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TOPIC: Desperate and had some questions about Elist...

Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293223057

If you are going the hormone route, I would suggest seeing a GOOD anti-aging doctor over an endocrinologist. I know from experience. I have been on Test, HCG and a couple other things. Endo\'s and even some AA docs mess up even the basic things when prescribing these hormones. An example would be getting patients to inject test every couple weeks. It\'s been a long time since I\'ve payed attention to this stuff but I believe the half like of exogenous T is a day or two. So they load you with a 2 week dose. Your Test goes sky high for 2 days, as well as estrogen because if you have too much Test in your system it is turned into estrogen by a process called \"aromatase\". With all that estrogen you feel like shit. And then on day three/four all that Test is gone and you crash, because your body is shut down/not making it\'s own test. So either daily topical test, or inject every other day or 3 days, also helps keep estrogen in check.
I used that example as it is just so fundamentally obvious and basic you could get a brick to understand it.
If you are in the states there are a number of really good ones. I went to Dr. Crisler in Michigan. He has a forum that I will link at the bottom (mods if this is against rules, delete sorry). He is a bit of an egomaniac and his forum gets very political sometimes, which turned me off. But you can learn A LOT there and he is otherwise a good doctor. You will learn about some of the other doctors on that site, can\'t remember their names.

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293186741

Thanks I\'ll read about HCG... would Doctors really give that to you since its experimental?

Do you have to take them articles on it ask for HCG?

Also thanks for stretching advice.


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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293171961

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Manual PE is a waste of time and much more likely to do harm than good. I will have a life long injury from it. If you must do manual PE, using an extender is pretty safe. Jelqing is not.

Edit: Forget any thought you ever had about Dr. Elist. Your life will 97/100 times be in absolute ruin after seeing him. You think you have it bad now......

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293169212


Thanks for you replies. I am focusing on \'newbie\' routine and following everybody else\'s progress for now.


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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293165872

Sidelined wrote: OP, if I were you I would dump the Jelqing. So many people have fucked their dicks up Jelqing/Clamping etc. Especially those who may be \"emotional\" about it and go overboard. And I don\'t care who says it does, it doesn\'t work. As in NO PERMANENT Girth OR LENGTH GAINS. If it did there would be some good evidence by now. Thank god for this forum, as on pretty much any other PE forum I would be banned or flamed out of existence for saying what I just said. Because it\'s all about money not bigger dicks or safety.
But stretching on the other hand does have some evidence behind it, and if you can gain an Inch of length from that, it\'s more than you can expect from any other more risky possibilities.
Then I would load up on some Hyaluronic Acid for Girth. Not permanent, but to me that\'s the best aspect if it. If it ends up shitty you can get rid of it. If PMMA or implants end up bad, YOU\'RE FUCKED, and you\'re going to end up spending far more correcting it than it would cost to top up HA every year for a decade. And you never know what\'s around the corner. Topping up with HA for 10 years before something better comes down the pipeline sounds like a good deal to me.

Dude do not exaggerate HA don\'t really need to top up every year , you will need to refill between 1 to 3 years its different between each person its all about metabolism but I do agree with you that its the best and safest option in the market right now the only thing that sucks about HA its the price...

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293162427

OP, if I were you I would dump the Jelqing. So many people have fucked their dicks up Jelqing/Clamping etc. Especially those who may be \"emotional\" about it and go overboard. And I don\'t care who says it does, it doesn\'t work. As in NO PERMANENT Girth OR LENGTH GAINS. If it did there would be some good evidence by now. Thank god for this forum, as on pretty much any other PE forum I would be banned or flamed out of existence for saying what I just said. Because it\'s all about money not bigger dicks or safety.
But stretching on the other hand does have some evidence behind it, and if you can gain an Inch of length from that, it\'s more than you can expect from any other more risky possibilities.
Then I would load up on some Hyaluronic Acid for Girth. Not permanent, but to me that\'s the best aspect if it. If it ends up shitty you can get rid of it. If PMMA or implants end up bad, YOU\'RE FUCKED, and you\'re going to end up spending far more correcting it than it would cost to top up HA every year for a decade. And you never know what\'s around the corner. Topping up with HA for 10 years before something better comes down the pipeline sounds like a good deal to me.

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293135506

Do not get the implant.
\"Too good to be true\"? Please read the countless horror stories on this site and I do not know of one successful long term implant story.

3% Removal rate? Lol. From what I know it is (eventually) 100%.
Please investigate this implant further.

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293122271


What\'s pretty clear is I need to go really slow before making any permanent decisions.

I\'ll continue to do PE exercises, even if I am getting frustrated at lack of results.


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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293121954

Don\'t do it.

I was an Elist Victim of his \" latest technique and implant\" word of advice DO NOT DO IT. Unless you want to be a cripple for the rest of your life,

and be even shorter than you are, like me; I required 2 operations and ended up 2.5 inches shorter.

I encourage all Elist post op patients to report him to the Medical Board, I did and he\'s under investigation now. He\'s a crook and charlatan.

I\'ve seen him try to suture a post op drain , his hands shake a lot, at best he\'s mediocre surgeon, I\'m in the medical field I know, stay away from him.

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293052707

Ok, picture this, lets say you do 100 push ups a day. Do you think you will get as big as a body builder with that exercise? Of course not. Thats comparable with your 10 min jelq session. If you wanna do a manual routine, this is a good start . It should yield some gains and after that you can look into more advanced stuff like hanging/clamping/pumping.

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293049363


Thanks for reply.

Its very helpful. I think I need to make sure I don\'t rush into anything while I\'m emotional.

Swapzor,, I\'ve been doing basic manual Jelqing as specified on Thunderspace while semi-Flaccid for 10 minutes every other day.

Aero64, Also its good to hear someone is satisfied with the implant although its early so you probably don\'t have a ton of experience with it.

I will follow your journey on here with interest. Look forward to your updates.

If anybody has any other suggestions for someone in my situation please do share.


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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293048874

Specify what manual PE routine you did for 6 months. There\'s a big chance u can still grow by \"natural\" means. Before you think of this procedure please look what the other options are at least and dont rush things, because even if you are truly desperate it can get worse from this kind of procedure.

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293048749

I believe @briceb is correct about having the implant removed. I do recall a member here who had the implant removed and had lost length and it took a long time for him to regain if.

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293048566

throwbook wrote: > Their technique and implant has gotten better. I asked specifically how long have you been using 4th gen implant (early 2014)? What percentage of people have had it taken out less than 3%. What's the catch in what they're saying? Are there people that got an implant over the last 2 years and satisfied/dissatisfied?

Keep in mind that the \"separate\" company that compiles and submits the statistics on Elist is in fact owned by Elist and his son.

throwbook wrote: > I asked them about this board and the bad reviews on it about them. They didn't quite say it ' but is this owned by competing doctor?

Absolutely not. If it were owned by a doctor or even paid for by one, SO would not be asking for donations or subscriptions. This site has never been owned by one, never received commission from one and for him to insinuate such is 100% incorrect.

throwbook wrote: > I also asked them if I have to take out implant will there be shrinkage and scarring. They said no, not unless you had a previous other procedure. If you've just had their procedure and take out implant no shrinkage no scarring. So while I'll be out of money. The long term damage would be minimal is that true?

This is false. The Removal of the implant, regardless of previous surgery or not, will result in shrinkage and scarring. Retraction is going to happen. Scarring is going to happen. I cannot believe he actually told you that it wouldn\'t. He is flat out lying to you on this one.

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Desperate and had some questions about Elist... 8 years 7 months ago #1293048071

Both my partner and I got the Elist penile implant early July. Surgery is a very personal choice and extreme way to fix the size of your penis so I hope you think his through very carefully as no surgery is 100% effective. At this point, bring a month post operation, I am satisfied. I have posted my experiences this far under Progress Reports.

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