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TOPIC: Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal

Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292542153

I haven\'t seen much discussion of Dr. Giunta lately.

All of my PMMA has turned rock hard and formed Balls. It\'s just blatantly abnormal, and I hate it. I have barely had a sex life this year at all. There\'s no normal area of my penis anymore. The nodules used to just be in some spots. Now everything is part of some Nodule / mass in my penis. With a full Erection, there\'s basically a lumpy shell around the natural tissue of penis.

Do you think Giunta has the skill to carve out the scar tissue from the PMMA and replace it with fat? (This is what alter does, but he won\'t replace it with fat).

Is this just a stupid idea anyway?

If I get the PMMA removed locally with the reconstructive Urologist who fixed my open wounds, he will not replace it with anything. I\'ll be back to the skinny penis I had when this all began 2 years missing skin on one side which has never stretched back at all from the excisions.

I suppose I can have a phone consult with him, but I just wanted to know what people here thought. I know FFT has left guys with hard nodules too - so I\'d rather not go down that road just to end up spending a lot of money for a new long term problem.

Well, reading this old thread basically answered my question from a historical perspective. But, has he improved anything or is it fundamentally flawed.

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292580229

I have no idea. I\'m based in Ireland and we only really have Guinness out here

LOL! I love Ireland. I interviewed at TCD for a position, but those fuckers took someone who had no business even applying for that position for a number of reasons. It\'s a long story... and I am still bitter about it. Now, I suppose I could find someone to marry me - but none of my Irish friends seem willing. They don\'t realize I am totally serious. Why does everyone like the USA so much? Ireland is seriously the best country on earth...and I\'ve been to like 15 different cities for my old job, here.

Latin - did you mean Cervantes or Casavantes? Cervantes is a name I\'ve heard before

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292560186

Dr. Cervantes offers it for touch up areas in very small quantities. At least last time I talked to Wade it was an option for filling gaps behind the glands. Wade said it is safe in very small doses. I\'ve never seen anybody with it though?


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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292557047

I have no idea. I\'m based in Ireland and we only really have Guinness out here

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292553001

Thanks man. I don\'t know where I\'d get Silikon though... Is there anyone in the USA who does it?

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292549366

I\'m sorry to hear that you have ongoing issues. I\'m really not trying to encourage another procedure but just advising that if you really insist on doing something (as I suspect you might at some point), why not consider the microdroplet technique with silikon 1000.

Every person who has had this has given as a good report and it is specifically intended for covering nodules, hard areas, filling in gaps etc. It doesn\'t move once injected and it gives a soft finish. I\'m no expert and haven\'t had this yet, but I am planning for later in the year. From what I gather it is a safe, steady approach for the exact problem you seem to have.

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292547364

I haven\'t been able to stretch the skin that was removed, so the length is lost from that. Radiesse is kind of expensive to keep putting in there, and it\'s risky because it\'s yet another particulate filler that can cause nodules on top of what I already have. The lost skin actually causes more of a problem because it creates a dent, and also pulls on the other side , exaggerating the nodules. So, Radiesse would have to be applied *perfectly* to fix the Flaccid state - which changes when Erect. It took me 4 hours to get it in the first time...and it was incredibly difficult. I\'d never trust another doctor to do it because I know my Dick better than anyone else.

Also, I can\'t risk putting it under the circ scar or it will be lumpy, so I am left with this for a circ scar. (it\'s worse in person and from the top). I don\'t want to risk any HA there. They are too likely to get squished when Flaccid and then be little Balls when Erect. I\'ve done a lot of research into it already. that area is very thin for any HA, except maybe belotero... but I don\'t want to be the guinea pig.

This was after Radiesse, but it all went back to the original pic...except more nodular now. In 3D , the \"dent\" goes all the way around - so it\'s like someone took a bite out of my Dick. Most normal dicks aren\'t that irregular. It\'s extremely difficult to get any filler to stay in that dent. Even Dr. C couldn\'t get things to stay there, and I had to go back (each round) on day 2-3 to get that area re-filled. Below the mass on the left (which is a huge mass) - there is no PMMA...and the Radiesse just slips into nowhere when injected there, possibly under the shaft. Dr. C couldn\'t get PMMA to stay there either I guess.

This can\'t be injected in the Erect state because it makes the skin envelope too tight. There\'s already a risk of hitting a blood vessel with a particulate filler (and causing your Dick to rot off) so I use a blunt cannula, but still, there can be a risk.

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292547172

Have you thought about adding more Radiesse ? The thing is it actually looks perfectly normal so you need to work out if you can live with the unpleasant texture/feel of it. As my orthodontics said to me yesterday, everything changes in time and nothing stays the same, maybe if you leave it a couple of years it might become a bit more manageable.
Do get too down about it because if at any time it becomes unbearable for you you can just pick up the phone give Dr Gelman a call and hel have it out and the odds are that it will go perfectly fine, when Darkstaff had his removed he was still thicker than he was pre PMMA. And there always is the HA option for people who\'ve had removals so your situation probs feels really shitty now but it\'s not end of world.
Just because there isn\'t an obvious solution to your problem at the moment doesn\'t mean there won\'t be in the future.

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292547098

I think all of the above issues are plausible.
Did you manage to regain any extra of the lost length? I think this proves how much more beneficial it is having PMMA when your uncircumcised because if anything goes wrong the surgeon has got more skin to work with. When I went to see Ian Eardley about completing the botched Circumcision Dr Kim gave me he said it would not be a good idea to cut the remaining Foreskin off just Incase I wanted to have the MegaFill removed. He said in his experience people who are uncircumcised are much less likly to loose length during Removal operations because they have more skin to work with.

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292546997

All my stats are here:

It doesn\'t look bad in this pic at all. I haven\'t taken a recent pic, though. I am having a lot of ED issues - not sure if it is related to the nodules or my mood about seeing my dick like this or what.. .but I can\'t take an equivalent pic without taking viagra.

At the time when I filled in some of the gaps with Radiesse, it looked good. However, that is all gone now. And, the PMMA got harder and lumpier. It\'s literally all one weird uneven shell around my dick.

Nobody knows why this happened. Many people are fine w/ linnea safe. My body overreacted to the linnea safe - and then over the past year, attacked the metacrill pmma as well, more than it had. If you look on RealSelf, people often have reactions to PMMA several years after it is in the tissue, though most people will never have a problem. One common thing that doctors have told me in the past 8 months is that it may have been too much. It seems like some patients do fine with small amounts, but after a certain threshold, the body starts overreacting. The weird thing is that these nodules started forming within 10 days post. I knew something was wrong immediately. Given that, there may have been something wrong with the product that caused this kind of immune response. Or, I had an existing biofilm, and it was triggered by putting in more pmma. All of these are theories I\'ve gotten from various doctors.

Based on the pathology slides of the nodules I had removed, it looked like it was >50% pmma (in the tissue - some slides were practically 90%)...not 30%. So, Linnea Safe could have had some quality control issues too, perhaps. Who knows.

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292545710

So I\'m guessing you think it was the different brand that fucked you up.
I think I remember looking at your pictures and thinking it doesn\'t look that bad but I know it\'s really hard to tell on pictures and it must be hard on you mentally, what were your stats pre procedure?

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292545656

Yeah, that was a dumb post. I am just pretty frustrated with this whole situation. Giunta was on a youtube that I had just watched, saying that he\'s come up with ways to reduce nodules by doing his procedure in two phases to ensure even blood supply for the fat... but then I realized the inside of my penis is all screwed up from the PMMA and will likely not have an even blood supply for the fat anyway. It didn\'t even have a proper blood supply to heal from that open wound.

This is what I had, real problems till the 3/2015 round.

April 2014 26cc of 10% Metacrill
July 2015 17 cc of 30% Metacrill + a few cc 10% Metacrill
March of 2015 15 cc linnea 30% and 2-3 cc 10%

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292542899

Resto how much PMMA have you had in total?

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292542856

Hi Restoration adding fat after having PMMA removed is a ludicrously bad idea. I think the only option for people who have had PMMA removed is HA.

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Giunta / FFT After PMMA removal 8 years 6 months ago #1292542505

Very bad idea. Your penis has gone through a lot, you\'d do it more justice just simply leaving it alone. Besides, fat is just as capable (and maybe even more likely) for aesthetic irregularity as you pointed out...this is a case where fighting fire with fire may not work in your favor. Just leave the poor \'feller alone, that would be my 2cents.

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