m now at 6 MSEG. Penis size used to encompasses my thoughts everyday. I had serious anxiety over it. After the two rounds and size increase it no longer consumed me and my anxiety fell away. Recently I have started back manual PE. Anxiety has slightly returned., But nothing like before. As far as feedback from the opposite sex? I have none. No compliments or complaints. I guess we worry more about size than they do. Yes I would definitely do it again, and have actually been teasing with the idea of going back.

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294777471

Thanks fellas.

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294777075

Almost 4 years. No complications. Minor aesthetic issues that i dont really give a fuck about. And yes, id do it all over again

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294775308

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Well I was searching for the thread that did a poll on EQ before and after PMMA and ended up back here without finding it. Damn. Anyone recall who posted or what it was titled?


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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294725905

Rd 1 June 2016, Rd 2 Oct 2016. A few aesthetic issues, unevenness, a ridge (slight), and a low spot. But it\'s thick now, and that\'s what I wanted. And it doesn\'t look bad, it\'s more tactile.
I\'ve actually had some issues with rubbing my wife raw in one spot due to her having a super tight pussy even after 3 kids. She has more or less stopped blowing me because her jaw gets sore after a couple minutes. And forget anal. Not that she was a huge fan before, but now, no way.
So it\'s not all golden. And I\'m not huge by any means, but my wife is very petite.
So...FUCK YES I\'d do it again!

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294720684

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There was another thread that took a poll about Erection quality before and after PMMA. I should have bookmarked it, I need to search it out. Having that combined with responses to these questions as a \"sticky\" thread would a great way to highlight the most important info.


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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294718273

Yeah hopefully people will see your post hunk and take that into considerstion when answering. I changed to wording a bit to hit on that specific topic more.

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CALLING ALL PMMA VETS OF 3+ YEARS 8 years 6 days ago #1294718206

Thats a good question but I bet a lot of the members that are unhappy are the ones who had issues right off the bat - or after a certain round - as a lot of guys do. It would be helpful to know if there are guys who had things start out great and then turn after a few years.

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