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TOPIC: No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!!

No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1293247931

They cut an Inch of skin out in the Erect state (over two procedures). That\'s how I lost length. The scar is the size of a hair.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292972158

smalljay- sorry for your troubles and thanks for sharing. On your hard areas- did you try that DMSO trick yet I read about on another thread? Looks like it worked for 2 people trying to soften things up. The hardening is Fibrosis, correct? That makes you lose a little length (Im sure thats not whats on your mind at the moment) but just curious.
Also, what does C think about the hardening? It seems pretty common- does it go in cycles? Like hard then soften, then hard? I\'ve read a bit about \'Flare ups\' - is that what people are talking about? It\'s almost like the body goes in phases of trying to eject the foreign substance then quiets down then tries again?

thanks - looking forward to your opinion.. and if you\'ve already discussed in length- no worries on a long response, I just paid up membership so I will find it.
People seem to ask the same questions and Im sure it can be an annoyance.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292872142

Sounds very similar to mine after round 3 with 30% linnea safe. I used the stretcher from the minute I got back to my room in the hotel. The 3 donuts, I think, are from retraction that squish the PMMA, no matter how much you stretch and massage. Even taking the stretchers off to pee will allow it to squish down. Naturally \"big Flaccid\" types do better with PMMA than guys who retract. I\'m single, so you can imagine - my sex life has been over for the last 3-4 mos since the whole implant hardened. (The past year has been pretty bad though, generally).

I have nothing between the circ scar ridge and the glans either - even after 3 sessions. Maybe they can use silikon on you, if that works. I haven\'t read much about it. It seems like that area won\'t expand...even though at r2 and r3 I said to please focus on that area. They did put some stuff in there, but it all turned into nodules (right away) and both were removed. So the only \"Girth\" I got was in the form of nodules and taken out.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292869006

Restoration. That is correct, I recieved all 30% and I am sitting around 8 weeks I believe now. I\'m hoping that maybe a 2nd round will fill the \"low spots\". It\'s almost as if I have 3 donuts stacked on top of each other with low spots between them. I also have huge clump at the circ scar and then nothing until the glands. I was not given a stretcher until my follow up appt the day after. I am going to ask them about leaving the stretcher on immediately after the procedure full time. The product was very hard to move on the 2nd day after the procedure. I\'m married so it isn\'t the end of the world for me to deal with this until august. (next appt-12 weeks), however if I was in the dating world it would be a HUGE problem. It looks nothing like a normal penis

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292868831

Thanks. It\'ll be resolved one way or another... it\'s been a full year of this nightmare now.

Dprice - did you get all 30%? Was this your first round? It might settle down around the 10-12 week mark.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292858412

No I have not posted pics. I would have been happy too if the site had not changed to a pay site. There are also 3 people from my area that have had the procedure and 2 people that I met at Dr. C\'s office that I stay in contact with. All of us have had the procedure since the end of May. No offense to anyone- I just feel that is odd to have to pay money to show people pictures of my penis.. This website has some great people and information on it, and I would have been happy to contribute so that others can learn as I (we) have. In my opinion the site would have many more contributors if advertising income was used to fund it.. I do however think The owner of this site has done a great job with it over the years and a lot of people have learned valuable information from prior PMMA recipients.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292854538

Damn sorry to hear dprice and restoration. Dprice did you post any pictures?

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292852944

Not to scare you even more, but my entire implant is now rock solid and may have to be removed through a deglove if I cannot reduce it with Kenalog and needling procedures. My body has attacked all of it. It\'s all nodular and hard. My Erection looks like a christmas tree with all the jagged edges and nodules sticking out on each side. It\'s ALL hard. I haven\'t had any kind of sex life in months. Remember those 2 nodules I had in jars? Well, those were limited to a few spots last year. Now, the whole thing is like that. All hard.

Could it be Linnea Safe? I don\'t know. Considering my adverse reaction was immediate, I think it was something to do with that product...or I had some kind of biofilm infection that was hostile toward additional foreign bodies (like breast implant capsular contracture - where implants harden for no reason that people understand - but biofilms are suspected). I also had peyronies disease which is a disorder where hard scar bands form in the penis, though it is on a very different plane than where the PMMA goes. And, I believe Avanti has had oher peyronies patients who were fine. And, I was fine with metacrill. So, the theories are 1. biofilm 2. linnea safe was contaminated / way more than 30% 3. linnea safe had a carrier that absorbed to fast and didn\'t let my body surround the individual beads so they all clumped 3a. my body was too slow to respond to the linnea safe 4. my existing implant was already taking up all the room i had, and my body forced the linnea safe out all the entry points, creating massive nodules at every entry point

Also, i never got the cortisone shots. that could\'ve changed things as well. Who knows. Round 3 was one of the worst mistakes of my life.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292851979

I had linnea safe 7 weeks ago. A LOT of clumping up and down the shaft and ALL entry points have nodules, circ scar has huge lumps and a very hard ridge. I followed the post care exactly as prescribed .

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292838226

Yeah she used I think insulin needles to inject. Actually not sure as I\'ve never watched the procedures.

But there we\'re a few shots. Got light headed towards the end. I didn\'t eat anything that morning and the numbness had worn off 5-10 min
before she started so I held my breathe a little bit each time she stuck it in. After about 15-16 times I started to almost pass out.

But the prp really helped. I think Wade is getting it soon as well.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292837155

PRP shot.. interesting. I asked Wade if he thought there were benefits to getting one. He said faster healing for sure.
I\'m thinking if you do it prior you would be more \'plump\' and make the injections easier and maybe be able to take more?
Is that a crazy thought? I would do it just for the healing I think. Glad to hear someone else thought the same thing..

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292829877

Yeah it was injected where metacrill was before. It went very, very smooth. But I had the prp shot done as well. I should say prp shots!! About 15 of them.
Made recovery really smooth.
Doc said this was the last one he\'d do for me since it was round 5.

I take enbrel for psoriasis and it inhibited rounds 2, 3 and 4. So I stopped it this time for 2 months after the injection.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292820554

Once the carrier has absorbed and all that is left is the microspheres, why on earth would it matter what the \"brand\" is? Yes the bead selection process is different, but apparently Metacrill was the least refined, so how can using Linnea Safe be a bad thing? Don\'t both products contain microspheres sized between 40 and 60 microns? Aren\'t all PMMA beads bought from the same place in China? Effectively isn\'t the only difference the bead selection process and the carrier? The carrier is aborted in a few days, so really cares what the brand is? If Metacrill is good enough then it stands to reason Linnea Safe is as the bead selection process is supposedly more refined.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292813924

I had linnea safe last round. Loved it, it didn\'t move as much as metacrill. Allot thicker easier to keep shape.

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No Metacrill At Avanti Derma - Linnea Safe ONLY!! 8 years 8 months ago #1292780691

New lower price for Linnea Safe. Price list attached.

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