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TOPIC: Clinic in Germany 'Penis enlargement capitol of the world' with 1/5th of all Penis-Enlargement Operations?

Clinic in Germany 'Penis enlargement capitol of the world' with 1/5th of all Penis-Enlargement Operations? 8 years 2 months ago #1294403372

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I was surfing around.. and came across some articles:

The Guardian: 'Germany: the world\'s capital of penis enlargement - One in five surgeries takes place in Germany, according to data released by plastic surgeons'

The Mirror: 'One in five enlargement operations takes place in Germany-
In total, 2,786 men had penoplasty operations in Germany last year. The ISAPS said there were 15,414 penis enlargement operations performed worldwide last year. It means nearly one in five of those having surgery did so in Germany.


They basically all got the same press release.
-> Figures from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons from 2013

So I was thinking 'Great ' I live right next to Germany!'.


Looking at their website:
- they say themselves they are market leaders in Germany, and Germany is leading worldwide (a fifth of all penis enlargement operations done in the world)
Basically they say they did 6000 operations and all other doctors in Germany combined did only 150

- they do lengthening by 'restructuring the frontal ligaments', which they say is drastically different then just cutting the ligaments. What they do is pull more of the penis inside the body outside ' and then re-attach the ligaments. This brings 2-6centimetres they say.
- they do the thickening by 'autologous fat tissue transfer' (see down the quote)
- they offer enlargement procedure of the penis glans, but only after 6 months
'To enlarge the glans penis, a specially developed, high-quality natural material is fitted beneath the skin under local anaesthetic using a clearly defined technique that leaves no scars. The body will gradually replace this material with its own tissue.'

'The procedure for the thickening (of the shaft) of the penis is performed by us using the patient\'s own fat for a so-called autologous fat tissue transfer (not to be confused with simple the fat tissue injections frequently used by inexperienced surgeons). Strictly speaking, the penis thickening is the most challenging part of a penis enlargement, as many aspects need to be taken into consideration to ensure good, long-term results.

For example, if an inexperienced surgeon were to suck fat out of you then simply inject it under the skin of your penis, the effects would last for 6 months at the most before the body re-absorbed it. Long-lasting penis thickening therefore requires the application of a special procedure.

Using our technique, we first conduct a special procedure to suck living fat tissue from the inside of the thigh. This is then extensively processed and cleansed before an elaborate procedure is used to carefully insert it under the skin of the penis in a way that ensures it heals to leave an even surface. A specially engineered bandage with decreasing levels of pressure must be worn for a week in order for the results to be successful.

Now and again, patients express concerns over the success of thickening using their own fat. They are worried it may be re-absorbed, having read or heard this somewhere.
We therefore refer again to the vital difference between \'autologous fat tissue transfer\' (our technique) and simple \'fat tissue injection\'. Those who are interested will find further reading in Krupp + Rennekampff\'s standard work, \'Plastische Chirurgie\' (\'Plastic Surgery\'). They refer to the correct use of the patient\'s own body fat to thicken penises literally as the \'gold standard\' (Issue 3 / 2005). Krupp + Rennekampff\'s work is considered to be \'the standard German-language work on plastic surgery\' (Lehmann), or \'the principal work to date\' (
Anyone claiming that professionally inserted fat tissue will generally be re-absorbed is unaware of modern surgical procedures.
(but in article from 2014 ( ) they say that half the fat gets re-absorbed, so you have to put double in initially)

- They warn against each of those:
liquid fillers (silicone, paraffin..)
artificial tissue matrices (alloderm..)
solid implants (silicone, elist, matrix')

- Lengthening alone costs 7200eur, thickening alone costs 6000eur, both together at the same time costs 9600euro
- They say they don't go for cheap but best quality, well
they offer free surgeries for one year after the operation if something should prove necessary (if something should go wrong)

Then I came along critical thread on the board here:
Info from this thread:

It seems like the clinic does the same old / very old.
- Lig-cuts that use a 'spacer' that provokes complications and has a bad rep on phalloboards
- Fat transfer that is not super-special like they say
- Glans enhancement is with temporary HAcid, so also old news

Final thoughts
They use old methods.. but apparently they do about 2700 Operations per year! (worldwide it's 15000 per year)
Imagine 2700 progress reports on this site.
I looked for a german forum like this but did not find anything.

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Clinic in Germany 'Penis enlargement capitol of the world' with 1/5th of all Penis-Enlargement Operations? 8 years 2 months ago #1294414352

Even modern techniques of fat grafting in facial surgery can be unpredictable & many surgeons prefer to use fillers now (except in facelifts, when they have more access under the skin). I think it\'s a bad idea for the penis. One patient might be lucky, but then there will be 10 with hard dead fat lumps after a couple of years.

The technique that was \"revolutionary\" in facial fat grafting was the coleman method of micro-droplets of fat, 0.1 cc placed like little beads. This got a blood supply more easily, but it also left a lot more scar tissue (so it was almost impossible to revise if the patient didn\'t like it). So, this would work for augmentation in the face, but the face has a lot more blood supply and space for fat (there is natural fat in the face..the penis has barely a millimeter of natural fat).

I am really curious though - who is doing all these German penis enlargements?? It\'s crazy how many they are reporting.

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Clinic in Germany 'Penis enlargement capitol of the world' with 1/5th of all Penis-Enlargement Operations? 8 years 2 months ago #1294417190

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Restoration wrote: I am really curious though - who is doing all these German penis enlargements?? It\'s crazy how many they are reporting.

It\'s not only that Germany has so much more Operations than any country.
It\'s also that something like 95% of all penis enlargement operations in Germany are made by this one clinic:

The German Centre for Urology and Phalloplasty Surgery.

So in the doctors list of their website there are a few doctors:

But only one does Penis enlargement (this is written more clearly in the german version - )

The talk about junior doctors in one sentence, perhaps that is the \'solution\'. But they clearly write \'your surgeon\' and there is just one guy.

They write they did over 7000 operations so far.

I tried to find out since when. I only found out the history begins somewhere in the 90\'s.


Figures from the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons 2013
15400 penis enlargement operations worldwide in 2013
2800 of them in germany

Now the German Centre for Urology and Phalloplasty Surgery writes:

\"As STERN reported in its edition from 30 July 2014, only 150 patients patients in Germany have their penis enlargement performed by all of the other around 400 members of the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPR'C). This is a laughably low number and amount of experience with this operation in comparison to our plastic surgeons.So only come to us if you expect outstanding results with low risk and want to profit from our experience gained from over 6,000 operations!\" looked the magazine up, but there is simply no search function for old articles.

So they basically say they did about 97% of all the operations in germany.
So when the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons says Germany does 2800, then that would be about 2700 that this one clinic does.

So the conclusion would be that about 1/6th of all penis enlargement operations are done by this one doctor. 2700 per year, that\'s over 7 per day for every single day of the year.

Obviously some data must be wrong here.

But it could be true they did 7000 (they sometimes write 6000, sometimes 7000) operations in total.
(That someone would do a penis enlargement operation without journaling it on the internet is beyond me personally )

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Clinic in Germany 'Penis enlargement capitol of the world' with 1/5th of all Penis-Enlargement Operations? 8 years 2 months ago #1294417848

like i told before...I was speaking with the Urologist Team in me they arent even good in what they are doing.
Dr. Jethon does a normal lig cut and nothing special there are much better doctors around which perform the lig cut with a silicone cube between penis and Ligamentum, so it cant reattach.

This same technique also applies a doctor in croatia and many others...if you do a normal lig cut with only a piece of \"fat\" in between, than you should hang very very soon!
I was speaking with a doctor and told him how much I gained with my hanger and i asked him if he thinks if i should cut ligs for more length and he said no:

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Clinic in Germany 'Penis enlargement capitol of the world' with 1/5th of all Penis-Enlargement Operations? 8 years 2 months ago #1294495219

Don\'t be shill and hypocrite.
A friend of mine went to Germany to have penile enlargement surgery Urology department of clinic nordwest and everything was really cool.
It\'s only there are some motha-fuckers wouldn\'t tell ya the fact of not having a good health, instead of selling some tools which do nothing.

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Clinic in Germany 'Penis enlargement capitol of the world' with 1/5th of all Penis-Enlargement Operations? 8 years 2 months ago #1294495366

Sammy your post made no sense. Try again?

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