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TOPIC: Urgent request - need your advice about my case

Urgent request - need your advice about my case 8 years 10 months ago #1292005447

Dear friends,
i am a 41 year old man and currently lives in the United States. i don\'t know how or where to even begin? when i was born, i was diagnosed with \'\'ambiguous genitalia\'\'. i had a severe case of Hypospadias. my parents would fly to Israel every year to find experienced Urologists who were willing and able to try and correct a few open fistulas, 1 located just below the shaft and the 2nd located just above where the testes & the bottom of the penis meet. The Urologists in Tel Aviv were unsuccessful in their sincere attempts to seal the open fistulas. The Urologists advised my parents to wait until i would reach the age of puberty.
at the ages from 11-14, i had already moved & living in the United States & went through countless, traumatic, uncomfortable Urological Dr. visits, & countless multiple failed Hypospadias reconstruction surgeries to no avail in California. i kept getting continued recurrent episodes of \'\'Epidimitis\'\' from the bacterial infections from all the post failed multiple Hypospadias reconstruction surgeries, only to learn in my thirties, that i may have become \'\'sterile\'\'. i have kept all my medical records.
To this very day, i have to urinate in a 16 oz. cup, because my urine does not flow normally in a \'\'straight stream\'\'. Rather it splashes like a yard hose. Every time i go to use the bathroom, i feel trauma, flashbacks, cursed & indignant day after day, & year after year. i have always been physically, mentally, & emotionally \'\'attracted to women\'\'. Yet i have always been tense, & embarrassed to be intimate naked with a woman. i don\'t want to tell you all the questions & insulting mockeries i have received from various women whom throughout my life, degraded the \'\'small size\'\' of my reproductive life giving organ! ouch! i find it difficult to properly penetrate, even with viagra,ete... ouch!
Is there any stand up reputable Urologists out there who would be so kind as to please help me find the proper modern day scientific advances, to please, please, naturally find a method like for example \'\'Alloderm, Dermal Matrix graft, fat injections,etc... or something \'\'other\'\' than an artificial foreign devices planted in me,etc...???
\'\'One can hire the best plumber to fix a broken sink or faucet, for example\'\'. However, that very plumber would require the \'\'proper size tools,etc... to be able to be able to properly find the latch that needs to be unscrewed to fix,etc... If a latch is way up high below the sink or faucet, then even the best plumbers in the world, could never settle for 2\'\' wrench, when the job requires a 9\'\' wrench, etc... (as an analogy)!
i have always wanted to get married, attempt to have children, etc... i kindly ask anyone out there to please find me a reputable Urologist to help make this happen. iyh.
Thank you.


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Urgent request - need your advice about my case 8 years 10 months ago #1292006128

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My favorite is Dr. Reed in Miami - he mostly does sex reassignment surgery now, but in this case that might be a strength as he really knows the anatomy. He still offers some type of graft procedure - I went to him 20 years ago and recently a little over a year ago. He is also very cautious and reasonable. He has been in practice for decades and is a Urologist as well. I would set up a consult with him. I think his website is or something very close. He is based in Bal Harbor FL (Miami). I hope he can be helpful.

There is also Alter in NYC but I do not think he offers anything for Girth. I am not sure I understand your dilemma 100% - as there seems to be multiple issues (if I read correctly) but both are excellent doctors.
Best D.

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Urgent request - need your advice about my case 8 years 10 months ago #1292015796

Thank you hunkydory & smalljay for your feedback & resources. i have a lot of research to do.

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