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TOPIC: Question specifically for SkepticalOne

Question specifically for SkepticalOne 8 years 6 months ago #1293295527

So, new member here, but been involved in PE since 2003-2004. Veteran member at another board. I started PE at 4.125\" Girth and via jelquing, extender use (Andro) achieved 5.25\" Girth. I\'ve researched, as much as is possible, about PMMA since 2011. I have read virtually every article, report, forum post, etc I could find over the past 5 years waiting for techniques, % and amounts to show significant positives -vs- less negatives (ie, asymmetry, hardening, nodules, etc).

Recently, I decided to take the step and I have scheduled a PMMA procedure at the end of September. I have read many, many different opinions on post procedure protocol and opinions, especially over the past few years, seem to be sporadic and markedly different from post to post.

Realizing that, in manual PE, what works for one, does not for another, I\'m interested in your opinion on post procedure care. My question is in refernce to:

1. Wrapping post procedure? Wear wrap most of the time for the first 48 hours?
2. Massaging penis/product post procedure first 48 hours? Frequently, lightly, not at all except to maintain symmetry?
3. Wearing ESL40 to maintain stretch first 48 hours or just wrap?

I have done the following pre-op:
1. Wearing extender 12 hours per day until flight time to have a nice stretched, pliable Flaccid.
2. Supplements daily include Vitamin C, Collagen, Multi-v, L-Arginine, B, E
3. Quit smoking 4 weeks pre-op
4. I also take 200 mg/wk, IM Testosterone Cypionate, which from what I have read enhances collagen formation.
So, your thoughts are greatly appreciated. I thank you in advance for your thoughts, opinions and for the board itself! I chose PMMA because, although I\'m happy with my size, I have always been of the opinion....if you can make something better, then why not! I have very reasonable expectations. My penis is not perfect now and I do not expect it to be perfect post PMMA. If I gained .25\" Girth, I\'d be happy with that. I don\'t really care about EL gains, as it is un-affected, I would simply like a more consistent Flaccid. My Flaccid varies widely from mushroom in a turtleneck to a 3.5\" x 3.5\" to a 5\" x 5\" depending on blood flow.

Thanks again - Mike

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Question specifically for SkepticalOne 8 years 6 months ago #1293322438

So, new member here, but been involved in PE since 2003-2004. Veteran member at another board. I started PE at 4.125\" Girth and via jelquing, extender use (Andro) achieved 5.25\" Girth.

That\'s shockingly impressive if that gain was strictly from manual PE. Much kudos for the patience & commitment, let alone gains.

I\'ve researched, as much as is possible, about PMMA since 2011. I have read virtually every article, report, forum post, etc I could find over the past 5 years waiting for techniques, % and amounts to show significant positives -vs- less negatives (ie, asymmetry, hardening, nodules, etc).

Glad we still have forum veterans around. That\'s not a knock on veterans of the earlier days who decided to vanish, but rather, an appreciation for those who still swing by time-to-time.

1. Wrapping post procedure? Wear wrap most of the time for the first 48 hours?
2. Massaging penis/product post procedure first 48 hours? Frequently, lightly, not at all except to maintain symmetry?
3. Wearing ESL40 to maintain stretch first 48 hours or just wrap?

I have done the following pre-op:
1. Wearing extender 12 hours per day until flight time to have a nice stretched, pliable Flaccid.
2. Supplements daily include Vitamin C, Collagen, Multi-v, L-Arginine, B, E
3. Quit smoking 4 weeks pre-op
4. I also take 200 mg/wk, IM Testosterone Cypionate, which from what I have read enhances collagen formation.

Protocol has evolved considerably since my last round of PMMA (years ago) and my honest opinion is to stick strictly to what is given to you at the office (i.e. Wade/ Dr. Casavantes). Despite how unpopular this may sound, I would avoid post-op protocol opinions on this forum unless it isn\'t blatantly in conflict with what was given to you at the Dr.\'s office.

Thanks again - Mike

No prob.


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