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TOPIC: Nemeckova update

Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292784590

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I can assure you. In Spain there are the old fashioned fat transfer and bovine implant, and all that crappy stuff.

Only Nemeckova and that Dr. who is located in Marbella who does PMMA and maybe other HA, but he does not show his record. He is more on the facial and boobs for women. Marbella is well known for being a place for rich people, rich guys and luxury sluts, Puerto Ban's.

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292781113

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aleksk wrote:
About price with Dr C - you can pm me and I can tell you what he quoted me. About price in Europe - it would be way cheaper.

About aesthetics - once again, you\'re asking a question no one can answer here. Since you\'re so interested in safe and cost-effective alternatives like me, why don\'t you try to do some research? Put a bit of effort in it. This is advice not only to you, but to everyone else. I am doing it in my very limited free time, why is not everyone else doing it? You speak Spanish as a native. Why don\'t you email or even pick up the phone and speak to that Mexican doctor that I found who says he has a lot of experience with Ellanse in the penis? I think you\'ll be able to find out a lot if you ask the right questions and in the right way.

Also, pick up the phone or email doctors in Spain who inject macrolane in penis. Ask them what they think about injecting Ellanse and start collecting valuable information that you will share here. They will ALL have an opinion since Ellanse is used in Europe a lot in the face. Does it have a propensity to lump? How does it behave over time (tends to migrate or not)? Is it smooth and/or firm? What about the different varieties - do they differ in terms of firmness? Would equal distribution along the shaft be easy based on what they know about this filler in general? Does it come out smoothly? If you don\'t want to ask so many questions, start by asking one - Do you do it, and if not why not and would you recommend it? And they will let you know their opinion.

Pick up the phone or email the doctor that I found who injects PMMA in Spain. Ask him what he thinks of Ellanse as a safer alternative. Rest assured, he WILL have an opinion.

Share the information you find here - it will help not only us but also it may help Dr Oates who is pioneering alternative approaches to the expensive HA fillers in Australia. Then he can share his experience and ultimately we may find something cost effective and safe.

I don\'t mean to sound like a prick and tell you what to do, but that\'s the right perspective you should have on this board and in life in general. Do some work, share the results. Being in Spain you\'re in such a great position to do some great research. There is SO MUCH you can do - start by doing the three suggestions above.

This is not directed to you, but to everyone else.

Sorry, I am not that much interested in HA, sorry if you thought that. I asked about aesthetics because people seem they are talking a lot of HA, but where are the success histories here? Where are the photos and testimonials that can guarantee HA is by far the best option? And not because its reversible, but because aesthetics, touch, feel and duration of the product...?

Sorry, since I am not interested that much in HA nowadays, I am not going to spend my very limited free time (as you) in HA, but in PMMA, which is what I am going to take. So do not think I am lazy guy.

Also, for your information, that doctor in Spain, has no fucking experience with PMMA in penis.

In Spain, plastic surgeons are masters in boobs and facial procedures, maybe glutes and liposuction too.

The only one Dr. here who has a good record with PMMA is Nemeckova, who lives part of the year here, in Sevilla, Spain.

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292759822

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brock wrote:

Yesterday, 6/5/2016 I heard back from Wade- they have not done one with Ellanse yet. I was looking at this the same way you were. Its curious why no one has done it with that filler. I would angle for a \'first customer discount\' but damn.. being a Dick guinea pig is frightening.

From Wade -- We offer Ellanse, since it is made of 40 micron particles, the same as Radiesse and PMMA. We have not yet used Ellanse, but the three year product is available at our office. We do not know when they will approve the four year product in Mexico. Our Radiesse patients follow the same protocol as with PMMA, and the final results are the same. We expect the same to be true with Ellanse based on its particle size and nature

But what about the price and AESTHETICS?

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292757122

aleksk wrote: I assume she does Ellanse in face, most European plastic surgeons have it in their arsenal of fillers - I don\'t know about penis. I\'m waiting for her answer.

About your questions: let me have a look at my crystal ball and I\'ll let you know. Sorry, but if you actually read what I posted, you\'ll realize that we don\'t know anything in terms of gains, aesthetics, touch etc. For all I know this could be a very bad idea. But Wade mentioned it as an option to me, so I thought I\'d ask Nemeckova about it as well. We\'ll see what she says. Imagine having to go for a filler only two or three times every ten years and feeling safe in the meantime. In my mind, it\'s an option worth exploring. They say the results in the face are natural looking, even more so than HA. It looks like they inject it a lot in areas where you need to imitate bone (jaw angles, chin, cheekbones, even nose bridge). I don\'t know if this is a good signal, but I think it is because it would imply good firmness? But unless I hear about a good result from a real person (or a doctor that can be trusted), I\'m not taking the risk. Living with a deformed penis for something like two years or longer can seriously affect my mental health. With HA at least you get an injection to dissolve it and 48 hours later it\'s gone and you\'re back to normal life (poorer but at least healthy).

If any of you have a closer relationship with Wade, why don\'t you ask him what\'s their experience (if any) with Ellanse? Let\'s find out. If any of you can track down a positive experience which is trustworthy, I\'d take the risk and post about my result here. I just don\'t want to do it without any prior feedback in case it\'s totally unsuitable for PE.

It\'s a unique filler very different from the HA ones, Radiesse or Sculptra. It\'s a completely different thing. It could be the holy grail of PE (potentially, because of its reported firmness, longevity - 4 years - and safety) or a disaster in waiting for the first victim.

Yesterday, 6/5/2016 I heard back from Wade- they have not done one with Ellanse yet. I was looking at this the same way you were. Its curious why no one has done it with that filler. I would angle for a \'first customer discount\' but damn.. being a Dick guinea pig is frightening.

From Wade -- We offer Ellanse, since it is made of 40 micron particles, the same as Radiesse and PMMA. We have not yet used Ellanse, but the three year product is available at our office. We do not know when they will approve the four year product in Mexico. Our Radiesse patients follow the same protocol as with PMMA, and the final results are the same. We expect the same to be true with Ellanse based on its particle size and nature

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292746282

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mat744 wrote: 20 euros per cc would make sense for macrolane in the cheapest scenarios

I paid 10000 euros for 10 10 ml but I found a clinic in granada were it cost 250 for 10 ml and 390 for 20 .. so basically 20 '/ ml

If N is using macrolane it would be no point going to her

The thing is how HA looks in penis, is it firm or not... Etc.

I can go to Granada in a few hours (I am from Spain) and get 50ml for about 1.500'... It is a good deal, if aesthetics and the touch is like PMMA.

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292733221

20 euros per cc would make sense for macrolane in the cheapest scenarios

I paid 10000 euros for 10 10 ml but I found a clinic in granada were it cost 250 for 10 ml and 390 for 20 .. so basically 20 '/ ml

If N is using macrolane it would be no point going to her

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292732955

I don\'t get it. Why asking so much for 1cc? I\'ve heard about one doctor here in Czech Republic who injected 100cc of Macrolane to one patient and I honestly doubt that he would pay so much for it.

And actually, I\'m considering similar volume myself. I know it\'s a lot for most but I love rather \"extreme\" look. But I didn\'t think it would cost so much. A guy in Italy has about 80cc of Macrolane and said it had cost about 20 euros per cc. I\'m confused.

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292499909

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We can ask what is Dr.C opinion about this filler.

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292498226

Yeah, but why Ellanse is still doesn\'t offered by hundreds or even thousands plastic surgeons in all of the world? If it\'s almost 100% safety and natural looking, why Dr\'s prefer FFT or HA or PMMA? Any thoughts?

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292497275

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From what I am watching, Ellans' is quite diferent to HA. It \"builds\" collagen, giving a firmer and solid appearence without creating volume. It is being used for glutes and facial/neck and hands treatment.

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292496660

@PoyajierroGood questions. Also I would like to know 1. How much it will cost per 1cc? 2. How many cc\'s is needed to gain 1\" if Erect length is 7-7.5\"?

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292496496

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aleksk wrote: @22: I sent you a PM.

@ el espa'ol Yes, i\'m sure she is still in the PMMA Dick business. That doesn\'t mean she can\'t do a good job with other fillers. From what I hear from knowledgeable people here, it's essentially the same technique.

I sent her an email asking many follow up questions. Apart from HA fillers (and asking for clarification which ones she would use I also asked about Ellanse. Ellanse - the version that lasts 4 years appeals a lot to me as it could be an economically viable option.

Now, Ellanse is not HA. It can\'t be dissolved. I guess the key is to start with little and maybe with the medium lasting versions, and only then move to the long lasting one. I am playing with this idea more and more in my head and will see how much experience N has with it. Not necessarily in penis, but more generally speaking. I will also ask Dr C\'s office the same question. I wish it didn\'t take them so long to respond.

Why Ellanse? Apart from the fact that it lasts long (imagine having to go for a filler only twice in a decade and live with a well-augmented penis in the meantime knowing that you are SAFE), this filler (unlike PMMA) has been officially approved for use in more than 70 countries, more importantly everywhere in Europe, even in countries with strict approval processes. No one has ever spoken against it, unlike the hundreds of reports and warnings against PMMA, for example.

Unlike PMMA, there is a massive amount of research behind it (or so the manufacturers say) that shows it is 100% safe.

I wish there were some reports for this filler. As hoddle said in another thread, safe is one thing, a good result in the penis is another - fat is safe for example. Unlike fat, this thing wil eventually completley disappear. From that angle, it\'s an attractive proposition. Surely someone used it in penis given it\'s properties? This is how it works

Has anyone seen any report about this filler? Anything at all?

To be honest, the first time i've heard about it was from Wade from Dr C's office. He mentioned it in an email to me. I wonder how much experience they have with it and what results they are seeing. Given the number of people here who visited Dr C's office and the frequency, I am surprised no one has asked more about this filler. I can't believe people can't see further away from the PMMA tunnel vision. No disrespect meant, but I think we need to widen the discussion and learn more about things that are not PMMA, especially if this forum is becoming a subscription one.

I may be the first person to receive this filler and report here. I\'m playing more and more with this idea. Not the 4 year one though. Maybe the 2 year one? I have a lot of thinking to do.

Although my prevalent thinking at the moment is to go for an HA product, I may change my mind. I have always been a great risk taker in life, and in my mind trying something like Ellanse is still much safer than PMMA.

So she does Ellans'? What about the results in penis? In terms of gains and aesthetics, touch, etc...?

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292496032

Thanks this is interesting indeed.

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292490853

4000 czk is 148 euros albeit that is today\'s exchange rate and doesnt factor in transfer costs at the bank etc.

in london the cost per ml is almost 400 gbp which is i dunno 500 to 600 euro! that is with voluma though.

aleksk: how long did it take dr n to reply to your initial inquiry and did you inquire once and leave it at that or send a couple of emails before she replied?

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Nemeckova update 8 years 9 months ago #1292490811

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But she has experience with HA in penis? Can you translate the price in Euro?

Is she still into the PMMA Dick business?

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