I can\'t speak for \'women\' but I can let you all know how one particular woman (my wife) feels about the
Girth changes I\'ve had.
At 5.5\" MEG we could go at it without hesitation and with no warm up. At 6\"
Girth she needed some warm up but not a lot. Her pleasure was increased. At 6.5\"
Girth she needed more warm up and her satisfaction was increased again. At 7\"
Girth she needs a fair amount of warm up and some lube after a bit. Her satisfaction level is maybe a tad more than 6.5\"
Girth but not significantly better.
In terms of frequency we could have sex every night at 5.5\"
Girth and 6\"
Girth with no problem. Now she gets sore after sex and need a break. So we don\'t have sex as often. Maybe once or twice a week max.