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TOPIC: FFT Germany

FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1292909352

Hey! First of all, I know FFT is frowned upon in this board, but I\'m from Germany where FFT and Hyaluronic Acid are the only options to enhance Girth. After a lot of contemplation I decided to undergo FFT two weeks ago. The surgeon I went to is certified, has been around for ages, has a lot of experiences and knowledge, and after surgery he assured me everything went great, nurses said the same. It looks really natural in Flaccid state, my penis is thicker and doesn\'t retract as much as before because of the added weight. Surgeon also injected fat where the base of the penis connects to the rest of your body, I don\'t know how to call it, but now my Erect length is my bone press Erect length. You\'d think I\'m happy about it, but it looks horrible in Erect state. It\'s lumpy, uneven and curves to the left. I\'m really disappointed. There are some posts here on the forums where people describe the same, but they never visited this board again. Is what I am experiencing normal giving that is has only been two weeks post-op, or did I have bad luck? I\'m having an appointment with my surgeon in a few weeks, but I feel really bad. Thank you.

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1296809880

I think it looks pretty good, I can see there is a little more on one side but I don\'t think it\'s a huge problem.
I\'d play the long game and try get it perfect. I\'d try and reduce the fat on the left hand side, dmso might help, and there are quite a few fat dissolving products on the market that are worth researching. Once you\'ve reduced the fat a little I\'d add more filler. The Circumcision looks great.

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1296809678

Thanks for your messages. I had another surgery about 3 months ago, a Circumcision and a correction. I know you, Reklaw, said to not undergo Circumcision no matter what, but in my case there was no other way. I tried steroid creams and stretching to no avail, but I don\'t want this topic to turn into a pro or contra Circumcision discussion. I still have some Foreskin left and can masturbate in the same way as before. My last entry from 04/11 was overly negative, was in a pretty bad mood back then. I think the result looks much better now, I attached two photos, one Flaccid and one Erect. I\'m still not fully satisfied, as you can see there is too much fat on one side of the shaft. What do you think about it?

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1295428071

Sorry for your experience

ewnddhs wrote: Hey! First of all, I know FFT is frowned upon in this board, but I\'m from Germany where FFT and Hyaluronic Acid are the only options to enhance Girth.

People worldwide mostly fly to Dr C in Mexico it seems. Next best option is probably Dr Nemekova (i will go to her) who does PMMA right there in Prague, right next to germany (and depending on where you live Prague could be closer to you than many other german cities).

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1295378097

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1295372322

If you still have your Foreskin definitely DO NOT have a Removal operation! Under any circumstances.

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1295372185

Having a Removal operation probably seems the most appealing option for you right now, I know how unbearable it can be having shit in your penis that you don\'t like.
I highly recommend you listen to the advice of Hoddle, I was in the same situation as you last year contemplating having a Removal operation, thankfully I listened to the advice of Hoddle and now I\'m okay.
Luckily for you there are quite a few options available such as using DMSO, having steroid injections or having conservative amounts of Lipodisolve.
Having a Removal operation should be your last resort, in the unlikely event of you needing one, ask members of this board for advice about which surgeon to use.

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1295371673

ewnddhs wrote: Hello everyone. An update from me. I had a second session in autumn last year, and a correction earlier this year. I\'m still very displeased, my penis looks lumpy and uneven, in both Flaccid and Erect state. It looks horrible in my opinion and I\'m trying to get the fat removed. Has someone more information on this? Is it easy to undo the surgery? I\'m not finding any results with the search function, maybe I\'m searching for the wrong words.

Yes it can be removed, but it will involve an incision to access the fatty tissue, which will then have to cut away from the dartos tissue.

I know it\'s a pain and often guys feel embarrassed to do so, but ideally you need to post some photos. I will be able to advise you much better if I can see what you are working with. Removal isn\'t the only option.

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1295371479

Hello everyone. An update from me. I had a second session in autumn last year, and a correction earlier this year. I\'m still very displeased, my penis looks lumpy and uneven, in both Flaccid and Erect state. It looks horrible in my opinion and I\'m trying to get the fat removed. Has someone more information on this? Is it easy to undo the surgery? I\'m not finding any results with the search function, maybe I\'m searching for the wrong words.

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1292983843

Thank you for your replies. I\'m now about 3 weeks post-op and it still looks like described in my first post. I\'m a really impatient person, but I know it will get better eventually, because my plastic surgeon agreed to remove any lumps or nodules for free, and there are 3 touch-ups included in the price I paid. But I can\'t stand all the waiting. A question to everyone who had this procedure done and is uncut: at what time after the op were you able to pull back your Foreskin? Mine is completely immobile since I had the free fat transfer, which concerns me a lot.

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1292914699

Hi OP, Sorry about your seemingly bad results. Hopefully it settles. Just wanted to ask - where in Germany is a good place to get HA?

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1292911702

The fat transfer I had a long time ago only got worse. My body rejected it and I lost a bunch of it. Then what remained turned into a hard lump that I am currently trying to get removed.

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1292909502

It\'s normal, you need to wait several months for things to settle.

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FFT Germany 8 years 7 months ago #1296812248

ewnddhs wrote:
Things are coming along. I find steroid injections help reduce lumps from FFT. I use Triamcinolone A10 to start and may go unto A40 (4 x more potent).

Good luck.

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